• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:文法 書き換え)



  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

【1】(  )内の動詞を不定詞か動名詞に変えて、正しい文にしなさい。  (1)Bobby seems to have forgotten (visiting) this place last year. ボビーは、昨年この場所を訪れたことを忘れてしまったようです。  (2)The students stopped (talking) when the teacher entered the classroom. 先生が教室に入って来た時、生徒たちは、話すのをやめました。  (3)She had decided (to stay) in Hokkaido during the summer vacation.  彼女は、夏休みの間北海道に滞在する決心をしていました。  (4)Remember (to turn) off the light when you leave the room. 部屋を出る時は、忘れずに明かりを消して下さい。 <参考> http://eigogakusyu-web.com/grammar/046/


  • whenについて

    We stopped talking when our teacher came into the classroom. この文のwhenは関係副詞だと思うのですが、先行詞はなにを取っているのでしょうか? 教えて下さい

  • 英訳添削お願いします。

    「私の担任は、いつ家庭訪問をしに来るのかを私達生徒には教えてくれなかった」 My class teacher never told we students when he comes to do a home visit. これでいいでしょうか? アポなし家庭訪問の担任でした(汗)

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    英作文の添削・アドバイスをお願いします。 教育とは何かと考えるときに,私が決まって思い出すのが小学校の恩師の顔である。先生は,私たち生徒に,物事に真剣に取り組むことを教えてくださった。その教えは,これまでの私の人生の指針となっている。今から考えると,先生の教えが私の心に響いたのは,先生の尊敬できる誠実な人柄によるところが大きかったように思う。教育において考慮すべきことは,教える内容だけではなく,教える側の人間性でもあるのだ。 When thinking what education is, I always remember the face of a teacher I owe a lot when I am in an elementary school. The teacher told us students the importance of approaching things seriously. It has ever been telling me how to manage my life. Now I think that it was mostly because the teacher was respectable and of integrity why the teacher's words moved me. The things we should consider in education are not only what teachers teach but also teachers' humanity. よろしくおねがいします。  

  • 翻訳お願いします

    1.Would you say it again sloely so that I can write it down? 2.She is not married , as far as I know. 3.A:Would you mind turning on the light? B:Certainly not. 4.She is smart as well as beautiful. 5.By the time I got there , all my friends had gone home. 6.She was kind enough to be liked by everyone. 7.You will have another chance even if you fail this time. 8.As long as I am here , you will be safe. 9.When the teacher entered the room , the students stopped talking at once. 10.Noriko couldn't go shopping because of the heavy rain.

  • 最近英語を独学し始めたのですが回答がなく困ってますどうか手伝ってくださ

    最近英語を独学し始めたのですが回答がなく困ってますどうか手伝ってください 回答お願いします 1)They found that it was a pretty goof idea They found ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 5 words で 2) His fans were sad when the racer died The racer's death ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4words で 3) The leaves have turned red because of the cold weather The cold weather has ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 4 words で 4) He was in the habit of sitting up late at night. He ( ) often sit up late at night 1 word で 5) He was careless to leave the bag in the train It was careless ( ) ( ) to leave the bag in the train 2wordで 6) It seems she was happy. She seems ( ) ( ) ( ) happy. 3wordで 7) When she entered the room, she found him sleeping. ( ) the room, she found him sleeping. 1word で 8) We can't tell why he has done such a thing There is ( ) ( ) why he has done such a thing 2words で どうか手助けしてください お願いしますm(_ _ )m

