• ベストアンサー


日本語に訳して下さい。 友達からmailをもらったのですが、 意味がよくわからなくて… we'll chill out somewhere then continue back in the room!lol We will do so!(これは私が返信しました) cool. pls also ask your friend that girl with you in tokyo should be fun.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

chill out は、下記のように「ゆっくりする」「くつろぐ」と言う意味です。     http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=chill+out     では、どこか他のところで、ゆっくりしよう。じゃあ続けてその部屋にいなさい(笑)      そうする。      いい。それからお友達に      (ask が正しいと見た訳1)東京で一緒にいた女の子は面白いか聞いてみて      (should が正しいと見た訳2)東京で一緒にいた女の子は面白いはずと言って      急いで書いたのか終わりが少なくとも2様に取れますので、、、


その他の回答 (2)


参考にできる情報が少ないので間違っている可能性もありますが… we'll chill out somewhere then continue back in the room!lol ―どこかで遊ぼう~部屋に戻ってからもね!笑 We will do so! ―そうしよう! cool. pls also ask your friend that girl with you in tokyo ―いいね!東京であなたと一緒にいる(いた)女の子にも聞いてみて~ should be fun. ―絶対楽しいはず。 1文めが少し分かりにくいのですが、大体の意図はこんな感じかと思います。 Chill outには「友達とたむろする」という意味があります。 最後の cool. pls also ask your friend that girl with you in tokyo should be fun. ですが、 your friend=that girl なのではないかな、と思います。 それとshould be funは、Itが省略されているんだと思います。 お友達からもらったメールということなので、書き言葉ではなく話し言葉で書かれているのでしょう。 your friend=that girlも文面で見ると分かりにくいですが、話し言葉として想像してみると分かるかと思います。(your friend, that girlと一息入れて話していると想像してください) また、会話の中ではよく主語のItは省略されます。



ご回答、本当にありがとうございました!助かりました。 今までの経緯を考ると、yansonsanさんの訳して頂いたニュアンス通りだと思います。 本当に恐縮なのですが、下記内容を返信したいと思います、 英語にして頂いても、宜しいでしょうか。 本当にすみません。 『3日は何時頃から、大丈夫? あなたのホテルがある駅で、 会いましょうか? 東京で一緒にいた友達に聞いてみたけど、3日は予定があるみたい。(デートかな?笑) 私はまだまだ英語が話せなくて、 あなたを困らせてしまいごめんなさい。 あなたと会っても大丈夫か、心配しています。』

  • odag1041
  • ベストアンサー率54% (17/31)

これだけではなんとも。。 お前と一緒にいたあの東京の女の子、結構タイプだから連れて来てくれよ! みたいにも聞こえます。



ありがとうございました! 助かります。 参考にさせて頂きます。



  • 英訳

    When lights go down, I see no reason For you to cry. We've been through this before In every time, in every season, God knows I've tried So please don't ask for more. Can't you see it in my eyes This might be our last goodbye Carrie, Carrie, things they change my friend Carrie, Carrie, maybe we'll meet again somewhere again I read your mind, with no intentions Of being unkind, I wish I could explain It all takes time, a whole lot of patience If it's a crime, how come I feel no pain. Carrie, Carrie, things they change my friend Carrie, Carrie, maybe we'll meet again Carrie, Carrie, things they change my friend Carrie, Carrie, maybe we'll meet again somewhere again ある曲の歌詞なんですが訳を探してもでないので 訳をお願いします

  • 日本語におねがいします!

    (1)、Cheers everyone! Maybe we should have a meet up somewhere in Europe where everyone can join :) Good luck for the work Joe! (2)、Btw Taylor, I asked my supervisor and he told me that there are samples from Itokawa currently on the Sagamihara campus. That's some 8 million-years-old dust if I remember correctly ;) お願いします!!!

