Why It's Important for Young People to Learn Cooking Skills

  • Learn why it is important for young people, irrespective of gender, to develop cooking skills and be able to cook well by themselves. It not only enhances their imagination and dexterity but also promotes their overall physical and mental well-being. Being conscious of the ingredients used in cooking also increases their interest in nature. Additionally, the ability to cook for friends or cook together with others strengthens bonds and relationships.
  • Discover the significance of young people, regardless of gender, acquiring cooking skills. Cooking requires creativity and manual dexterity, contributing to a healthier mind and body. By cultivating mindfulness about the ingredients they use, individuals become more connected to nature. Furthermore, cooking for friends or collaboratively preparing meals fosters stronger connections and deeper relationships.
  • Explore the importance of young people, regardless of gender, acquiring cooking skills. Cooking enhances one's imagination and dexterity, promoting overall well-being. By developing a conscious awareness of ingredients, individuals also cultivate a deeper appreciation for the natural world. Furthermore, cooking for others or engaging in cooperative cooking activities strengthens interpersonal bonds and fosters closer relationships.
  • ベストアンサー


私の意見では、現在の若者は性別を問わず自分で調理できることが大切である。料理を おいしく仕上げるためには豊かな想像力や手先の器用さが要求されるので、心身の健康 にとてもよい。食材に意識的になれば自然への関心も高まる。さらに、料理で友人を もてなすことができると、あるいは人と共同して料理ができると、絆が深まることは間違いない。 In my opinion, in spite of gender, it is important for young people nowadays to be able to cook well by themselves. It is good for both your mind and body because it needs good imagination or skills with your hand. If you are glad to know ingredients of your food, you will be more interested in nature. Moreover, if you are able to make friends enjoy with your dishes or to cook with some people, you must be more familiar with each other. enjoy with your dishes のwith はby にかえても問題ないでしょうか 他にも間違いはあるかもしれませんが、回答よろしくおねがいします


  • ベストアンサー
  • aaoott
  • ベストアンサー率25% (3/12)

In my opinion, it is necessary for young people to cook by themselves regardless of the gender. Because good imagination and dexterity (skills with fingers) are required to make your dish delicious, cooking is good for both physical and mental health. If you are aware of ingredients, you will be increasingly interested in the nature. Also, if you treat your friends with your dishes or cook together with your friends, the relationship between you and your friend will be closer than before. 日本語が悪いときは、意味を補ったり、文章を修正してから訳す必要があります。



回答ありがとうございます。 まずは日本語をわかりやすい日本語に直すことの練習をしたいと思います。


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    入試の予想問題です。語彙がないので簡単なフレーズで書きたいと思っています。不自然なところがあれば訂正お願いします。 質問 もしあなたが通うことになった大学が、生涯学習を奨励しているために同級生に高齢者が多いとしたらあなたはそういう学習環境を望ましいと思いますか?理由をあげ60~70語の英語で答えなさい。  I think it is undesirable to study with old people. If there are many old people in my college,I will feel unpleased. One reason is that I will not be able to talk with them friendly. I want to make friends with same age people and enjoy to talk. Second reason is that teachers will not be able to give lectures that suit for the student`s levels. (69words)

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします…

    主に文と文の論理的なつながりや文法ミスを指摘していただきたいです。 TOPIC:JAPAN SHOULD ADOPT ENGLISH AS ITS SECOND OFFICIAL LANGUAGE. I disagree with this statement. Certainly,English language is a most powerful communication tool,and is important today.However,as we know, the vast majority of Japanese have little to do with English.At least we dont necessarily meet foreign people flequently. To be sure,we cannot neglect English.You may get mail orders written in English,and may communicate with clients abroad,but it doesnt mean you'd better be able to speak English.Instead of trying to learn to speak English,it is more helpful for you to learn to read and write Chinese,Spanish,or Russian. On this point of view,adopting English as its second official language is not good idea.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    冗談を言う人間は低俗な奴と顰蹙を買うことがある。しかし、人間関係における一種の潤滑油としてのユーモアの効用については、もっと認識されて良いのではないだろうか。ユーモアのわかる人間となるためには、幅広い知識と柔軟な思考法、それに豊かな感受性が必要だ。ユーモアのセンスがあると思われることは、最高の褒ほめ言葉である。 Sometimes people who make jokes are regarded as not sophisticated. However it should be more recognized that humors could keep people in good relationship. To become a person who is familiar with humor, wide variety of knowledge, flexible way of thinking and affluent sensitiveness are needed. It is the supreme compliment to be recognized as such a person. よろしくお願いします。  

