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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:日本語訳をお願いします。)

Wi-Fi Allianceが仕様書を販売


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

下記を参照いたしました。外部リンクを引用なさる時はその引用元もあわせて表示なさることをお勧めします。 https://www.wi-fi.org/knowledge-center/published-specifications ワイファイ・アライアンスは、メンバーでなくとも購入後ダウンロード可能なさまざまな仕様をご用意しています。メンバーは{specification}のリンク先から、この仕様を無料でダウンロードできます。これらの文書に含まれる内容についてご質問がある場合は、お知らせください。 貴方のプライバシーは弊社にとって大事です。利用規約およびプライバシーポリシーをご参照ください。 仕様のすべてのご購入はこれが最後です。払い戻しはありません。もしダウンロードに不具合がある場合は、お知らせください。 明記されていない限り、すべての項目にご記入ください。



> 下記を参照いたしました。外部リンクを引用なさる時はその引用元もあわせて表示なさることをお勧めします。 > 助言ありがとうございます。 次回からはそのようにします。 また、お答え頂き誠にありがとうございました。


  • 助けてください 日本語訳でお願いします

    More and more these days we are interacting socially through indirect contact using new technologies like email and instant messaging, or texting. Many psychologists, linguists, and sociologists have lined up to condemn this new kind of communication, primarily because, as the American philosopher and linguist Jerrold Katz once articulated it. “To type is not to be human, to be in cyberspace is not to be real; all is pretense and alienation, a poor substitute for the real thing." You can't get more emphatic than that! Skeptics of the new technologies also argue that they encourage isolation, making it difficult for us to form genuine friendships. As Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) psychologist Sherry Turkle wrote recently, “The little devices most of us carry around are so powerful that they change not only what we do, but also who we are We've become accustomed to a new way of ‘being alone together.

  • 日本語訳お願いできませんか?

    少し長いですが訳していただけないでしょうか?なかなか訳せません… Is music no more than auditory cheesecake, as Pinker would have us believe? Is it simply an evolutionary spin-off from language--a lucky break for humankind, providing song and dance as a relief from the tedium of survival and reproduction? Or is this view itself simply a knee-jerk reaction to contrary claims that music is adaptive and as deeply rooted in our biology as language? Can either of these views be justified? How and why, if at all, are language and music related? 

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    As seen by members of other nations, this emphasis on questioning and searching is bad for young people's "manners." Foreigners often feel a great lack of respect in our youth. It is true that many do become rude. Foreign visitors are often startled and frequently annoyed to find junior staff members daring to challenge older executives or argue points with them; they do not always like it when these young men or women make detailed but often revolutionary suggestions. One's own blueprints, reports, or analyses may be scrutinized in detail perhaps even challenged by a young person. This is not to be considered an insult or loss of face; nor is it an indication of "no confidence." Our whole approach to research is different. We try not to emphasize the personal. Your ideas are being looked at, not you yourself. To us the two are quite separate. This is the way our minds work. We are seeking facts; we are not challenging you as a person.

  • 日本語訳がまったくわかりません。。。

    あるチケットをWLII CALLで買ったのですが、以下の意味が難しくてわかりません。 ネットで翻訳してもますます分からなくなりました。 どなたか意味のわかる方教えて頂けないでしょうか? ↓   ↓ This ticket is a revocable license. Any violation of law while attending this event may result in holder being removed from the premises without refund of any portion of the ticket price or charges. The holder of this ticket voluntarily assumes all risks of property loss and personal injury arising during its use whether prior to, during, or after the event and agrees that etix.com, the venue, its management and affiliates of the event are not liable under any theory whatsoever. This ticket is non-transferable. Any transfer, attempted transfer, resale, counterfeit, or unauthorized copy is grounds for seizure from and/or cancellation without refund. Tickets obtained from an unauthorized source may be stolen, copied illegally, counterfeit or lost and if so, may be seized and cancelled without compensation. There are no refunds or exchanges. Event dates, times and locations are subject to change. etix.com reserves the right to change this information without notification.!

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    You will want some explanation of why the six behaviors mentioned above reflect these constructs. Brazil and India are collectivist countriés, though in different degrees. France, the United States, and Germany are individualistic countries, also in different degrees. Nevertheless, one can find both collectivist and individualistic elements in all these countries, in di fferent combinations. In (c), the waiter infers that each person has personal preferences that must be respected, whereas in (d) , the waiter assumes that the senior member of the group will decide what to eat and that ultimately consuming the same food will intensify bonds among the members of the group. (c).(d)に当てはまる国名を答えてほしいです。

  • 日本語訳と英訳をお願いします。

    http://oshiete1.goo.ne.jp/qa3628627.html ここで著作権について聞いたら、 許可をとる必要があるとの回答をいただいたので、 管理者の方に許可をとろうと思うのですが、 英語ができないので、下の文章を英訳をお願いします。 ※翻訳ソフト以外でお願いします。 ----------------------------- はじめまして、 たくさんのフォントをダウンロードさせていただきました。 ありがとうございました。 このフォントを加工して、素材として自分のホームページで配布しようと考えているのですが、大丈夫でしょうか? ----------------------------- また、 http://betterfonts.com/privacy.htmlか、 「The fonts presented on this website are their authors' property, and are, to the best of our knowledge, either freeware, shareware or demo versions. If anyone knows otherwise please notify us. All fonts have been collected from around the web, and are maintained with all files intact. 」 の文章に、配布に関することが書いてあったら 大体の意味でいいので、日本語訳をお願いします。 色々質問が多いですが、どちらかでも結構ですのでお願いします!

