• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

>Invitations would then be issued to other EOIs who have nominated available occupations even if they are lower ranking. 「その場合(候補者が専攻条件の上限を超えている場合)は、他の職業選考基準を満たすEOIが、たとえ(上限を超える候補者より)選考順位が低くとも、その中から選んで、推薦がなされる。」 でしょうか。have nominated available occupationsで、have been nominated available occupationsの意味と思うと、お示しの訳文例が出て来そうに思います。実際には、nominated available occupationsが一塊の名詞ですね。





  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Responders who reject small offers show that even when dealing with a complete stranger, they would rather punish unfairness than gain money. Why would people act in ways that seem contrary to their own interest? The most reasonable answer is that moral intuitions like fairness developed because they improved the reproductive fitness of those who had them and the groups to which they belonged. Among social animals, those who form cooperative relationships tend to do much better than those who do not. By making a fair offer, you signal that you are the kind of person who would make a good partner for cooperating. On the other hand, by rejecting an unfair offer, you show that you are not going to put up with being treated unfairly, and thus you discourage others from trying to take advantage of you. There are also social advantages to such intuitions. A society in which most people act fairly will generally do better than one in which everyone is always seeking to take unfair advantage, because people will be better able to trust each other and form cooperative relationships.

  • よろしくお願いします

    Social phobia isn’t shyness. Shy people generally find other shy people to hang out with or are happy to be the quieter member of a group. People with social phobia, on the other hand, have an irrational belief that when they are with other people they are being judged and judged negatively at that. They don’t seek out social activities because they believe that they will embarrass themselves or be criticized by others. Staying away from people is a way of staying away from that fear. Sadly, that tactic only makes things worse. A person who seldom engages with others becomes less and less confident that they even know how. A person who seldom engages with others becomes less and less confident that they even know how.のthatは何にかかっているのでしょうか?訳も教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 文法やスペルの間違い教えてください!

    My community, people who love Disney’s contents seem to be happy. Disneyland, Disney movies, Disney songs, and so on, generally give people a positive mind and we recognize it. There is research shows that people who love Disney can live longer. Disney fanatics have optimism. They live with happy and positive content produced by Disney company more than other people. This theory is shown in an article. (Bailee Abell “People Who Loves Disney Can Live Longer Lives, Study Shows” -Inside the Magic.com) Besides, there is another reason. Being a member of a community means to keep connected. Disney fanatics in Japan tend to make friends with each other. To socialize and keep close to people who have the same hobby makes them happy because they can talk about what they love. There is an interesting study that shows people who are more connected to the community are happier.(Robert Waldinger “About Happiness”) As another reason for considering that Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy, exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort can be mentioned. There is a lot of types of jobs in Tokyo Disney Parks. Workers in the park called 'casts'. Casts work after the visitors leave and before the visitors come even in the late night or the early morning. Thanks to these casts, people who come to the park can feel comfortable there. If there are elements of concern even just a little, people are there without relieves. People never see any trash on the roads, people do not have to beware of some crimes, but the casts secure the park so that everyone can have fun. It is clear to see why Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy with these theories.

  • 英文の訳を訳していただけませんか。

    英文の訳を訳していただけませんか。 この英語の訳を教えてください。 一応参考程度になればと、エキサイト翻訳で訳した訳を一緒に載せておきます。 その日本語文を訂正していただけるだけでも構いません。 While by international standards Japanese couples are not well matched, it seems that a major factor keeping couples together is low expectations. 国際的な基準からすると日本人のカップルはよく合わせられていませんが、カップルを団結させる重要な要因が、低い期待であるように思えます。 The advantage of marriages based on low expectations is that they can stand up to shock more easily, if a couple discovers that they have little in common, and even if they don't like each other, they still might not seek a divorce. 低い期待に基づく結婚の利点は、より容易にショックまで立つことができるということです、カップルが、少ししか共通でなく、またお互いが好きでなくても、彼らがまだ離婚を求めていないかもしれないと発見するなら。 In America, however, couples in such a situation would be quick to divorce. しかしながら、アメリカでは、そのような状況におけるカップルは離婚するのが迅速でしょう。 Thus, it may not be that Japanese families survive because husbands and wives love each other more than American couples do, but rather because they love each other less. したがって、自分達がむしろそれほどお互いを愛していなくて、夫たち,妻たちがアメリカ人夫婦がそうするよりお互いを愛しているので、日本人家族が生き残るということでないかもしれません。 Another important factor folding Japanese couples together is the sense of shame. 日本人のカップルを一緒に折り重ねる別の重要な要素は、恥の感覚です。 As a result, even those who find themselves desperately unhappy might not separate because they strongly feel it would not be honorable if they so. したがって、自分達が、それがそうしないと強く感じているので、結果、気付くと絶望的に不幸なものさえ分離しないかもしれないように、それらであれば立派にしてください。 There seems to be a change nowadays though with respect to younger people. もっとも、変化はこの頃は、若者達に関して見えるでしょう。 Because they seem to focus their lives more on the family than on work, they more often consider love to be important for a good marriage. 彼らが、仕事より家族に彼らの人生の焦点を合わせるように思えるので、それらは、よりしばしば素晴らしい結婚に、愛が重要であると考えています。 ちなみに、私は学生時代のとき英語をまじめに勉強しなかったので、さっぱり分かりません。 長文ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の訳をお願いします・・。

