• 締切済み



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1. Will this take very long? 「これは、時間がかかりますか?」 2. I have to go to the school this afternoon.「今日の午後は学校に行かなければなりません」 3. Well you have one very bad (spot) to start (,) have to take out.「非常に悪い(ところ)から始めて、取り除いて(ください) 4. You also need to have you deep cleaned. 深いクリーニングも必要です。     絨毯などのことなら、ただ掃除機を掛けるのでなく、「深い」、すなわち洗剤などを使った徹底的なクリーニングが必要だと言うことでしょう。もっとも目的語が本当に you なら、「あなたも深いクリーニングが必要です」と言う意味になります。     ま、これすべて想像ですから適当に、、、





  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    一般的な翻訳サイトで翻訳すると、いまいち意味がわからない訳になってしまい困っています。 和訳できる方、宜しくお願い致します。 well this guy, when you need help coming to you.

  • わからない英文が数個あります

    下記の会話文にある、 "we need to present a united front" "you got a great bed side manner" "semblence of a life" の意味を教えてください。 動画- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRm9Nsn-dwQ&feature=related 1分41秒から。 Jimmy: Strong sedative huh Julie: Yeah, she needs to sleep and we need to talk. Look um Jimmy, you and I we need to present a united front. It's hard enough this forcing us to be in the same room together. Jimmy: Thanks Jules, you got a great, great bed side manner Julie: Calling the Cohens this morning was completely inappropriate. You know I don't like that Brian Jimmy: Ryan Julie: I don't want him anywhere near Marissa Jimmy:Marissa said it was an accident, ok there's-there's no one to blame Julie: well that's a convenient position to take considering you're the one who let her go to Tijuana in the first place Jimmy: Oh, so uh now it's my fault? Julie: You're the one who destroyed this family Jimmy, you lied to us, you stole money from your clients and your friends. Why do you think she took all those pills? Jimmy:You cannot honestly believe that Julie: I left her in your care for one weekend and look what happened...which is why I'm asking the judge for sole custody Jimmy: Julie, come on, you can't Julie: Getting the girls away from you is my only chance to give them back some semblance of a life, and if you fight me on this I'll take you to court and you'll be lucky if you even get supervised visitation Jimmy: Yeah well you're gonna have to because.I am not giving up my kids Julie: You may not have a choice. I'm going back to check on Caitlyn and the sitter. You should get cleaned up, you're a wreck

  • こちらの英文を日本語に翻訳お願いします。

    Thank you for the greeting! Please email me your home address in English, I have prepared Christmas/New Year gifts for you and your husband, I will need to send them to you soon. We miss you very much and take care!

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで買い物をしました。いつも購入するお店なんですが凄くお世話になっているのでプレゼントを送りました。返事がきたんですがすみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Thank you very much, that is very sweet of you! Really you do not need to post anything, a few words like those that you have written are the best thank you! And thank you for your patience! Some things take more time than expected sometimes but I hope that it wasn't too bad ;) Looking forward to receiving your new order! I will email you later our new arrivals lists if you haven't already received them.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    イギリスのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。安い買い物なんですが送料が高くて困っています。その事を相手に相談していました。返事がきたんですがちょっと意味がわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 These prices are without duties and taxes which you will need to pay upon the arrival of your goods there. Also, these prices are approximate because 運送会社require the exact dimensions and the exact weights of each carton and I cannot give it to them now as like I told you we have boxes of different dimensions and also the weight will be different. So these prices will definitely change but I can only tell you the exact amount when your order is packed. The £545 is for sea freight, but you need to have a minimum of 10 cartons to be able to have it shipped by sea. This amount also excludes your taxes which you will have to pay there. I hope this is clearer, let me know please if you have any more questions.

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いできますか?

    彼からのメールのないようですが、英語力の乏しい私には意訳ができません。どなたか翻訳してもらえないでしょうか? I could not respond because of my job yoğunlğundan. At this time in my personal life and my business life, he decides to live in because of the stress I'm not sure. You get very impatient. I do not understand why. People to marry each other very well need to know. I married again to another without fully concluded'm not ready for marriage. Friendship and friendship and love in the coming time, as more development would be better for us. And together we will make better decisions about what to do. Why so quick to make a decision as I insist you do not understand. These are very serious issues. Decision can not be easy. More do not recognize each other full Incentives. And the Japanese society and Turkey have different traditions. In this regard you and me how we can comply with this tradition. I think people need to know each other a long time for marriage. We only We saw each other 2 days. I think this closeness, friendship and love each other without breaking continues in this way and get upset. Conclusions as a result of friendship beautiful. I very busy businessman, I can not take too much time for my private life. Please forgive me because I can not talk much with you.you get to me a very special person and I'm very happy to know you.I want to be with you always in the future. I like you very much.

