
  • 某海外通販で買い物しましたが、到着が遅いためメールで確認したところ返事が来ましたがイマイチ内容が分かりません。
  • 通販業者は今回の遅延について謝罪し、不具合が修正されるまでの間、新しい注文を手配することを約束しています。
  • もしくは、遅延の影響により商品を返金することも可能です。
  • ベストアンサー


某海外通販で買い物しましたが、到着が遅いためメールで確認したところ返事が来ましたがイマイチ内容が分かりません。 どなたが、翻訳できる方お願いします。 Hello We will call royal mail / dhl today - and if no joy we will send you another order out as soon as possible. I can assure you we will get this item to you very soon. sorry for this unexpected delay or due to the delays would you prefer us refund you in full today. Thank You


  • ベストアンサー
  • sunrisedr
  • ベストアンサー率52% (114/219)

本日Royal mail(英国の郵便局)/DHL(宅配便会社)に確認します。もし問題があれば、すぐに別の商品を発送します。すぐに商品をお届けすることをお約束します。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ございません。または、発送遅れのため返金をご希望ですか? ウェブの自動翻訳機にかけても、大体意味はわかるでしょう。





  • 海外通販でのメール 

    ↓のようなメールが届いたのですが、自動翻訳を使ってもいまいち意味が分かりません。翻訳できる方お願いしたいです。 We just received inventory and is in the process of shipping to you. However, we find the shipping cost to ship to you via UPS or DHL as your original choice was way too high for us to cover. Here is a list of choice to ship to you: USPS Priority Mail International $56.00 USD 6-10 business days USPS Priority Mail Express International $74.87 USD 3-5 business days UPS Worldwide Expedited® $82.76 USD 4-5 business days UPS Worldwide Saver® $84.79 USD 2-3 business days DHL Express Worldwide $85.52 USD 2-4 business days As you can see, Dhl and UPS are around 90$, we won't be able to cover the difference. We can use USPS priority to ship to you if that's ok with you, we will cover the extra charges. However I do need to let you know USPS is less reliable and a lot slower than UPS and DHL. It might take more than one month for your order to arrive after it's shipped. If you do not might the wait, we will ship it out via USPS priority for you. If you would like to use UPS or DHL, we will have to charge you the difference I'm so sorry about that. Or we can cancel your order for you if shipping is not ideal. Also, we need to inform you, you will be charged custom fees for importing U.S. goods into your country.Customs and import fees are separate from the shipping cost and are paid directly to your country's customs for importing USA goods - we have nothing to do with it nor have any control over these fees. You are responsible for any local customs, fees and duties on your order. You will either be contacted by your local delivery courier or UPS via phone and/or email. Failure to pay for import customs or refusal of the order will result in the items being shipped back to us. If the order is sent back to us, then you are responsible for the original shipping expenses, as well as any additional duties, fees, customs or taxes incurred in shipping the package back to us. We are very sorry in regards of the shipping situation. We wish we have more control over it and wish we are able to help more. Please let us know what works for you. Best, Chloe

  • 海外の買い物で

    海外の買い物でこういうメールが来ました。 どういう意味かわかりません。 Hi Kosuke, Were did you send it to ? Please let us know we will refund it to you. Best Regards. よろしくお願いします。

  • 海外のサイトで買い物をしました。

    日本になかったワンピースを買いたくて2着海外から取り寄せようと注文しました。 そのブランドのホームページから買おうと思ったら、日本には対応してないらしくInternational Checkoutというところ通して買うことになりました。 8月1日に注文した時は、 Your order status has changed to "UPDATE - We are waiting for your order to arrive at our facility so that we can ship it you. As soon as it arrives we will notify you right away!!". というメッセージが来ました。 その三日後に Your order status has changed to "UPDATE - We wanted to let you know that we expect your order to arrive at our warehouse any day now. As soon as we receive your shipment we will be in touch right away!\"." というメッセージが来て、から全然音沙汰なしでした。 そして一ヶ月後にこんなメッセージが入ってきました。 Your order status has changed to "One or more items in your order are delayed. We will notify you the moment your order arrives at our facility.". 英語が得意でないので翻訳サイトを使って意味を調べているのですが、結局商品はいつになったら届くのかも在庫があるのかわかりません;; 一カ月も待っていて夏が終わってしまうので今キャンセルも考えています。 カードで支払ったので決済は終わっています。 この場合キャンセルすることは可能なのでしょうか? 経験がある方や英語の得意なかたがいられましたらどうかアドバイスをお願いします<m(__)m>

  • 海外通販でトラブル、助けてください

    海外通販で初期不良品が届いてしまい、返品手続きを行っています。 相手側から返信が来ましたが1、2は何となくわかるのですが3について自動翻訳でうまく翻訳できずに困っています。 どなたか助けてください、お願いします。 After reviewing your case, please review our possible solutions: 1)Return the item back to us You can return the item back to us in China as per our terms and conditions indicated in the link above. Once we receive the item , we can exchange or offer a product refund( 200USD).As long as the item does not exceed the 45 day money back guarantee limit. 2)Keep the item and accept a partial refund 30USD on your payment account. 3)Resend a replacement (No return) We can resend you a replacement but we kindly ask you cover partial cost of item and the shipping fee which is 140USD. We will then arrange a shipment and send you an invoice if you choose this option.

