• 締切済み



  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)



  • 日本語にして下さい

    I look at your picture and I cant stop thinking of you.  

  • 日本語にして下さい:)

    i was watching movie at it reminded me of you.

  • 日本語に訳してください(>_<)

    Fred thought he was a very clever man,and he was particularly proud of his skill in mathematics,but as often happens with people who have perhaps too high an opinion of themselves,he was impatient,and seldom listened to what others were saying. He was particularly bad at listening to his wife Helen,and she often complained bitterly about this. Then one day she had an idea. When he came home from work,she said,"Fred,I've got an amusing puzzle for ynu." "OH,yes,"he answered. "But I suppose you won't listen to what I'm saying,"Helen said,turning away and beginning to prepare dinner. "Of course,I'll listen!"Fred answered angrily."I always listen to what you have to say." "All right,then,"Helen went on. "This is a mathematics puzzle." Fred smailed and said,"You can't find a mathematics puzzle that I can't solve." "Well,"Helen began,"imagine that you're the driver of a bus. There are 42 passengers in it,and at the first bus stop five get off,and eight get on. At the next bus stop nobody gets off,but three more get on. Now the question is 'What's the name of the bus driver?'" Up to this time Fred had been thinking the puzzle was too easy. But now he became angry. "How should I know what the driver's name war?" "There you are!"Helen answered. "You never lirten to what I say! I told you at the beginning of the puzzle the driver of the bus was you." particularly「特に」 bitterly「きつく」 turn away「背を向ける」 There you are!「ほらごらん!」 で訳してください!お願いします!

  • 日本訳に合わせて英文を作ったのですが、

    日本訳に合わせて英文を作ったのですが、 おかしいとこがあれば訂正をお願いします。 また、ならべてく自分が使った単語で修正してほしいです。 1.僕の努力が実を結ぶ bear fruit of my effort. 2.今日は、野球場に行きました。プレイ中、君のことを考えてたよ。 In today, i went to the studium at tokyo. when playing , i was thinking of you. 3.どうやったら君からメールをもらえるか How i receive your reply. 4.なぜ君は明るいな性格なのかを考えていた I was thinking why you are merry.

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    I went to the beach yesterday with some friends and I saw a lot of Japanese girls there. It made me think of you and how we met in Guam;-)

  • 日本語におねがいします。

    こんにちは。 翻訳機で変換してみましたが、いまいちしっくりこないので日本語にお願いします。 What do you think that (名前) would do if he knew that you contacted me? I'm just thinking that you live far away and don't want to be in contact with him anymore, so what could he do? It sounds like your relationship with him was a little more formal than mine, which was very casual. I was only in Istanbul for a total of about a week. What, if anything, did he tell you about what happened between us and why did he tell you? Just to make you upset? Do you think that he's trying to apologize when he calls you? Did you know that he has deleted his facebook profile? Do you know why? Sorry that I'm so full of questions, but I'm really curious. Any information that you can give me would be very appreciated.

  • 日本語訳して欲しいです。

    "He needs help. And from what I know about you, at one point of career that would've been enough." お願いしますm(__)m

  • 日本語にしてください。

    日本語にしてください。 よろしくお願いします。 In today's class, I learned everyone had his or her opinions. I thought each one was right and it was very important to exchange our own opinions through discussion. Different opinions helped me to find a new way of thinking.

  • この英文を日本語に訳して頂きたいです

    この英文を日本語に訳して頂きたいです I could understand and accept your down down down emotion. At the meantime, to be a good listener is reasonable as well, also encourage you, cheer you up. These are the things I can do from my side. However, the logic like " I'm down down down, I don't wanna do anything, I can hear nothing" is not an acceptable reason or excuse for me. It was not all your fault, I have also reflected on myself. The mistakes that I said yesterday, I don't know the other 20 years old young people's look like, what are they thinking and doing. But I was expected you could act as an adult. For now, it seems my expectations and requirements of you were too high, it is my fault. My apologies なんとなくはわかるのですが、意味を間違えたくないので教えて頂けたら幸いです

  • 英語から日本語へ

    the dream means that you care of me and you are thinking of me . and that means a lot for me .that is way it make me happy . メールの一部分なのですが、どう訳したら良いでしょうか? 得意な方よろしくお願いします。