• ベストアンサー


"()() have you () in this city?"[どれくらい住んでいますか] "For a full two years ()I got () college."[大学に入ってから] Yuriko started swimming at a local swimming theam ()().[10歳のときに] She did not () very () to get to the top of her team.[あまり時間がかからなかった]


  • ベストアンサー
  • Him-hymn
  • ベストアンサー率66% (3489/5257)

"( How )( long ) have you ( lived ) in this city?"[どれくらい住んでいますか] "For a full two years ( since )I got ( into ) college."[大学に入ってから] Yuriko started swimming at a local swimming theam ( at )( ten ).[10歳のときに] theam→team at ten = at the age of ten She did not ( take ) very ( long ) to get to the top of her team.[あまり時間がかからなかった] 以上で、いかがでしょうか?


その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

"(How)(long) have you (been) in this city?" [どれくらい住んでいますか] "For a full two years (since) I got (in) college." [大学に入ってから] Yuriko started swimming at a local swimming team (at)(ten). [10歳のときに] She did not (take) very (long) to get to the top of her team. [あまり時間がかからなかった]



  • 訳の質問です。8年ぶり。。。

    今週は数日休みを貰ったから、遠くに住んでいる昔の友達と会うんだ。8年ぶりに会うからとても楽しみだよ。 と英語で言いたいのですが、 訳を教えてください。 I get holiday, Im going to see my old friend lives in distant city. Im very ...... I see her in 8 years... 教えてください

  • よろしくお願いします

    Around two years ago, after I had broken up with my girlfriend, I started going by myself to a live music venue. I started running into a woman I used to know. (Years ago, I had been interested in her, but she had a boyfriend, and I dropped it.) I dropped it.とはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 直接話法と間接話法

    (1) A Japanese woman explaned: "In Japan, firms usually make women promise to leave thir jobs when they get married. Sometimes the firms demand this in writing." One day, two years ago, she said to her husband, "I am going out to work. I want to have a profession." This seemd to astound her husband. He said to her, " Are you going to turn into a man like me?" (2) A Japanese woman. She explained that in Japan, firms usually make women promise to leave their jobs when they got married. Sometimes the firms demand this in writing. One day, two years ago, she said to her husband about when she goes out to work. she wanted to have a profession. This seemed to astound her husband. He said to her that she want going to turn into a man like him or not. (1)の直接話法の文章を(2)のように間接話法に変えたのですが、ちゃんと間接話法になっているでしょうか?また、この文章の中の伝達動詞は何ですか。教えてくださいお願いします。

  • 文型です。

    各文はいずれもgetを用いている。文型を選べ。 1.She got angry with him. 2.He got his hands dirty. 3.I got your letter this morning. 4.She got home very late yesyerday. 5.I got her a pair of gloves. です。教えてください。お願いします。 S=Cが、第何文型で。。と考えていたら わからなくなりました。

  • Yes,Noは必ずつけなければならないの?

    お願いします! Did she get a new car? に対する応答は、 基本的にYes, she did.かNo, she didn't. ですが、 文頭のYes, / No, が無くてもよい つまり、She did. か She didn't. でよいというふうに覚えてしまったような気がします。 知人に聞くと、She got. / She didn't get.      とか、She got it. / She din't get it. なら、ありえるんじゃないかということでした。 このあたりのことをご教示願えればと思います。

  • よろしくお願いします

    My daughter is graduating from high school and will be starting college. It was always her plan to go to a school away from our small town, and I supported that decision. However, six months ago she started dating her first real boyfriend. His parents have offered to pay all expenses if the two of them live in an apartment and go to school at a college nearby. Financially, this would be very helpful for my daughter, but I'm worried that moving in with a boy at such a young age would be a mistake, and she wouldn't get the full college experience. Her boyfriend is wonderful, and she is very happy in the relationship. She has a scholarship for free room and board at a college three hours away. ここでのboardはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 彼女は誰に手を振っていたのだろう?という英作文

    「彼女は誰に手を振っていたのだろう?」 この英文を作る手順として 1:まず「彼女は彼に手を振った」という文章を作る She waved her hand to him. 2:1を疑問文に Did she wave her hand to him? 3:himの部分をwhoに変える Did she wave her hand to who? 4:whoを前に出す Who did she wave her hand to? 5:だろう?の部分を足す I wonder who did she wave her hand to? 答え: I wonder who did she wave her hand to? 答えはこれで合ってますか?

  • get to ~の反対は get not to~?

    I get to know him. 彼を知るようになる I get to hate it. 嫌いになる        など、get to ~(もしくはcome to ~)で 「~するようになる」という意味になると思いますが、「~しないようになる」はどのように言えばよいでしょうか?例えば、 I got to love her.   は「彼女を好きになっていった。」ですが、その反対の「彼女を嫌いになっていった。」は、  I got not to love her. I got not to like her.   ではおかしいですよね? どのように言えばよいのでしょうか?

  • S+V+名詞+形容詞で使役の意味を示せるのはmakeだけとの解説は正しいですか?

    書き換え問題で、He got very angy, for she refused his request. =Her ( ) of his request ( ) him very angry. テキストの解答は、refusal とmadeでした。解説では動詞のあとがhim angryという「代名詞+形容詞」がポイント。この語順をいかして「使役」の意味を示せるのはmakeしかないので答えがきまるとありました。 わたしは、Her refusal of his request got him very angry.でも、正解だと思いいますが、いかがでしょうか? get とmake でニュアンスは多少違うと思いますが、getもある状態にするということでget a person madなどという表現はよく使うと思います。使役という言葉の定義もいろいろとあると思いますが、この問題でgotは正解か不正解か、そして、(S+V+名詞+形容詞)で使役の意味を表せるのはmakeだけとの解説は正しいのかを教えてください。

  • 日本語訳してください

    この文章を日本語訳してください。おねがいします In the 1950s, she retired from movies, but become increasingly popular as a TV star. She remarried. She was still accused by many in China of having been a spy for the Japanese during World War2, so she did not visit China for more than two decades. She became host of her own show in 1969 and went on to report from Palestine and Vietnam, two very troubled areas of the world. In 1974, she was elected to the Japanese Diet, where she served for 18 years as Outaka Yoshiko. Yet another life was added to the many she had already had. Upon retiring from government service, she became a leader of the Woman’s Asian Fund. She has written a book about her life under these many names. At the age of 90, Outaka was still very active. Despite the many difficulties that she experienced in life and the many changes, she continued to re-work herself in each “new life.” In a world of growing uncertainty, she is a fine model for all of us of how to adapt to changing conditions. Growth and development are important, even as we get old.