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Can a restricted diet protect the nervous system and memory?


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  • Chicago243
  • ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)

Neurologists such as Dr. Agnes Floel investigate diseases that attack the nervous system. 神経学者たちは例えばDr. Agnes Floelのように、神経系にダメージを与えるような病気の研究をしています。 (神経系を攻撃する病気といった方が直訳てきですが、意訳でダメージにしました) Research into protecting the brain, the spinal cord, and the network of nerves that communicate sensations throughout the body is especially important these days because people are living longer than ever before. 脳、脊髄、全身の知覚の情報伝達をしている神経網の研究は現在大変重要です。なぜならば、人々はこれまでに増してより長く生きるようなってきたからです。 Degeneration of nervous system functions greatly affects the quality of life of patients. 神経系の機能の変性は患者の生活の質に非常に大きな影響をあたえます。 Dr. Floel and her team thus decided to investigate claims that a limited-calorie diet might protect against the degeneration of nerves or the loss of memory. Dr. Floeldと彼女の研究チームはこのように食事制限が神経変性や記憶力低下を防ぐ可能性があるという主張について研究することにしました。 Animal studies showed promising results, so Dr. Floel’s team recruited volunteers to participate in a human study. 動物実験で将来性ある結果が出て、Dr. Floelの研究チームは臨床研究をするためボランティアを募りました。 One group kept eating as normal ; another group ate more foods that are supposed to be good at protecting the nervous system ; the final group followed a restricted diet. (ボランティアを3つのグループにわけ)、一つ目のグループは通常の食事、2つめはより多くの神経保護にいいとされている食べ物を取ってもらい、三つ目のグループには食事制限を施した。 After 3 months, the individuals in each group were tested. Those in the restricted diet group scored best in the memory tests. 3カ月後個々の参加者の評価をおこない、その結果食事制限を施したグループの記憶テストが最も高いスコアーを記録した。 Perhaps the most exciting part of the study is that the effect found in the animal studies translated to the human trial. おそらくこの研究で最もエキサイティングところは動物の研究で見つかった効果がヒトの特性にの解釈に応用できたということである。 (エキサイティングはぴったりの日本語が見つけれませんでした) To be sure, there is no guarantee that further studies will show the same results, and it is still not clear exactly how or why a restricted diet may be beneficial. 念のためですが、さらなる研究で同じ結果が得られるかは保障の限りではありません。また、どのように、なぜ、食事制限が有効なのかまだはっきりしていません。 What is clear is that further research is warranted. はっきりいえることはさらなる研究の価値があるということです。 (さらなる研究が保障されたと直訳できますが意訳しました)





  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    There was one large difference between the animal study and the human research projects mentioned in the article: the researchers controlled what the animals in the earlier studies ate, while the humans reported their eating behavior. Thus, as Dr. Bartke mentions, there is a question about the quality of the data. As long as the researchers kept careful records on what was fed to the animal subjects and prevented the animals from getting food from other sources, they could be confident of the food intake measurement. Humans, however, are not lab rats. It is not ethical, or generally possible, to completely control the environment that a human experiences. In this case, it was likely not economically feasible to control the diet for the subjects in the “diet group.” As a result, the researchers relied on self-reported data from these subjects. It is very unlikely that all of the members who reported that they cut their caloric intake by 30% actually did so. If the control their diet and observe their action, then we might be able to accept that the members of the group actually reduced their calories by 30%. However, one would then worry that a group of people who could take three months to go to a lab environment might not be representative of the general population.

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 One of the most interesting and yet underexamined processes in bulimia is the acquisition of bulimic behavior, particularly binge eating. The few studies that have looked at this problem have focused almost exclusively on particular social groups, for example, dance camps and athletic teams. This focus is not an accident. I wish to argue that social groups are at the very heart of the issue of symptom acquisition. Symptoms are spread from one member to another in these groups, and group membership is at the heart of the transmission. Groups that are most likely to transmit the symptoms of bulimia, most notably binge eating, are groups that are made up almost entirely of women of the same age. This includes dance camps and athletic teams as well as sororities, all-women dormitories, or workplaces comprising mostly women. Social groups are important to us. They serve to tell us who we are, what to think, and how to behave. The more we value the social group, the more we are willing to be influenced by it. The power of a group may be measured by the attractiveness of the group for its members, lf a person wants to stay in a group, he will be susceptible to influences coming from the group, and he will be willing to conform to the rules which the group sets up."