    多少長いので、簡単にでもいいです。 冷やかし無しで和訳をお願いします・・。 While the enterprise may have a life of its own, its present health and future growth surely depend on the individuals who guide its activities. Just what, then are the functions of the executives responsible for the fortunes of the enterprise? They coordinate, appraise, and plan. They may, at the same time, do the actual buying, selling, advertising, accounting, manufacturing, engineering, or research, but in the modern enterprise the execution or carrying out of these functions is usually left to such employees as salesmen, buyers, production supervisors and foremen,, technicians, and designers. In many cases, the executive does not even personally supervise the working force but rather administers the duties of other executives. In planning and coordinating the work of subordinate managers or supervisors, he allocates tasks and makes available the necessary equipment, materials, and other physical resources necessary to carry out the various jobs, In appraising their activities, he must decide whether the employees or subordinate managers are handling their tasks satisfactorily. If not, he can take action by changing or bringing in new physical equipment and supplies, by transferring or shifting the personnel, or by expanding or cutting down available funds. Thus, the term, administration, as used here, includes executive action and orders as well as the decisions taken in coordinating, appraising, and planning the work of the enterprise and in allocating its resources.

  • アメリカの新聞記事を和訳してください!

    Individuals buying health insurance on their own will see their premiums tumble next year in New York State as changes under the federal health care law take effect, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo announced on Wednesday. State insurance regulators say they have approved rates for 2014 that are at least 50 percent lower on average than those currently available in New York. Beginning in October, individuals in New York City who now pay $1,000 a month or more for coverage will be able to shop for health insurance for as little as $308 monthly. With federal subsidies, the cost will be even lower.

  • 英文を訳を教えてください^^;

    英語が苦手なのでまったくわからなくて困っています。・・・ I was moving about with my little mallards in the May green grass in our garden. I was squatting and quacking, "quahg, gegegeg, quahg, gegegeg." I was pleased that my little mallards were following me. Suddenly, I looked up and saw a group of tourists standing at the fence. They started at me in surprise. "Naturally!" I thought. All that they could see was a big man with a beard who was squatting, looking constantly over his shoulder, and even quacking. On the other hand, the little mallards, which could explain my strange behavior, were hidden in the tall grass from the view of the tourists. No wonder the tourists were surprised to see me. in the interest of ~のために move about 動き回る no wonder 無理もない "quahg, gegegeg" マガモの鳴き声

  • 和訳をお願いします...!!!

    脳構造の話のオチですが、 イマイチわからないのでお願いいたします。。。 other studies show that people who continue to challenge themselves intellectually have lower rates of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of mental decline. Neurologists who have conducted such work recommed that people continue to enagage in everything from crossword puzzles and book clubs to college courses and political debate. they can take up a musical instrument. Or learn a new language as Rita did. Not only will these takes keep aging minds sharp, they will give their owners a sense of satisfaction in their never-ending mental powers.

  • 大学受験英作文

    ***** 複数単数などについて質問です。 ***** 1In those days,if they publish news papers,which contain articles against the government,those who did this would be punished for their "dangerous behavior." (当時)の話なのですが、仮定法は条件節内は時制の一致をうけずif they publishとしてOKですか?また、"dangerous behavior."のコンマは""の中にいれてますがOKですか? 2People couldn't go on a trip freely. 一人一人がa tripに出かけるから、それをまとめるとPeople couldn't go on TRIPS.ですか? 3You can go anywhere,even to the other countries such as China,Brazil,and even South Africa. and even TO South Africa.でしょうか? 宜しくお願いします!*****

  • 至急日本語訳お願いします。

    Since parents control who sleeps where, it is their everyday beliefs that dectde sleeping arrangements. In those cultures in which the prime parental goal s to integrate children into the family, the household, and society, babies are close at hand, even during the night. It is primarily in those societies (mostly in the industrialized West, especially in the United States) where a premium is placed on independence and self-reliance that babies and children sleep alone. Underlying this unconscious societal even more damental assumption made by Americans and some other groups- how we that children from day one has a major effect on how they turn out as adults. This philosophy is not shared by all cultures. The Mayans; for example, see mother and infant as one until that cannot be separated, and believe offspring are not ready for guidance until they can speak and reason, when they are older children. Newborns in their culture are not capable of being trained, and, they feel, should just be cared for. Sleep, in other words, can take nuance. And the basis for that morality is, of course, culturally constructed. American parents believe it is morally "correct" for infants to sleep alone and thus learn alertness ). They view child-parent co-sleeping as strange, psychologically unhealthy, and even sinful. Those in co-sleeping cultures see the Western practice of placing an infant alone as wrong and a form of child neglect or parental irresponsibility. Parents in both kinds of cultures are convinced that their moral structure is "correct" .