• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:自分で訳すとしっくりきません;)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

Maybe 【its their ‘WILLPOWER.’⇒ it's their "WILLPOWER"?】 that is not strong enough and easily get influenced by others! 恐らく、十分強くなくて、容易に他人の影響を受けるのは、彼らの「意思力」だろう。 Sorry for all the smokers out there but I got to say this, "I always find someone really ‘COOL’ when they can control bad temptations but if you can’t, you are somehow a ‘LOSER’ :-) 世の中の愛煙家の皆さんを気の毒に思うが、次のことは言わなくてはいけないね、「悪い誘惑をコントロールできるときは、私は、いつもその人を本当に『クール』だと思うんだ、でも、出来ない場合は、どちらかと言うと『負け犬』かな :-) So, get 【you ⇒ your?】 GUTS out and Just QUIT this slow suicide habit ! だから、「腹」をくくって、とにかく、このゆっくりとした自殺行為の習慣を「断ち切る」ことだね!



なるほど!! somehow をとちらかと言うと、と訳すのですね!勉強になりますっ! always find someoneの訳し方もとても勉強になりました! また、自分だとネイティブの方の略語にまったく気付けないので助かりました! ご協力ありがとう御座いました^^


  • この signs の訳はどう訳すべきでしょうか?

    【質問】 以下の文章直下から、 In fact, there are other signs too… We got to Be Sensitive!!! と続くのですがこの signs は「兆候」と訳するべきしょうか? 自分だと「実際には他の兆候もあるだろうけど...僕たちはもっと感度を磨かなきゃ!」と訳したのですが何か違う気がします・・・ なお、以下の文章は繋がりを分かりやすくするために以前、こちらで添削して答えて下さった方の和訳と自分で和訳した文とを載せております。 少々長いのですがよければお知恵をお貸し下さいm(uu)m 【問題の文章】 Obviously, most of these people knew they were going to die and I could see that from some of them , their dark lungs were due to heavy smoking which led to lung cancer! (タバコで黒くなった本物の人体標本を見ての、)間違いなく彼らのほとんどが自分たちがゆくゆくは死んでしまうことは分かっていただろう。そしてその中の何人かの肺が大量の喫煙が原因で黒くなっているのを見る事が出来た。過度の喫煙は肺ガンをもたらすんだ! Honestly, I really don’t understand why people smoke and why some of them just can’t QUIT SMOKING… 正直言って、僕はなぜ人々が煙草を吸い、その内の幾人かは喫煙を辞められないのか本当に分からないんだ... Maybe its their ‘WILLPOWER.’ that is not strong enough and easily get influenced by others! 恐らく、十分強くなくて、容易に他人の影響を受けるのは、彼らの「意思力」だろう。 Sorry for all the smokers out there but I got to say this, "I always find someone really ‘COOL’ when they can control bad temptations but if you can’t, you are somehow a ‘LOSER’ :-) 世の中の愛煙家の皆さんを気の毒に思うが、次のことは言わなくてはいけないね、「悪い誘惑をコントロールできるときは、私は、いつもその人を本当に『クール』だと思うんだ、でも、出来ない場合は、どちらかと言うと『敗者』かな :-) So, get you GUTS out and Just QUIT this slow suicide habit!" だから、「腹」をくくって、とにかく、このゆっくりとした自殺行為の習慣を「断ち切る」ことだね! In fact, there are other signs too… We got to Be Sensitive!!! ←(この一文が上手く訳せません;)

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    You might be cool. But you're not Frank Sinatra stepping out of a helicopter cool. Sorry

