Understanding Pension Benefits

  • Pension benefits are available for wage earners who meet certain criteria. The specific requirements for old-age and disability pensions may be confusing, especially when it comes to factors like weeks of work and coverage.
  • Old-age pension requires wage earners to be 65 years or older with a minimum of 1,040 weeks of work or 800 weeks of work with at least 50% of the weeks since coverage began. Women can qualify for old-age pension at age 60 with at least 520 weeks of work.
  • Disability insurance provides additional financial support to individuals who have insufficient savings in their pension accounts to fund a permanent disability pension. This is known as topping up the accumulated capital.
  • ベストアンサー


1)下記は老齢年金についてで特にweeksとcoverage が不明です。 Wage earners must be age 65 or older with at least 1,040 weeks of work or 800 weeks of work with at least 50% of the weeks since coverage began in covered employment (men), or age 60 or older with at least 520 weeks of work (women). 2)下記は障害年金についてで特にtops upとaccumulated capital が不明です。 Disability insurance tops up the accumulated capital in the individual account if the balance is less than the required minimum to finance the permanent disability pension. 以上よろしく

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

Wage earners must be age 65 or older 給与所得者は、65才以上で、 with at least 1,040 weeks of work 1040週以上の労働期間があるか、 or 800 weeks of work with at least 50% of the weeks since coverage began in covered employment (men), 800週以上の労働期間があり、そのうち50%以上が付保対象雇用における付保開始後のものでなければならない(男性の場合)。 (この部分は理解が難しいですが、「付保対象雇用でないために付保がされない労働」のような概念を想定すれば、一応の意味は通ります。例えば、自営業や家内労働の人は保険上の扱いが違うとか?…) or age 60 or older with at least 520 weeks of work (women). または、60才以上で、520週以上の労働期間がなければはならない(女性の場合)。 Disability insurance tops up the accumulated capital in the individual account 障害保険は、個人の口座に積立られた(年金)資産に上乗せを行う。 if the balance is less than the required minimum to finance the permanent disability pension. (当該年金資産の)残高が、後遺障害年金をまかなうための最低基準に満たない場合は

その他の回答 (2)

  • jjubilee
  • ベストアンサー率75% (367/485)

(2)の最後の訳を訂正いたします。 誤)障害年金は個人の口座の蓄積額を補填します。 ↓ 正)障害保険は個人の口座の蓄積額を補填します。

  • jjubilee
  • ベストアンサー率75% (367/485)

1)下記は老齢年金についてで特にweeksとcoverage が不明です。 訳:「賃金所得者は、以下の条件[(1)(2)(3)]のいずれかを満たす者でなければならない。」 Wage earners must be ~=「賃金所得者は~でなければならない。」 ↓ 男性は次の(1)と(2)、女性は(3)という構造になっています。 (1) age 65 or older with at least 1,040 weeks of work=「労働時間が少なくとも1,040週ある65才以上の年齢(の男性)」 or=または (2) (age 65 or older with at least) 800 weeks of work with at least 50% of the weeks since coverage began in covered employment (men),=「補償された雇用で補償が始まってから、労働時間が少なくとも半分経過している少なくとも800週の労働時間のある(65才以上の年齢の男性)」 ** "coverage"=保険をかけて保護すること、つまり補償 ** "cover"=保険をかけて保護する ** 次は参考 "mandatory minimum coverage"=強制的最低補償範囲 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=mandatory+coverage ** ここの構造は難しくなっています。"with"以下の基底にある考え方は It is at least 50% of the (work) weeks since coverage began in covered employment. 「保証期間が始まってから労働時間(週)が半分経過している。」 or =または (3) age 60 or older with at least 520 weeks of work (women).=「520週の労働時間のある60才以上の女性」 *********** 2)下記は障害年金についてで特にtops upとaccumulated capital が不明です。 Disability insurance tops up the accumulated capital in the individual account if the balance is less than the required minimum to finance the permanent disability pension. 訳:「もし(個人の口座などの)収支バランスが生涯障害年金をまかなうのに必要な最低額より少ない場合、障害年金は個人の口座の蓄積額を補填します。」 ** toss up=補給する、ここでは「補填する」でいいと思います。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=top+up ** "capital accumulation"が「資本蓄積」という意味です。ここでは「貯蓄額」と訳していいでしょう。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=capital+accumulation できればサイトを掲げられれば、回答する者にとって、もっと分かりやすいのではないかと思います。