  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    The american students, on the other hand, are just the opposite.They come to the cafeteria onlyto eat.They don't stay and talk for very long.Of course, they have pleasure chats here and there,but it appears to me that they keep the chat time to a minimum as if to say that longer talk was a waste of time. When they have something else to do, they leave,even when their friends are still at the table.When they get up from the table to leave, it seems they always look at their watches first.They often say something such as 'Whoa,look at the time!I have to go.'Then they run off.They would rather obey their watches than stay with their friends.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    「Play something」(?)Totto-chan would say, and the little band, which usually passed the school quietly, would put on a rousing performance for the pupils with their clarinet, gongs, drums, and samisen, while the poor teacher could do little but wait patiently for the din to stop(「」トットちゃんは言う。いつもは静かな学校だが生徒達に盛大な演奏をしてみせてくれるらしい。先生はうるさい音に対して辛抱強く待つ以外にすることがなかった。).Finally, when the music finished, the musicians would leave and the students would go back to their seats(最後に、音楽が終わったとき、ミュージシャンは離れて、生徒たちは席に戻った。).All except Totto-chan(トットちゃんを除いて。).When the teacher asked, 「Why are you still at the window?」(先生は尋ねた。「なぜ窓に留まってるの?)Totto-chan replied, quite seriously, 「Another band might come by(トットちゃんは答えた。静かに真剣に「他のバンドがくるかもしれないから」).And, anaway, it would be such a shame if the others came back and we missed them.」(と言っても他のバンドが来なかったら困るじゃない。)できれば文法的解釈の説明もお願いします。

  • 作文

    英語の授業で、自分の大学や授業の様子を書き、レポートにまとめる、という課題が出されました。 15個の質問に答えて、それを整理して文章にします。 (以下、質問の答え) 1.My college is located in the suburbs. 2.My college is very old. 3.My college is small. 4.There are two schools in my college. 5.There are five departments in my school. 6.There are more than 50 students in my class. 7.There are more than half female students in my class. 8.I come to college six days a week. 9.I have more than 20 classes a week. 10.I have no class with foreign teacher. 11.I never eat breakfast before coming to college. 12.I sometimes late for my first class in the morning. 13.I eat lunch in a classroom. 14.I usually leave the collge around 5 o'clock. 15.I usually go straight home after school. これらをどのように整理して、文章にすればいいのか、よくわかりません。 文章にしようとしても、"My college is..."とか、"I..."といった文が並ぶだけの、ぎこちない文章しかできません。 こういった文章をどのようにまとめればいいのか、教えていただけないでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • ☆★京大英作文添削お願いします★☆(1)

    H19年前期の英作文の問題の添削をお願いします。 問題  教育とは何かと考えるときに、私が決まって思い出すのが小学校の恩師の顔である。先生は、私たち生徒に、物事に真剣に取り組むことを教えてくださった。その教えは、これまでの私の人生の指針となっている。今から考えると、先生の教えが私の心に響いたのは、先生の尊敬できる誠実な人柄によるところが大きかったように思う。教育において考慮すべきことは、教える内容だけではなく、教える側の人間性でもあるのだ。 [辞書不使用] When I think about what education is, I always think of my primary school teacher. She taught us the importance of doing a thing seriously. Her lesson has been a basic concept in my life. Now I think that it is probably because of her honest personality to respect that I still remember it. As to education, we should take into consideration the teachers' personalities as well as the taught contents. [辞書使用] *[ ]で括った表現が辞書を使った箇所です。 *括っていないところで表現が上と異なる場合は、辞書は使っていません。 Every time I think about what education is, I remember my teacher at primary school. He taught his students including me gave the lesson of [addressing a challenge in earnest]. The lesson has been the [concept guiding my life]. [Looking back], his lesson has got my heart mainly because he was so as [sincere] to respect. What we consider in education is not only teachings but also the teacher's personality. 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳していただけませんか?

    下の文を和訳していただけませんか? However, he was inspired by Goethe’s example to interest himself in science. When he entered the University of Vienna in 1873, he decided to take a medical degree before embarking upon scientific research. Belonging, as he said of himself, to the class of sedentary humans “who can be found for the largest part of the day between two pieces of furniture, one formed vertically, the chair, and one extending horizontally, the table”, Freud took eight, instead of the usual five, years to graduate. This was not through laziness, but because he dabbled in so many subjects, making him eventually into one of Europe’s most cultivated men. For example, although it was not required of medical students, he elected to study with the German philosopher Franz Brentano (1838-1917), whose book Psychology from the Empirical Standpoint (1874) introduced Freud to the idea of “the unconscious”. (This idea, which Brentano actually dismissed, had been invoked by generations of earlier philosophers to explain how ideas and forgotten memories could sometimes rise to the surface as if floating up from a hidden reservoir.)