  • 洋楽の歌詞、和訳頼みます・

    Lordiってバンドの曲なんですが、 カラオケで意味も分からずに歌っているのがなんか恥ずかしいので、せっかくなら訳を知りたいと思っての質問です。 曲名は Devil is a loser です。 曲名は、「悪魔は敗北者」って意味ですよね? 以下歌詞です。 You wanted power and you begged for fame You wanted everything the easy way You wanted gain without pain Now your bill is in the mail You got stronger but your mind got weak You made a promise that you couldn't keep You had it all - You lost more It's all there in the fee Via hell incorporated (regeneration) 1st you love it then you hate it (you're such a saint) And now you're never gonna make it (bad situation) Get on get on down there's hell to pay Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch For better or for worse and you don't care which Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch Runnin' into trouble you skitch He's my bitch You wanted riches and a license to kill You got poverty, then you got ill You got poor and you lost your will All your dreams unfulfilled I get my kicks when you blow your fuse No-one got killed but that's no excuse Hands up, I let you know when it's done I've got the only gun Via hell incorporated (regeneration) 1st you love it then you hate it (you're such a saint) And now you're never gonna make it (bad situation) Get on get on down there's hell to pay Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch For better or for worse and you don't care which Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch Runnin' into trouble you skitch And there were no refunds (devil is a loser) Just failing guarantees (devil is a loser) "Confess your sins, son" (devil is a loser) Said the preacher on TV (devil is a loser) You got yourself some greasepaint Set of white and black All you got was laughter and Gene Simmons on your back Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch For better or for worse and you don't care which Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch Runnin' into trouble you skitch He's my bitch (the devil is a loser and he's my bitch] For better or for worse and you don't care which Cause the devil is a loser and he's my bitch Runnin' into trouble you skitch Yeah Runnin' into trouble you skitch Whooow Runnin' into trouble you skitch ... 長いですが・・ すべて訳してくれると本当にありがたいですが、 どういった曲なのかって言う雰囲気だけでも知りたいです。。 よかったらお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    Yes amazing!!! I will post this week and tag you and then send you the link so you can check it out!! Any other drawings you think might work like this? Thank you, Tomomi! ~Emily

  • 仮定法would have to

    仮定法would have to についてです 以下はeminemというラッパーのbeautifulという曲の歌詞なのですが、最後の文でYou'd have toとなっていますがなぜでしょうか。普通にhave toではないのでしょうか? 仮定的な要素がないように感じられたので質問しました。 Lately I’ve Been Hard To Reach I’ve Been Too Long On My Own Everybody Has A Private World Where They Can Be Alone Are You Calling Me? Are You Trying To Get Through? Are You Reaching Out For Me? Like I’m Reaching Out For You. (Verse 1) I’m Just So ******* Depressed I Just Can’t Seem To Get Out Of This Slump If I Could Just Get Over This Hump But I Need Something To Pull Me Out This Dump I Took My Bruises, Took My Lumps Fell Down And I Got Right Back Up But I Need That Spark To Get Psyched Back Up In Order For Me To Pick The Mic Back Up I Don’t Know How Or Why Or When I Ended Up Being In The Position I’m In I’m Starting To Feel Distant Again So I Decided Just To Pick This Pen Up And Try To Make An Attempt To Vent But I Just Can’t Admit Or Come To Grips With The Fact That I May Be Done With Rap, I Need A New Outlet And I Know Some **** So Hard To Swallow But I Just Can’t Sit Back And Wallow In My Own Sorrow, But I Know One Fact I’ll Be One Tough Act To Follow One Tough Act To Follow I’ll Be One Tough Act To Follow Here Today, Gone Tomorrow But You’d Have To Walk A Miles

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    For example, you can tell them to shut off after you leave the house for work, and then spring back into action in just enough time to make the house nice and toasty (or cool and comfortable, depending on the season) by the time you to get home. 度々すいません。 この文のspring back into actionって意味はなんですか? それと、time you to...って間違っていませんか? time for you to get home なら分かるのですが・・・

  • work me up

    "Maybe you can work me up an appeal and get me out of prison." この文で使われているwork me upの意味を教えてください!

  • 某海外通販で買い物しましたが、到着が遅いためメールで確認したところ返事

    某海外通販で買い物しましたが、到着が遅いためメールで確認したところ返事が来ましたがイマイチ内容が分かりません。 どなたが、翻訳できる方お願いします。 Hello We will call royal mail / dhl today - and if no joy we will send you another order out as soon as possible. I can assure you we will get this item to you very soon. sorry for this unexpected delay or due to the delays would you prefer us refund you in full today. Thank You

  • 日本語に訳してください

    下記を日本語に訳してください。お願いします。何かの名言かなんかだったと思うのですが、 悪いこともおこるさ、位しかわからなくなってしまいました。 よろしくお願いします。お手数かけます。 ↓↓ Hold your head high, stick your chest out. You can make it. It gets dark sometimes, but morning comes. Keep hope alive. We can who thinks we can, and we can’t who thinks we can’t. This is an inexorable, indisputable law.

  • 英訳確認をお願いいます

    今、ニュースで話題の試験英訳ではありません(笑)。 「私のチームでは、自由に出入り(参加)することができます」 という文章を英訳したいのですが、以下考えてみましたが、あっているかわかりません。 1) Our team, you can go in and out freely. 2) Our team, you can join in and out freely. 3) Oue team, you can participate in and out freely. この文の目的は、サークル活動の勧誘で、「気がねなく自由に加入・脱退ができます」という内容が伝わることです。 ぜひ、正しい英訳をお知らせ頂けると、助かりますので、宜しくお願いします。