  • 英文の和訳をお願いします(._.)

    People living in affluent societies today swim in a sea of redundant calories. Food is everywhere, and it is relatively inexpensive, accounting for about 10 percent of Americans' disposable income on average, Dr. Nestle said in an interview. "People who pay attention to calorie labels on menus are shocked, for example, to discover that a single cookie contains 700 calories," Dr. Nestle said. "You may want that cookie, but then you can't eat anything else. Cookies didn't used to be this big." The human body has a very complex and redundant system to make sure the brain gets the sugar calories it needs to function, Dr. Nestle and Dr. Nesheim explain in their book. At least 100 different hormones, enzymes and other chemicals - with more likely to be discovered - act to regulate appetite and to assure that people eat enough to maintain brain function. But it is these very systems that go into overdrive during starvation (translation: a reduced-calorie diet), making it so difficult for people to lose weight. As seductive as the current food environment is, it is still easier not to gain excess weight in the first place. Most people seriously underestimate how much they eat.

  • 和訳をお願します

    Dr. Nicholas Day is a professor of global health at Oxford University, and he coordinates research on infectious diseases such as malaria and dengue fever in rural Southeast Asia. There is hope that malaria can someday be eradicated, but the disease is still very common. Unfortunately, it seems that malaria parasites in Cambodia are becoming resistant to the drug that was once thought to be the best chance of eradicating the disease. Two groups of malaria patients were used in a study directed by Dr. Day. One group was from Cambodia, and the other was located in Thailand. Each group was divided into two subgroups. One subgroup took artesunate; the other took an artesunate-mefloquine combination. The Cambodian subjects took longer to clear the parasite. In other words, the parasite found in the Cambodian subjects was able to resist both treatments better than the parasite that was present in the Thai subjects. Furthermore, six of the Cambodian subjects in the artesunate sub-group contracted the disease again, while only two of the Thai artesunate sub-group subjects fell ill with malaria after the first clearance of the parasite. The combined therapy was much more effective, with only one case of re-infection in each group. The largest lesson from the study is that eradication efforts ― developing improved drugs, controlling mosquito populations, and protecting people by using mosquito nets, among other actions ― must be accelerated, or the malaria parasites will become too strong to eliminate. よろしくお願いします^^;

  • 英文の和訳です。

    できるだけ、意訳を避けて訳していただけると助かります。 知らない化学物質の名前などが多く、難しく感じました。あと、人の名前もよく分かりません… スペルのチェックはしましたが、もしも間違っていましたらすみません。 お願いします。  Dr.Michael Liebowitz has found that love is not that spontaneous, mysterious feeling, but is the result of chemical reactions.  Scientists still do not know very much about the chemistry of human emotions; however, they have known for some time that specific chemicals are the cause of feelings and emotions.  Working at New York State Psychiatric Institute, Dr.Liebowitz has identified the chemical that transfers the feeling of love to the brain. This “love chemical” has the formal name phenylethylamine and is a member of the amphetamine family. Amphetamine are chemicals that cause adrenaline to be produced in the body. When your body produces adrenaline you will breathe faster and will feel your heart beat faster. Also, your face may get red and your hands may shake. In other words, you will be acting as if you are in the first stage of falling in love.  In addition, Dr. Liebowitz has found another connection between love and the “love chemical” phenylethylamine. This connection is chocolate, which contains large amounts of the chemical. When observing parents who tended to fall in and out of love rather more often than the average person, he noticed that when a romance ended, these people tended to eat chocolates. Dr. Liebowitz concluded that brokenhearted people, without actually realizing it, eat chocolates to get a similar feeling of being “in love”. So he or she eats chocolates to increase the body´s level of the love chemical. (Could it be that when we give our loved ones chocolates, we unconsciously expect to increase their levels of the “love chemical”, and consequently their feelings of love?)  It has also been found that love is based in the brain, not in the heart. Dr. J. Money, of John Hopkins University, has found that people who have had certain kinds of brain operations are incapable of experiencing romantic love, although they can experience other emotions. Dr. Money thinks that the day will come when we will be able to fully explain the chemistry of love. 以上です。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳を教えてください お願いします Question:what are the bodily changes that cause us to have a dry throat when we are nervous? Answer:You get a dry mouth during public speaking because when you are nervous the body gose into a “fight or fight”state. This is because the system of nerves is your body becomes active. It is seen throughout the animal kingdom,and has evolved to help animals deal with dangerous situations―when escaping from enemies,for example. The nerves, become active selectively,depending on how important they are for the response. Because eating is not considered to be important at this time ―you want to get out of the place―the nerves to your mouth that control the salivary glands are suppressed,so your mouth dries up.