  • 保険のお話

    保険について学校が出した条件について分からないところがあります。どういう意味なのでしょうか? *Provide at least $------- in lifetime aggregate coverage (no per incident maximum) no per incidentってどういうこと? *pay for at laest --% of covered expenses *have a deductible of $--- or less per policy year ($--- non net work) *cover the student for the entire coverage period よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳でなぜそうなるのかわからない点が・・・・

    和訳でなぜそうなるのかわからない点が・・・・ Older science musiems tend t be aimed at people with an existing,basic knoweldege of the subject, or at least the terminology at hand. 古い博物館はその分野の基礎知識を持つか、少なくとも専門用語を知っている人たちにターゲットを絞る傾向がある。 という訳だったんですが、以下の2点がどうしても理解できません。 (1)existing のあとに,があるのがなぜかわかりません。 [an existing basic knoweldege of the subject or at least the terminology at hand.] ではだめなんですか? (3)at handもどのように訳せばいいのかわからないです。辞書には「手元に、近い将来に」とありますが、訳にそういった言葉がないので。。。。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Retirement can be successful, however. In one study of automobile workers who retired early or at the usual age, satisfaction with retirement was greater when: (1) they had planned the retirement, (2) their health was good, (3) their standard of living was at least as good as before retirement, (4) their income was high, (5) they were well educated, and (6) the company had a preretirement program. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    The elders One widely accepted definition puts the beginning of old age at retirement at the age of 65 years. In the research literature, however, the group designated as “old” often ranges down to 60 or even 55 years of age. Furthermore, with the recent federal regulations against job discrimination based on age, retirement will occur at a wide range of ages averaging more than 65. Clearly, like most of the other periods of the life cycle, old age has an arbitrary point of onset. Nevertheless, society considers old age to be a distinct period, and has stereotyped beliefs about how persons behave in these periods. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    One stereotype is that of the elder statesman, the repository of tribal lore and accumulated wisdom at whose feet the young sit for counsel and instruction. Another stereotype has the elders enjoying the leisure made possible by a comfortable retirement pension, pursing long-postponed but loved avocations-reading great literature, or writing it, painting, building, gardening, traveling. A third stereotype refers to the serenity of old age; the elderly contemplate a life well spent and face the inevitability of their own death with equanimity. お願いします。

  • 英文の訳

    次の英文が訳せなくて困ってます!!お力をお貸しください! (1)Confuciannism introduced to Japan the idea of awarding social status not on the basis but of merit examination. (Confuciannism=儒教) (2)Although our apparently commonsense notions work well when dealing with things like apples, or planets that travel comparatively slowly, they don`t work at all for things moving at or near the speed of light (1)では儒教が導入したってなってしまうのはおかしいのではないかなと思いまして・・・・。 (2)は文の構造が全然わからないです・・。 訳せるかたがいたら助けてください!!

  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    Interestingly, studies based on the uranium series as well as other decay series put the age of the oldest rocks and, therefore, probably the age of Earth itself at A, or B years. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 英文解釈

    knowing how to give constructive criticism in a variety of ways depending on the person and situation and knowing how to take criticism with the proper attitude are essential parts of effective communication between people at home,at work or school,and in the community at large これの訳お願いします

  • わからない英文があります

    "I have sort of a fluctuating, wandering eye type of relationship with makeup – sometimes I become fixated on trying new products, and then I’ll go weeks at a time using the exact same five. And then there’s the massive stockpile underneath the sink I dive into now and then (last investigation turned up some Cargo bronzer I decided to re-love for a couple weeks)." -wandering eye type of relationship with makeup -I'll go weeks at a time using the exact same five -I dive into now and then -last investigation turned up some Cargo bronzer この4つの文の意味を教えてください。

  • 英文の邦訳をお願いします。

    Millions of people were already at work or getting there after dropping their children at school. 上記英文の邦訳をお願いします。原典は,次の通りです。Howard Kunreuther, Michael Useem (2018), Mastering Catastrophic Risk: How Companies Are Coping with Disruption, Oxford University Press.