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    also i feel lie sick odaijinine. u r storonger man isnt it? everything gonna be ok. and sorry...everything... i still luv u. im really hurt beacse of u. we'll be broke up forever when i goback korea. but u r always in my heart. おねがいします。

  • 日本語に訳して下さい

    You're welcome, but I want my hair to be short for now www Ah well, now things are more clear (^^) But somehow I managed to forgot that hairstyle name w Since I do know tons of hairstyles Specially the mullet hairstyle and the king of the mullets: http://www.veryhappypig.com/blog/chris_waddle.jpg har har Thank you! Few girls have complained about my eyes too by the way :3 Yeah, there's nothing better than that LOL But in case we swim on the overflows here in Sao Paulo, we'll consider the roof of my house our "little personal beach" LMAO Also, that might become a little trouble, since I can't swim too. orz A kinda of a great and an unique experience :3 I like that! Nothing better than that, relaxing like that after a hard day. Oh yes! LMAO Not to mention that while here is noon, in Japan is midnight lol You look really good and really beautiful in those clothes~ (^o^) Also, one of the things I wanna see in Japan is cherry blossoms (^ω^) These last summer days are really hot and rainy. I can't wait for the autumn. There are days that I'm almost roasting

  • 日本語に訳して下さい‼︎

    通販サイトから送られてきたメールなんですが翻訳アプリなどで調べても意味がわからなくて凄く困っています。至急お願い致します‼︎ We're really sorry to let you know that we have had some problems processing your recent order and we will need to kindly ask you to replace the order online Please be assured that we have not charged for your order and the funds should be released back into your account within 3-5 working days.We're delighted that you chose to shop with Next and we are working really hard to ensure that your shopping experience with us is just right in the future.

  • ( ) drop in somewhere f

    ( ) drop in somewhere for a cup of drinks on the way home? 1.Shall I 2.Would you 3.Shall we 4.Should you 5.Will we 解答と訳お願いします。

  • 日本語訳をお願いします。

    well there is a girl i like... a lot...maybe even love and we were in a relationship but other people we telling me i was to clingy and she would break up with me so i seperated us some and she said she thought us dating each other made me uncomfortable so we broke up...now we are talking and she said all the reasons she like me before she still sees in me and i dont know if i should give up on the idea of us dating again??

  • 日本語訳お願いします

    下の文を日本語訳お願いします^^ hello!! Now I have got at school a lot of tests. On 25 May I'll end this school year Can you tell me more about your character? ^^ About me: I like to be alone, but I have friends at my school, in music school In 2006 I've broken spine. My former "friend" ○○ pushed me and I've fell. I like romantic books, romantic films, romantic anime and romantic manga My friend ○○ says that I am a romantic. Sometime I write poems in Russian or in Ukrainian. I hope my letter is interesting and not dull You can ask me something if you want I'll glad to answer on your questions P.S. Do you know manga "Mars"? If yes, what you think about it? I am reading this manga now. 翻訳など使わずにお願いします!!

  • 英文と日本語訳があります。日本語訳は正しいですか?

    In short, they feel that these are the sort of questions that only a census taker or application for ms for credit cards should ask. They feel this kind of information is private and should only be divulged voluntarily by the person himself or herself. Asking too many questions about a mutual acquaintance is also frowned upon. 日本語訳 要するに彼らは、これらはもっぱら国勢調査員やクレジットカードの申請書が尋ねるような種類の質問であると感じています。彼らは、この種の情報は私的なものなので、その気がある場合のみその人自身が自発的に開示するべきであると感じています。共通の知り合いについてあまり多くの質問をする(尋ねすぎる)ことにも難色を示します。

  • 日本語に訳してほしいです。

    Reunions are interesting parties. It's usually a group of people who were all together some time in the past, trying to come together again to relive something of what they once had. They are usually somewhat more generously proportioned now, possibly a great deal, uh, more experienced and possess faces and bodies with a lot more, shall we Say, character? What really counts is that these are all friends united in a common cause of memory and everyone should avoid saving things like (Good Godl Look at you! What happened ?" Still, they're not the same people about them in the car on the way to the reunion.Aren't we all looking we expected to see while thinking for the old faces and the old bodies, and to hear a lot of the old jokes? We expect to pick right up where we left off. Of course, no one remembers what it was really like.