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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の日本語訳を教えて下さい。)


  • 連邦取引委員会(FTC)は、衣類のラベルに記載する必要がある注意記号を変更しました。
  • 新しい注意記号は、連邦通信委員会(FCC)のテレビのレーティングコードと同様に、シンプルに設計されています。
  • 新しい注意記号は、次の数年間にわたって、無意味な混乱と心を痛める収縮を引き起こすでしょう。


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  • ベストアンサー率33% (117/351)




  • 英語の日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    次の英文を日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さい。 (1)To whom is this notice most likely addressed? (A)tailors and seamstresses (B)Anyone who washes clothes (C)Members of the FTC (D)Television viewers (2)What does the notice say is likely to occur? (A)It will take several years to create symbols. (B)The FTC will use the FCC symbols. (C)People will be delighted with the simple codes. (D)Garments will not be washed as they should. (3)What can be said about the new brochure? (A)It is expensive. (B)It is printed by the FCC. (C)It is flashy. (D)It will take several years to be printed. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    以下の英文を日本語に訳せる方、教えて下さい。 To avoid gambling with the longevity of precious garments,you can request the commission's jazzy new brochure:Closet Cues:Care Labels and your Clothes. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の邦訳

    The reduced attention to regulation and the conciliatory attitude that the agencies exhibited toward the companies they were designed to regulate occurred in virtually every major federal agency, including the Federal Trade Commission, the Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Consumer Product Safety Commission.この邦訳で, they were designed to regulateの位置付けが文法的に判然としません。お分かりになる方,御教示,宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳で困っています。

    以下の文章がものすごく難しくてどう訳せばいいかわかりません。 だれか教えてください。お願いします。 (1)When designing new buildings, architects need to think carefully about how to prepare for emergency situations that may occur in the building. (2)Because humans react like mice in emergency situations, one research group undertook an experiment to see how mice behave in an emergency. (3)When carrying out the experiments, the scientists tested out many different environments, as well as changing the number of mice involved. (4)Having a wider space for the mice to travel through in order to get to a dry area, created confusion and made it more difficult for the mice to escape. (5)Even though no humans were tested in this experiment, this kind of research could help scientists discover how humans react in a disaster. 文が複雑すぎてよくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    In wet conditions, bad light and the confusion of the assault elements of the 1st Royal Munster Fusiliers veered to the flank and, there confronted by the enemy, resolutely drove the Germans back; pressing on, 48th Brigade troops were through the village by 5.30 pm and gains consolidated. The attack was characterised by dash, turmoil and heavy casualties. During the evening the Germans made several attempts to re-enter the village and fighting continued as 1st Welsh Guards relieved the exhausted 48th Brigade later that night. The capture of Ginchy forced the remaining German defenders out from the eastern edge of Delville Wood, but the new British line formed a salient vulnerable to German counter-attacks.

  • 長文の訳お願いします

    In 2004 the French government decided to ban all obvious religious symbols from public school. As a result, Muslim girls could no longer wear the bijab, or the head scarf. Jews were not allowed to wear yarmulkes, or skullcaps. Even large Christian crosses were not permitted. A special commission researched the question and made the recommendation to ban the religious clothing. Former government minister Bernard Stasi headed the group. He said that the members of the group consulted many different people-including teachers, religious leaders, sociologists, and politicians- before they made their decision The commission felt that conspicuous religious symbols set people apart and stop them from feeling truly French. By instituting this ban, the commission hopes that immigrants will become a more integral part of French society if they do not wear such clothing. Traditionally, newcomers from Africa and the Middle East have often been poorly integrated into French society. However, this decision has upset other ethnic groups. For example,there are about 5,000 Sikhs in France. Being mostly lower middle class and thus having little access to mainstream French media, they did not know about the government commission. The commission was not aware of their concerns either. As a result, Sikhs never had the opportunity to testify in the hearings Several thousand Sikhs held a rally in Paris last week. They wanted to know if they have to take off their turbans. Or should they, as Luc Ferry, the education minister said, wear "see-through turbans." Sikh spokesmen argue that the turban is not a symbol of their religion. They wear turbans to cover their hair, which they never cut. Therefore, if they cannot wear turbans, their hair, which is the real symbol, will be uncovered. "We feel undressed if we don't wear out turbans," said Simranjit Singh, a Sikh member of the Indian parliament who came to France-along with hundreds of people from all over Europe and America-for Saturday's rally. "It is humiliating to the core if we are made to take off our turbans." The government has not yet made a decision on the legality of the turban.

