• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

村田先生はコロンブスは1492年にアメリカに到達したと言った。 Mr.Murata said Columbus had reached America in 1492. その新しい小説を読み終えたら私に貸してくださいませんか。 Would you please lend me that new novel when you will finish it?


  • 解答お願いします

    村田先生はコロンブスは1492年にアメリカに到達したと言った。 Mr.Murata[America/had/reached/said/in/Columbus/1492].一語不要。

  • 時制についての質問です

    ある問題集からの質問です。 よろしくお願いします。 時制の問題で、 Will you lend me the novel when you ( ) ( )it? (その小説を読み終えたら私に貸してくれませんか) という設問があり、答えは have finished となっていて、これはこれで納得 したのですが、 finish reading では駄目なのでしょうか? 設問の訳が「読み終えたら」、となっているので、完了のニュアンスを出すため完了形を用いたのだろう、と思うのですが、finish~ingでもいいような気がするんです。 ご回答と解説をお願いします。

  • 時制(大過去)

    時制の問題でhadを用いた大過去に関してです。 When I woke up, I discovered that the river rose another foot during the night, making the crossing impossible. この文で間違っている箇所は、roseでhad risenにするでよいのでしょうか。 Mr. Tanaka, reading a novel on the sofa, was surprised at the scream from the next room and inquired what happened. この文では、happenedをhad happenedにするべきなのでしょうか。 ちょっと大過去の感覚がつかめなくて質問してみました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の並び替え&穴埋め問題です。

    穴埋め問題のほうは、訳も付けていただけると分かりやすくて助かります。 問題に、解答がついていないので、よろしくお願いします。 1 私たちが出かけるのとほぼ同時に、雨が降り始めた。   Hardly(had,left,when,it,we)began to rain. 2 第二次世界大戦まで、ジェット機は使用されなかった。   Not(into,untill,come,the jet plane,use,World War II,did). 3 彼らを結びつけたのは、写真への関心であった。   (in,their,photography,that,not,I,untill). 4 昨日になって初めてその事実を知った。   It was(yesterday,the fact,knew,that,not,I,untill). 5 彼は話しかけられない限り、決して自分からは口をきかない。   He(spoken,speaks,to,never,unless). 6 中国でパンダ狩りをする人は、つかまれば死刑になることもある。   Those who hunt pandas in China(the death penalty,caught,face,can,are,if). 1 She said to us,“Let´s take a ten-minute coffee break.”   She()()us that we()()a ten-minute coffee break. 2 She said to herself,“Shall I go by Shinkansen or by plane?”   She()if she()go by Shinkansen or by plane. 3 Yesterday he said to me,“Are you free tomorrow morning?”   Yesterday he asked me()I was free()(). 4 She said to me,“I have no money now.Please lend me some.”   She asked me to lend her()()because she had()then. 以上です。

  • 正誤問題

    文法上間違った箇所を訂正する問題です。お願いします。 1The weather forecast said it rains in the night. 2The girls lay on the grass by their eyes closed. 3I know the man that bycycle was stolen yesterday. 4If you could have a faver, you should not go out today. 5The suspect was seen entered the building at midnight. 6The handout was very well organized and easy to look. 7Hardly had he finished to eat when he felt hungry again. 8I will lend you the book when I shall have done with it. 9The sign reads, “Please let the elderly to sit in these seats.” 10I have lost my cellular phone. I think I must buy it today.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The basket project is organized by the government of Loreto,Peru's densely forested and least populous region.But the program is not without challengers.Ivan Vasquez,president of the Loreto region,said he had made some enemies by supporting conservation in a region where fishing and logging have been the primary sources of revenue for decades.He called himself "the Quixote of the Amazon." "I think we are part of nature.When we destroy nature,we destroy ourselves,"Mr.Vasquez said. logging;林業 Quixote;ドン・キホーテ

  • 英語のジョーク

    英語のジョークなんですが、下記のジョークの 笑いどころが分からないんです。 もし、お分かりになる方がいらっしゃいましたら、 教えてください。 お願いします。 ********************************* Since a blonde girl couldn’t stand any longer hearing dumb jokes about her hair colour, she coloured her hair black. The following weekend, she had a trip to the countryside where she met a shepherd and many nice sheeps as well, and she asked the shepherd: When I guess how many sheeps you have, will you give me a lamb? The shepherd said: “OK, go ahead”. The blonde girl looked around and said: “You have 238 sheeps.” “Exactly, you are right!” the shepherd exclaimed. She picked up an animal and was right about to go, when the shepherd run after her and said: “One moment, please, when I guess what’s your natural hair colour, will you give me back my dog?” ********************************

  • 話法を変えて書き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか

    話法を変えて書き換えるにはどうしたらいいですか 1 The man said to me ,"Would you show me your album?" 2 She asked her mother whether she might go on a picnic some of our friends if it was fine the next Saturday. 3 This morning my father told me that he was going fishing in the lake tomorrow and asked me if I would not go with him. 4 She said she hada seen her brother the previous week but that she had not seen him since. 5 She said he was giving a party that week but she was sorry not be invited to it. 6 I said to my mother ," I am thirsty . Please give me something to drink." 7 The child said ,"What a long nose this animal has!" 8 Tom asked Lucy what she thought of his plan. できたら和訳も教えてください。 よろしくお願いします

  • 英語 読解

    次の問題の答えが分からず困っています。 お手数おかけしますがよろしくお願いします。 To: Jasmine Wright Caller: Samuel Goldstein Message taken by: Piotr Stepanovich Time of Call: 11:30 AM Date: May 13 Message. samuel Goldstein said he would be busy with conferences with other suppliers on morning of May 15 and will not be free until 2: 00 PM. Therefore, he would like you to visit his office at that time instead of 1: 00 PM on that day. You can show him your plan to help his business at that time, He'd like you to respond by noon to confirm whether this is okay. He said you had his contact information. piotr 1. According to the message, why does Mr. Goldstein want a change? 2. When is the earliest Ms. Wright may visit Mr. Goldstein on May 15?

  • 英文の意味が分かりません…翻訳してください。

    it has only been 6 days since you paid me for this order below.....why so quick to freeze pay pal money for everything?? it takes time to finish all these dvds and when i get done you had put in new order for 2 more dvds, so i start on those as to mail all at once....then the weekend was here.....i have had very little time to make this last order..........i request you unfreeze the money for the order you have already received so i can mail you the remainder of this order...i will pay extra and use the EXPRESS so you get within 7 days.....but please be fair about this