• ベストアンサー




すると 半分想像ですが 君の事は(自分なりに悩んで)すっと考えていたんだ。君のことを僕の友人に紹介しないという事なんだけど(僕自身は平気なんだけどね) とかでしょうか? 質問者様を ご友人に紹介出来なかった理由とかを語っているのでは?


  • 和訳をお願いします

    When at latest should I pay for this item? I have no problem to pay already but I would like to ask you to not ship the item yet. Why? - because I am thinking to purchase maybe more of your razors but have not decided yet. So my question is if you could postpone the shipment by couple of weeks?

  • Let alone be my friend

    ケンカをした相手から、謝りのメールが来ました。 I've been busy out here, but thinking of you. Wondering if you're even gonig to talk to me again, let alone be my friend. 最後のlet alone be my friend の意味がよく分かりません。 どなたか教えて下さい。

  • この英文を和訳するとどうなりますか?

    Can I take it That you don't need my help And I am finally absolved a value I can face it, but I don't need anyone else Nobody does it like you do And for all the others There'll be better days ahead And while I recover I'll be wishing I was dead I've lost myself along with everyone else And now the safest place is here in my head But I've been left on my own to survive But I'm wishing I was dead Well I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong I plan to stay back, but not for long The time has passed and other things has changed So I gotta grow wings or die I don't need another reason not to die in life Tell me if I'm doing it right this time But let me know, what did you change Do you feel the same? Did it ease your pain? I've lost myself along with everyone else And now the safest place is here in my head But I've been left on my own to survive But I'm wishing I was dead You say you hate it, but you can't really tell The future is smiling right at you I'm not gonna make it, so you should save yourselfs There's no time to tell you I miss you You lack for new a frontier But I decided to stay back here Inviting my time by waiting it out Looking up to the sky this fight These weakly wings that will never take flight I don't even have the lungs to shout But I need to know, what did you change Do you feel the same? Did it ease your pain? I've lost myself along with everyone else And now the safest place is here in my head But I've been left on my own to survive But I'm wishing I was dead

  • 和訳してください

    Nice babe, I am thinking about all the things were going to do when you get here. この文章をお願いします。

  • 和訳願います

    I’ve already asked for the picture GE AP03 to my colleagues (since it was a model not been sampled), and I give you a feedback within today. よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    Many years have passed. Although my Japanese is still far from perfect, I became a professional at domo-ing. I found it to be a very happy expression. Not long ago I was packing my bags to go back home for a vacation. Suddenly there was a knock at the door. My friend James was standing there. He had been in Japan for only one month and was planning to stay another two years. He was carrying a box with him. "Could you please give this little present to my girlfriend when you arrive?' He said 'little " but to me the box looked very big. I took a quick look at my bags. They were really full and very heavy. It was impassible to make anything else fit in. However, I felt kind of rude saying no. Without even thinking almost it, my face changed into an expression of worry. I said, "Sore wa doomo..." James looked at me very surprised and asked, "Why are you thanking me? This is not a present for you." I was too tired to explain anything, so I gave him a copy of this article.

  • 英語が得意な方!以下の文を和訳してくれませんか?

    歌詞の一部なのですが以下の部分がどうしても気になるので,どなたかよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m *-------------------------------------------------* When I was young I was invincible I found myself not thinking twice I never thought about no future It's just a roll of the dice But the day may come when you got something to lose And just when you think you're done paying dues You say to yourself "Dear, God What have I Done?" And hope its not too late cause tomorrow may never come *-------------------------------------------------* ※もし可能であれば全文訳してくださると助かります!! 歌詞です[> http://goo.gl/vijVW

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    ☆I don't know what to do even when you tell me about the way you feel about me What is the relationship between us? ★This is for me ? ☆yes ★So what do you want ? Marriage ☆no,I do not know each other to there ★I know you will not take our relationship seriously Eh

  • 和訳のアドバイスください!

    I've always been thinking I knew better than them as belonged to me, and that's a poor sort of life, when you can't look to them nearest to you to help with a bit better thought than what you've got inside you already. ちなみに私が訳したのは、「私は、私に属するそれらより、より知っている。そしてそれは人生の気の毒な一種である。あなたがあなたに一番近いそれらを見つけることが出来ないとき、あなたが既に内部にもっていることより、ほんの少しの良い考えであなたを助けることを私はいつも思っている。」  ですが、なんか今ひとつ意味がわからなく納得できません。nearest to you がthemにかかるのは分かります。 what以下は何らかのthoughtだと思うのですが、、、ヒントを下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 大至急!!訳してください!!

    YOUTUBEから、こんなメッセージが届きました!! どうしたらいいでしょうか・・・全く解読できません!! 何かやばいこと書いてありますか???? I've been using YouTube to share personal videos with my friends and family. I'm inviting you to become my friend on YouTube so I can easily share videos with you in the future. To accept my invitation, please follow this link and login. If you're not already a YouTube member, you can sign up first. Thanks, jamesterdude