  • 日本語訳を!!c6-1

    お願いします!! What do you think is the world's most important invention? The wheel? The light bulb? If you asked most historians,they wouldn't hesitate:reading and writing,all the way.Just as pottery allowed ancient people to store food and goods in a place safe from water or insects,writing let people store knowledge.For the first time,the things people knew could be kept safe for their children,and not lost through their poor memories,sicknesses,or deaths.What's more,writing meant people could pass on information to others in different places or times.As long as people can read,they can know.The ability to read and write was-and is-power. Like a child who draws pictures before he or she writes words,ancient people first used symbols instead of letters.The first evidence for writing comes from pottery shards.Many ancient pots have marks on them that potters probably made before the clay was baked hard.That way each potter could tell which pots were hers,even when she shared a kiln with her neighbors.That's probably the first kind of writing you learned,too-your name,so you could mark every paper and drawing you made as yours.People started using these simple markings as early as 4500 BCE in the Indus Valley and continued using them long after the invention of writing. Potter's marks are scratched into the clay before firing,but many finished pieces of pottery have symbols that were scratched into them after they were fired,probably by their new owners.No one knows for sure what these symbols stand for.Archaeologists think that they might have been labdls that identified the contents of the pot,the name of the owner,or perhaps the name of tne person to whom it was being sent. If,for example,a wealthy man sent a pot of honey to a temple as an offering,he might have wanted to identify either himself or the temple where he was sending the gift.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    By early 1915 a new threat began to materialise: submarines. At first they were used by the Germans only to attack naval vessels, something they achieved only occasionally but sometimes with spectacular success. Then the U-boats began to attack merchant vessels at times, although almost always in accordance with the old Cruiser Rules. Desperate to gain an advantage on the Atlantic, the German government decided to step up their submarine campaign, as a result of the British declaring the North Sea a war zone in November 1914. On 4 February 1915, Germany declared the seas around the British Isles a war zone: from 18 February Allied ships in the area would be sunk without warning. This was not wholly unrestricted submarine warfare as efforts would be taken to avoid sinking neutral ships. Lusitania was scheduled to arrive in Liverpool on 6 March 1915. The Admiralty issued her specific instructions on how to avoid submarines. Admiral Henry Oliver ordered HMS Louis and HMS Laverock to escort Lusitania, and took the further precaution of sending the Q-ship HMS Lyons to patrol Liverpool Bay. The destroyer commander attempted to discover the whereabouts of Lusitania by telephoning Cunard, who refused to give out any information and referred him to the Admiralty. At sea, the ships contacted Lusitania by radio but did not have the codes used to communicate with merchant ships. Captain Dow of Lusitania refused to give his own position except in code, and since he was, in any case, some distance from the positions they gave, continued to Liverpool unescorted. In response to this new submarine threat, some alterations were made to the ship's protocols. In contravention to the Cruiser Rules she was ordered not to fly any flags in the war zone. Some messages were sent to the ship's commander to help him decide how to best protect his ship against the new threat, and it also seems that her funnels were most likely painted dark grey to help make her less visible to enemy submarines. Clearly, there was no hope of disguising her identity, as her profile was so well known, and no attempt was made to paint out the ship's name at the bow. Captain Dow, apparently suffering from stress from operating his ship in the war zone, and after a significant "false flag" controversy, left the ship; Cunard later explained that he was "tired and really ill". He was replaced by Captain William Thomas Turner, who had previously commanded Lusitania, Mauretania, and Aquitania in the years before the war.

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The previous election had been held in 1911 and was won by Borden's Conservatives. Under the law, Canada should have had an election in 1916. However, citing the emergency of the First World War, the government postponed the election largely in hope that a coalition government could be formed, as existed in Britain. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, head of the Liberal Party of Canada, refused to join the coalition over the issue of conscription, which was strongly opposed in the Liberal heartland of Quebec. Laurier worried that agreeing to Borden's coalition offer would cause that province to abandon the Liberals and perhaps even Canada. Borden proceeded to form a "Unionist" government, and the Liberal Party split over the issue. Many English Canadian Liberal MPs and provincial Liberal parties in English Canada supported the new Unionist government. To ensure victory for conscription, Borden introduced two laws to skew the voting towards the government. The first, the Wartime Elections Act, disenfranchised conscientious objectors and Canadian citizens if they were born in enemy countries and had arrived after 1902. The law also gave female relatives of servicemen the vote. Thus, the 1917 election was the first federal election in which some women were allowed to vote. The other new law was the Military Voters Act, which allowed soldiers serving abroad to choose which riding their vote would be counted in or to allow the party for which they voted to select the riding in which the vote would be counted. That allowed government officials to guide the strongly pro-conscription soldiers into voting in those ridings where they would be more useful. Servicemen were given a ballot with the simple choice of "Government" or "Opposition". Soon after these measures were passed, Borden convinced a faction of Liberals (using the name Liberal-Unionists) along with Gideon Decker Robertson, who was described as a "Labour" Senator (but was unaffiliated with any Labour Party) to join with them, forming the Unionist government in October 1917. He then dissolved parliament to seek a mandate in the election, which pitted "Government" candidates, running as the Unionist Party, against the anti-conscription faction of the Liberal Party, which ran under the name Laurier Liberals.

  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    Voice of America Special English programの最近の記事でNancy Pelosi に関するものですが、その中で「The sixty-six-year-old speaker quickly set to work on the legislative goals of House Democrats for the first one hundred hours of the new Congress. The issues were as different as increasing the federal minimum wage and reducing interest rates on student loans.」とありますが、as different as がうまく訳せません。differentを異なるという意味だけにに固執してはだめなのでしょうか?。あつかましいとは思いますが、できれば全訳もお願いします。

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