  • 海外レストランからのメール(日本語訳お願いします)

    いつもお世話になっております。 以前に、海外レストランへの予約メールについて、質問させていただき、皆様のおかげで、予約を無事にすることができました。 今回の質問なのですが、 英語が苦手ですので、レストランに行く前に、 前もってメニューを見れたらと思い、メールでメニューを添付してもらいました。 以下が、メニューと一緒に送られてきた文章です。 Further to your email, please find attached the restaurant information sheet (subject to changes without prior notice) for all the restaurants for your perusal. The venues, cuisines, operating hours and the approximate prices are indicated there-in. Currently we are not holding any reservations for you; please advise us your preference and the following details to enable us to do the necessary arrangements. Booking Name Venue Number of Persons Exact date & Time Contact number Please be advised that all restaurants and bars are completely Non Smoking. Credit card details to guarantee the reservation (credit card number and expiry date) Kindly note that for 6 persons and above, we send you a booking guarantee form for you to fill out and send it back to us with photocopies of your credit card (front and back side). Please note that the solicitation of credit card details is only for the purpose of holding the reservation. Guests may settle everything directly in the restaurant upon consumption on the same day either via cash or credit card. Due to the very high demand of the restaurants and the bar, advance reservations are highly recommended and tables are subject to availability. We are looking forward to welcoming you and your guests to restaurants and should you have any queries or require further information or assistance please do not hesitate to contact us immediately. 上のような内容なのですが、クレジットカードのことなどが書かれているのはわかるのですが、予約が通っていないように感じます。 (予約完了したメールは、何通もやり取りし、長々としていましたので、レストランからの1通目の返信で仮予約としてきたメールに、今回返信してメニュー添付のお願いをしました。) これに対しての返信ですが、お礼の言葉だけでも大丈夫でしょうか? 度々の質問、失礼致します。 どうぞ、よろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。選択肢もお願いします。

    空欄のA.B.C.Dは下の選択肢から選んでください。 Is there nothing that interests us all? Is there nothing that (A) everyone- no matter who they are or where they live in the world? Yes, there are questions that certainly should interests everyone. They are precisely the questions this course is about. What is the most important thing in life? If we ask someone living on the edge of starvation, the answer (B) . If we ask someone dying of cold, the answer is warmth. If we put the same question to someone who feels (C) and isolated, the answer will probably be the company of other people. But when these basic needs have been satisfied- will there still be something that everybody needs? Philosophers think so. They believe that man cannot live by (D) alone. Of course everyone needs food. And everyone needs love and care. But there is something else- apart from that- which everyone needs, and that is to figure out who we are and why we are here. (A) ( surprises, concerns, pleases , changes) (B) ( life, dream, food, house) (C) ( lonely, happy, sick, angry) (D).( meat,milk, rice, bread)

  • 日本語訳にしてほしいです。

    They have also theorized about the causes and consequences of people's behaving in individualistic and collectivist ways and discovered that people are typically both individualists and collectivists. The best states of individual and societal health are linked to the balance between these tendencies. Many problems of modernity can be linked to too much individualism, whereas a lack of human rights can be attributed to too much collectivism. Collectivism may be initially defined as a social pattern consisting of (a ) linked individuals who see themselves as parts of one or more collectives (family, co-workers, tribe, nation); are primarily motivated by the standards of, and duties imposed by, those collectives; are willing to give priority to the goals of these collectives over their own personal goals; and emphasize their connectedness to members of these collectives. One definition (b ) linked individuals of individualism is a social pattern that consists of who view themselves as independent of collectives; are primarily motivated by their own preferences, needs, rights, and the contracts they have established with others; give priority to their personal goals over the goals of others; and emphasize rational analyses of the advantages and disadvantages of associating with others. (a) と(b)に入る単語も教えてほしいです。ア~コまで当てはまるものを選んで下さい。 ア. loosely イ. distantly ウ. slowly エ.nearly オ. openly カ. friendly キ.enthusiastically ク.closely ケ.mostly コ.quickly

  • 至急お願いします。英作文を日本語訳にお願いします。

    US growth in the first half of 2011 is on track to be around 2% however,talk of a double dip is premature. Other than the headwinds and downside risks mentioned above, the United States is also seeing no revival yet of its moribund housing market. This should come as no surprise,as the post-financial-crisis healing/de-leveraging process can take many years and often results in a protracted period of subdued growth. That said,there are additional tailwinds and upside risks to US growth. These include stronger export growth and a pent-up demand for housing from young adults living with parents and families doubling up. Houses are the most affordable they have benn in over four decades. Consequently,HIS Global lnsight expects growth to rebound to about 3.5% in the second half of 2011 and average around 3.0% over the next four years.