  • 自由英作文の添削をお願いします。

    問題文: 次のような想定で手紙の一部を書け。 「あなたが中学生のときから文通を続けてきたJamesが初めて日本を訪れることになった。滞在期間は1月から2月までではどうかと言ってきた。それに対して、(1)来日の時期は3月末からの1ヶ月間にした方がよいとすすめ、(2)なぜその方がよいかを具体的に説明し、返事を出す事にした。 印刷してある書き出しの部分に続けて、上記の(1)と(2)の内容を入れて、40語程度で書け。」 Dear James, I was delighted to get your letter and learn that you will be able to visit Japan in the near future. I am looking forward to meeting you. I will be happy to show you some of the famous places in Japan. You said in your letter that you would like to come for one month from January to February._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Please let me know if that would be all right with you. I'll be looking forward to hearing from you. My regards to your parents. Sincerely, yours, 自分の解答: I recommend that, however, you come for one month from in the end of March. That is why it will be still cold for getting around, and in spring, you can see a lot of beautiful Sakura which is popular for visitors in Japan. (44words)

  • 英作文添削お願いします

    (1)何事も鉄は熱いうちに打たなくてはならない。 (2)たとえば、人の話をじっと聞く訓練は大きくなってからでは手遅れ。 (3)どうしても幼児期にしておく必要がある。 (4)「さあ、今お母さんが何と言ったか言ってごらんなさい。」大事な話の時はこう言うようにしていれば、 (5)いい加減な聞き方をしなくなる。 (1)You must deal with whatever you do before it is too late. (2)For example, it is too late to try to form the habit of listening to others quietly after you come of age. (3)You absolutely need to do it in your infancy. (4)When you talk with your child about a important matter, you should say, "Repeat what I said now." (5)Then your child will learn to listen carefully. ・鉄は熱いうちに打て、ですが咄嗟に出た表現です。 目的語にwhatever you do って大丈夫ですか? ・(4)(5)の連結(?)というか、自分なりに2文に区切ってみたのですがどうでしょうか。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします。

    週末のキャンプを楽しむ人が増えてきました。確かに、都会生活でたまった疲れを 癒すには、自然の中でのんびりするのが一番でしょう。ただ残念なのは、木々の枝を 折ったり、ゴミをそのままにして帰ったりする人がいることです。これでは、自分の疲れは とれても、自然のほうはいい迷惑だと思います。 The number of people who enjoy camping on weekends has been increasing. I think that to relax in the nature is the best way to make people healthy again who has been exhausted by the life in the city. However, I regret that some people break the branches of woods or leave their garbage. I think it is bad for the nature even if you were able to relax. 後半に顕著にあらわれるのですが、全体的にうまくいきませんでした。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文を作ったので添削おねがいします

    お礼は必ずします。 よろしくお願いします Recruitment of friend!(British or  American) Nice to meet you. My name is A I am a 35-year-old Japanese man and I live in Osaka. I am 172 cm tall and I weigh 65 kg. My blood type is A. I am a chemist at a chemists,selling medicines. I like playing football and walking my dog. I love Britain and American. I would like to be your friend. Could you correspond with me if you don't mind? If you correspond with me, I would provide you with something you can obtain only in Japan. Through corresponding with you, I would be able to improve my English and increase my knowledge about Britain and USA. Please become my friend by all means. My e-mail address is shown below. I am looking forward to your favorable reply. I would like to see you in near days. see you

  • 英作文の添削出来る方お願いします。

     全国で街歩きがブームだ。文化の回帰現象と言っていい。国内外の街並みや人々の暮らしぶりをありのまま紹介する旅番組も受けている。 These days, more and more people take a walk in rural city. This can be said a phenomenon which Japanese culture go back to what it used to be. And among people, it become popular that the TV programs which introduce how people live or what the city is really like in Japan or foreign countries. お願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をおねがいします

    英作文の添削をお願いします。 テーマ:食の安全について(自分の食生活とみんなが健康的で安全なものを食べるために社会はどうしたらよいか) 錠けン:150字以上 3パラグラフ構成以上 序論・本論・結論が明確であること      Today, the problems of food quality and safety have been in the news more than before. As you know, eating is one of the most important habits in daily life, so I care about what I eat every day. Because I live with my family, my mother or I can cook by her or myself. Thus, I can eat healthy food such as flesh vegetables, fruits, meat and fish. However, if I have to live alone, I should sometimes buy the meal at the convenience store when I am busy and unable to cook. In addition, this is the problem for people who live alone. Although a lot of convenience store stand everywhere in the city, most of meals they sell are not healthy, like high-calorie, salty, or including high levels of chemicals. Eating these foods usually harm their health. I suggest that society should make the convenience stores sell more healthy food if they make sure that we all eat good and healthy food. When they so, even people who live themselves will be able to eat safety and be more healthy.(183words) 本論の展開(自分の食生活から社会全体に結び付ける展開)が思い浮かばず、 無理やり結論にもっていった感じがいなめません。。。 英作文を書くときに軽く構成は書き出すものの、何度も消して書いてを繰り返してしまうのですが、 これをあまりしなくて済むコツなどあれば教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削お願いします。

    はじめてアメリカへ行く人が、はたして自分の英語で分かってもらえるかと不安になるのは当然のことだ。 (1)It is natural to worry whether people in the U.S would understand your English or not when you visit there for the first time. (2)It's natural for peopke who visit America for the first time that they worry if their English would be enough to make understand.