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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:野球英語)



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1. LEYLAND監督の回答の2段目のNobody knew it would play out this wayのitはCoke投手を抑えで使ったことをさすのでしょうか。 play out は、下記のずっとした方の句動詞の1の意味でv、「終わる」と言う意味です。 http://www.thefreedictionary.com/play+out     it は、know という他動詞の機械的な目的語ですが「試合」という解釈も出来ます。     誰もこの試合がこんな風に終わるとは知らなかった(=思わなかった)。 2。訳     誰もこの試合がこんな風に終わるとは知らなかった。これから先どうなるかは僕も分からない。当然のことだが(チーム、シーズン、球団?)を Coke で(=Coke 選手の起用/雇用継続?)、救え、と言う人は多いだろう、ま、今のところは耳でやる(=成り行きを見る)ほかないだろうね。





  • このsは何ですか? 訳し方を教えてください。

    以下の文章の1行目 Turns out he didn't even go to Columbia と、 最後のほうの "Says something の部分がわかりません。 この二つの部分の訳を教えてください。 Turns と Saysのsは何のsなんでしょうか? よろしくお願いします! Turns out he didn't even go to Columbia—he was an NYU student who snuck onto campus. Another student ambushed Kelly with questions about the city's ludicrous number of arrests for drug crimes, and when it emerged he wasn't actually registered for the class, either, Kelly joked "Says something about the security of this school, doesn't it?" according to the Bwog. http://gawker.com/5863585/

  • 高校英語 受動態の書き換え

    ★次の文を2通りの受動態に書き換えよ (1)Nobody took any notice of the fact.  ・The fact wasn't taken notice of.  ・Any notice wasn't taken by anybody of the fact. Nobody took any notice of the fact.を 2個目のAny notice wasn't taken by anybody of the fact. 以外で書き換えることができますか? 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 関係詞の問題で困っています。

    関係詞の問題で困っています。だれかお願いします。 Q(  )に入る適当な語を記号で答えなさい。 1.(  ) surprised me most was a huge rock. (1)That (2)Who (3)Which (4)What 2.He is not (  ) he used to be. (1)which (2)who (3)that (4)what 3.This is the house (  ) Picasso lived as a child. (1)where (2)which (3)in where (4)when 4.This is the house (  ) John bought ten years ago. (1)where (2)which (3)in which (4)when 5.I went to Hong Kong,(  ) as warm as I had expected. (1)when wasn't (2)where it wasn't (3)where wasn't (4)which it wasn't 6.Tom said he was ill,(  ) was a lie. (1)who (2)which (3)that (4)when 7.The man (  ) I thought was a friend of mine turned out to be a stranger. (1)who (2)whose (3)whom (4)of which

  • 英語 side note

    Now, when I heard him speak, it was exciting for a number of reasons. First and foremost, I learned about this new method of change in the world that, for once, showed me, maybe, a way to interact with someone and to give, to share of a resource in a way that wasn’t weird and didn’t make me feel bad. That was exciting. But more importantly, he told stories about the poor that were different than any stories I had heard before. In fact, those individuals he talked about who were poor was sorts of a side note. 最後の一文のa side noteはどういった意味でしょうか?何かの例えですか?those individualsは貧困層でmictolendingを受けて事業を起こそうとする人々のことです。 よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の和訳

    1:Miki and her family must be out of town. I have called several times,but there is no answer. 2:This electric machine did not function properly when it was delivered to my house. It must have been brokenduring shipping. 3:He can't be watching TV. There are no programs today because of the strike. 4:I saw Mr. Yamada at Shinjuku Station this morning. You couldn't have. He's still on vacation in Hawaii. 5:Jim had a skiing accident,but he's all right. He's lucky,because he could have hurt himself badly. 6:This is a very important meeting. You ought not to miss it.

  • 英語の分からない問題を教えてください。

    次の1~5に続く英文はa~eのどれだと思いますか? 1.He is very lonely... 2.He neglected his heart... 3.He doesn't mix with others... 4.Even when he has some hope... 5.This lonely man... a)it naturally dies without encouragement. b)and continues to live a solitary life. c)because he didn't care about anyone. d)would like to control his life. e)so much that it died.

  • ( )に入る英単語を教えてください。

    [問題] a,bの文が同じ内容となるように、( )の中に適当な語を入れなさい。 1. a: This book is very hard to under stand. b: It ( ) very ( ) to ( ) this book. 2. a:The problem of AIDS is difficult to solve. b: It is ( ) ( ) ( ) the problem of AIDS. 3. a: It wasn't easy for me to remember her name. b: Her name wasn't ( ) for ( ) ( ) ( ). 英訳は出来たのですが、( )の中になにを入れたらいいのか分かりません。 教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • wasn't it の意味について

    わ~、本当に楽しかったですね~ Yeah, it was a lot of fun, wasn't it !? 日本語で話してるシーンでの字幕です。 「wasn't it」 違うっていう意味のようですが、 上記の日本語では、別の意味で使われていますか? おわかりになる方いらっしゃいましたら、 ご教示お願いします。

  • 次の文の英訳を教えてください。

    次の文の英訳を教えてください。 It wasn't for nothing that you tried to talk him into it, for he promised to reconsider it. 特に、It wasn't for nothing thatをどのように訳したら良いか分かりません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英語通じるでしょうか

    考えて考えて作った文章ですがとても自信がないので 添削願えないでしょうか。 すみませんが、宜しくお願いします。 I know **. I have junior high school student's younger brother. He is crazy about ** now. It is terrible to sing the song of **. It is wonderful. It wishes a lot of chances for the field of activity to expand fast and to be able to be gotten. I am assisting from Japan. It is really glad to like Japan. My photograph is a Cinderella castle of the night. It is Tokyo Disneyland. **知ってます 私の弟が中学生で、彼が**ハマッてます。 **の歌を歌っているなんてすごい!素晴らしいです!! どんどん活躍のフィールドが広げて 沢山のチャンスをゲット出来ることを願っています。 日本が気に入ってくれて本当に良かった。 私の写真は夜のシンデレラ城、東京ディズニーランドです。