  • 海外通販の翻訳をお願いします

    英語は苦手なのですが、海外通販をしました。 イギリスの化粧品のショップでネイル用品アイシャドウなどを購入したのですが 注文し、発送の連絡後の約2週間後に下記のメールが届きました。 ネイルポリッシュが原因でロイヤルメールで送れないようなのです。 詳しい内容は英語力不足で理解できません。 下記のメールの翻訳をお願いします。 そして、注文してから日数もたっているし、ネイルポリッシュが一番欲しかったものなので 他の商品もすべてキャンセルし、払い戻しをしてほしいのですが可能でしょうか? 支払いはペイパルで済ませてます。 どうぞ、宜しくお願い致します。 Thank you for your recent order place on ○○○. As you are aware, the Royal Mail has recently place restrictions on hazardous packages (including nail polishes) shipping out of the UK. Having spent the last few days trying to get clarity on the whereabouts of your order, we can now confirm that the Royal Mail has returned your parcel to us. We apologise for the inconvenience this has cause you. Please be reassured we have been working hard to resolve the situation and we are pleased to announce that we have found a solution. We have found an alternative delivery provider for all ○○○ international deliveries who will deliver your order using your local postal service within your country. With this new solution ALL our overseas customers can order as much nail varnish as they like without concern and without us having to increase deliver charges. We would now like to know if you would like your order resent to you (at no further cost to yourself) or if you would prefer a refund for your order. Please let us know what the best option would be for you and we will organise this straight away. Once again please accept our sincerest apologies for the inconvenience this has caused you. Kind regards,

  • 海外通販で買い物しましたがメールの意味教えて下さい。

    海外通販で買い物しましたがメールの意味教えて下さい。 Following our recent email regarding your order we have not yet received a reply from you. Please provide us with the cardholder�s name and registered billing address for the card used to place the order. As soon as these details have been confirmed,

  • 海外通販で何かを連絡しなくてはならないのですが。

    初めて利用したサイトでこのようなメールが来て困っています。必要な情報は入力しており、何かを連絡しないといけないようなのですが・・・We have received your first order at xxxxx.com. To begin supplying you, as part of your first order we are obligated to ensure you are authorised to use the credit card submitted. We have a fast and simple process to make this possible. We will process a random amount against the card, once you are able to confirm the amount we have charged to the card, we are happy to process the order. The amount debited will be deducted from the value of your order. You should be able to see this amount charged to your card with-in 24 hours using internet banking, otherwise simply call your bank. Reply to this email with the amount we have charged to your card. We apologise for any inconvenience however this has been put in place to protect both our customers and our business from credit card fraud. You have 7 days to verify this amount before your order is cancelled. However, if you are having trouble finding the amount just email us and we will put a note on your order not to cancel. どなかか分かる方いらっしゃいませんか?宜しくお願いします。

  • 海外通販での英語の翻訳をお願いします

    先日、Aliexpressで注文したのですが、このようなメッセージが返ってきました。 Hi, (名前), we checked with DHL, your address post code (郵便番号) is remote area for DHL shipping, can we send your order via UPS? We can keep the same shipping cost for you. Look forward to hearing from you soon. So could you let us know what you would like to declare and how much to value on the shipping invoice to reduce your country customs tax for you? 意味がわからず、困っております。 こちらから何かしないといけないのでしょうか? 翻訳の程、宜しくお願いします。 また、できましたらどうすればよいのかも教えてください。

  • 海外通販で困っております

    海外通販をしています。 この様なメールが来ましたがよく分かりません。 どなたか英語が得意な方ご教授ください。 私は相手側にどの様な対応をすれば良いのでしょうか? Thank you for taking the time to contact us. We apologize for the delayed response. In regards to your inquiry we do need you to contact us to verify this order. We will need you to provide the billing and shipping information pertaining to this order along with the last four digits of the credit card used and the cardholder name. Also for this order to be approved we will need you to send in a copy of the credit card used with the last four digits and cardholder name visible. This can be faxed or emailed to us. Please be sure to include your order number.

  • これって怒ってますか?

    先方からこんなメールがきたのですが、 これって怒ってますか? We will response to you as soon as possible.