• ベストアンサー



  • Tacosan
  • ベストアンサー率23% (3656/15482)



  • 英文法について

    以下英文について There was a phone call from someone whose number you didn't recognize, so you didn't answer it. However, it was from someone inviting you to a party. someone inviting は someone who invite 又someone to invite としてもよろしいでしょうか? 後者は未来の意味を含むため動詞がwasであることを考慮すると不適切でしょうか?

  • 文法に関して。

    いつもお世話になっております。 下記の文法の説明をして頂きたいと思います。 That the paintings did have meaning to the peoples who made and observed them cannot, however, be doubted. 1) Thatの後に何故、定冠詞のtheがきているのでしょうか? 2) andの後ろにobserved, cannot be doutedと動詞が続くのは何故でしょうか? また文法的な説明もお願いします。

  • 分詞?

    Larry and Jerry turned to their former colleagues and professors for thoughts and with a few introductions were able to secure the needed capital from a wealthy alumnus. という文章がわかりません。日本語訳をお願いします。wereは述語動詞だと思うのですが、turned toは分詞?

  • 文法問題です

    We believe there( to be )an accident at the corner two days ago. ここで質問なのですが、この括弧のところはto have beenではないのですか?thereを調べてみると、動詞+there to be Aで「AがあることをVする」とあります。 two days agoとあることからも、to have beenが正しいと 思うのですが。。 分かる方いらっしゃいましたら、宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳希望

    - Do you think it is a wise idea to go into business with your partner (a kind of business that you and your man will operate together although having a mind set that what stays for business stays for business and what is for home stay at home because it is a two different thing altogether) - Do you believe in an opened relationship? (this doesn't work for me as I believe in just one relationship cos I don't appreciate jumping from one bed to another) お願いします。

  • 大学受験 英語 この英文の文法を教えてください!

    Waiting in lines has been the subject of careful studies, and various measures have been taken to shorten waiting time. のto shorten waiting timeのところがなぜtoのあと動詞の原形ではなく過去分詞なんですか? お願いします!!!

  • この英文の文法構造が分かりません。

    We will have senior professionals from various fields give advice both in seminars and in one-to-one talks. haveが動詞なのか、giveが動詞なのか。 和訳を読むと、giveが動詞のように見受けられます。 we will have が修飾語のようにも見えないのですが。

  • 文法についてです

    He caught sight of a thief attempting to break into the house. I became aware of someone staring at me from across the aisle これらは知覚動詞で第5文型SVOCを取っているのでしょうか? perceiveやseeなどの五感によって情報を得る動詞は第5文型と聞きましたが、2語以上の複合動詞?の場合も同じように知覚動詞なのでしょうか? また、 The committee called on all nations to work side by side to curb air pollution. この不定詞句は2つとも動詞called onを修飾している副詞句のようですが、2つの不定詞を用いることはよくあるのでしょうか?

  • 英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。

    英語得意な方、和訳お願いします。 私ではきれいな日本語に訳せませんでした。 金融のお話です。 Looking at the trend in stock (debt), the total market capitalization of stocks increased sharply to \84 trillion ($933 billion at the rate of \90 to the dollar) at the end of 1999 from about \35 trillion ($388 billion) in the previous year. However, in the period following the bursting of the IT bubble to the end of 2002, the balance declined. Although the balance turned upward again toward the end of 2003 due to a recovery in stock prices, increasing to \149 trillion ($1.6 trillion) at the end of 2006, it dropped precipitously in 2008 to \69 trillion ($766 billion) because of the Lehman Shock. In terms of regional breakdown, the share of American investors has risen rapidly from 2007 onward from its previous level up to 2006 of about 41%. The share of European investors, on the other hand, has declined. The total amount of domestic debt securities held by overseas investors, long-and medium-term bonds and notes combined, has increased to approximately \50 trillion ($555 billion) in recent years from \30 trillion ($333 billion).This trend probably reflects the previously mentioned stability in the government bond market and expectations for improvement in bond yields. By region, unlike in the case of stocks, European investors still hold more than 50% of the total despite a downward trend, while American investors continue to hold only around 10%. The foregoing suggests that Europeans tend to favor debt investments in contrast to Americans’ preference for equities

  • 英文の邦訳を願います。

    Index providers generate income from index fund managers and other investors that license their indexes. Index providers compete to attract assets from those investors. As a result, they have a structural incentive to follow the preferences of investors. In this sense they are unique among potential sources of corporate governance constraints, the others of which have incentives to follow the preferences of insiders. For instance, with respect to the dual-class exclusion, the CII has stated that “ index providers’ action responds to a void left by years of inaction from stock exchanges, regulators and global regulatory coordinators.” 上記英文を意訳でも結構ですので,日本語として分かり易く御訳し下さい。宜しくお願い申し上げます。