  • 英文の意味を教えてください。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。送料の事でメールが来たんですがすみませんが意味を教えてください。お願いします。 This is what alma found out about shipping if you ship AAA with yamato. It take about minimum 4 day and you might have to pay more for transportation. If you have more question please feel free to ask us,

  • おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。

    おはようございます。恐れ入りますが、英文の和訳をお願いします。 How are you? Do you have anything special planned for the long weekend? Or do you have to work on the national holiday. On Monday you have・春分の日, right? From・Wikipedia:・This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day for the admiration of nature and the love of living things. Prior to 1948, the vernal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called・Shunki k・rei-sai・(春季皇霊祭?). Love of living things? Is this a kind of Japanese version of valentines day? I'm also sorry for my late reply :) No really I'm not trying to be funny, I'm really really busy. My project is going quite well, actually it is going so well that management decided to take some people from my team and let them help with another project ... I guess this is my punishment for doing so well :( In April I need to go to Singapore again and maybe we'll have a Korean customer. I have never been to Korea, I almost wanted to ask if you went to Korea already ... but then I remember that you have never left Japan. I think it makes to pure Japanese ... not spoiled by foreign things ... maybe except me :) Although Singapore is very nice, the food is really nice in Singapore, I would prefer to come to Japan ... I really look forward to have diner with you again. You are so cute ... and beautiful ... Oh on the return flight from Singapore to Brussel I got upgraded to business class again. So I had a very enjoyable return flight. I think I deserved it after all the trouble I had to get there ... haha It's a petty that your movie is not on the internet ... I'm sure you would be a hit on youtube:) ・Why are you embarrassed? You should be proud that you have been chosen to be in the commercial. I will never be chosen for a commercial ... It's getting late again ... I better go to home ... otherwise my Japanese colleagues still want to have a video conference ...・ Really wish I could see you soon,

  • ( )に入る単語は?

    A.『その国は国際基準に従うことを拒否した。』を意味します (1)The country refused to ( follow )( the ) international standards. (2)The country refused to ( comply )( with ) international standards. どちらが正しいですか? B.『郵便為替で支払うことも出来ます。』を意味します (1)You can also pay it by ( money )(  order ). (2)You can also pay it by ( postal )(  order ). どちらが正しいですか? C.『このシートに受取人のサインをもらって下さい。』を意味します (1)Please have the ( receiver's ) sign this sheet. (2)Please have the ( recipient's ) sign this sheet. どちらが正しいですか?

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします。 テーマ:Many medical students become frustrated that the basic memory skills that allowed them to pass the entrance exam have not prepare them for the increased pace of university study. Indeed, doctors need to be highly motivated, self-directed learners to keep up with the ever-increasing changes in medical knowledge. Describe how you could be a good medical student and what your priorities will be. Detail three of your good points and three bad points clearly. 条件:3パラグラフ構成以上、150字以上、序論・本論・結論が明確であること。   It is often said that many medical students become frustrated because they have to memorize various kinds of things about human body to keep up with university study. In case with me, one of my bad points is that when cannot understand the things, I am unable to go next step until I understand them. In addition to this bad point, I also think almost all things so deep. For example, I always worry about that whether my opinions or actions hurt my friends or not. Moreover, my third bad point is that I often care about people around me too much. My sister usually told me not to take care of her so often. However, I think these bad points are also my good points. When I cannot understand something, I ask my friends or teachers how to solve the problem. This action makes our relationships better. Next, my worrying about everything and tending to take care of people around me mean I have abilities to imagine other people’s feelings and to try to help people who are in trouble. This will motivate me to become a good doctor. Although I have bad points, everyone also has them. The important thing is not that you do not have bad points, but that you have the ability to change your bad points to good points. This is needed to become a good medical student.(238words) 自分の良い点悪い点について具体例を3つずつ、ということなのですが、 どういうふうに羅列したらよいか悩みました。 いい点と悪い点を一対一対応にして書くべきなのかとも考えましたが、 3つの悪い点→全部良い点へと変換しました。 先日期待と不安の添削をしていただいたときに不安→期待の方がよいというアドバイスを頂いたことを参考にしてみました。 序論も結論も弱い気がしますがボキャブラリーや結び付け方がへただなぁと・・・ 本番まであと1週間なのでかなり焦っています(´;ω;`) よろしくお願いします