  • 和訳をお願いしますヾ(_ _*)

    Dr. Eleni Linos is a researcher in the dermatology department at the Stanford University Medical Center. She and her team wanted to find out if skin cancer was truly becoming a more common disease, or if the number of cases had increased only because of a better ability to detect cancer. The level of knowledge and quality of equipment used in the detection or diagnosis of cancer has certainly improved incredibly in recent years. It thus would not be surprising to find that the incidence of skin cancer, that is, the number of new cases that occur in a population during a particular time, had stayed the same despite the observed increase in the number of patients. To investigate this question, Dr. Linos and her team analyzed 70,596 cases of skin cancer. They found that the increase in cases occurred for tumors of all thicknesses. This observation was important because better diagnoses would be expected to primarily find newer cancers, which would be thinner than older cancers. After analyzing the number of cases in other ways, the researchers concluded that the base incidence level truly is increasing. Their advice: avoid the sun, and see your doctor. よろしくお願いします<(_ _)>

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。。

    But are such techniques in fact helpful to patients? It is of course important to assess any form of treatment, and given that patients vary enormously in their problems and their capabilities, group studies of mnemonic techniques are unlikely to be very satisfactory. Fortunately, there are techniques that were specially devised to investigate the effects of treatment on a single patient. Most of these originated in the operant conditioning laboratory; they have been adapted for clinical purposes by behaviorally minded clinicians, and are now being used to assess the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. They tend not to be well known to cognitive psychologists, who are generally much more familiar with large group designs, or in the case of neuropsychology to single case studies that are concerned with assessing and describing the patient’s deficits, rather than evaluating treatment. お願いします。。

  • 英文和訳お願いします。

    英文和訳お願いします。 In general, my music is just quiet because it’s not the kind of music that is supposed to be loud, there is not really anything more to it than that. It would be pretty silly to blast strings and piano at 105db. こちらなのですが、英文和訳をお願いします。どうもthere is not really anything more to it than that.のあたりが不明で・・・。

  • この英文を和訳して欲しいです。

    Gerontology is defined as the science of aging. Actually it is made up of the knowledge about aging derived from many sciences, including biology, psychology, and sociology. Gerontologists are the scientists who study aging. Gerontologists have been accused of focusing only on the declines of aging, and of assuming that the characteristics of the aged are the primary causes of the problems of elders. Such a focus on declines is a subtle form of ageism because it ignores the possibilities of growth and improvement with age. The assumption that the characteristics of elders are the cause of the problems of elders is another subtle from of ageism, because it ignores the extent to which the ageism embedded in our social structure and culture contribute to the problems of elders. The extent to which various theories in gerontology may contribute to ageism is discussed in Chapter 6. Geriatrics is the study of the medical aspects of old age, and the application of gerontology to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of illness among older persons. Thus, while gerontology deals with all aspects of aging, geriatrics is limited to the medical aspects. Physicians may be subject to several kinds of ageism. Because they focus on illness and disability, they may forget that health and ability is normal among elders. They may be tempted to blame any difficult or obscure illness on old age and assume that nothing can be done about it. Geriatricians and other providers of service to elders may exaggerate age differences and needs of elders in order to promote their own service roles. Several gerontologists charge that gerontology is becoming increasingly "biomedicalized" and that this produces a negative view of aging. Kalish suggested that there is a "new ageism" found especially among advocates and service providers for the aged. It stereotypes the "elderly" in terms of the characteristics of the least capable, least healthy, and least alert of the elderly. It perceives the older person as, in effect, a relatively helpless and dependent individual who requires the support services of agencies and other organizations. It encourages the development of services without adequate concern as to whether the outcome of these services contributes to reduction of freedom for the participants to make decisions controlling their own lives. It produces an unrelenting stream of criticism against society in general and certain individuals in society for the mistreatment of the elderly, emphasizing the unpleasant existence faced by the elderly.