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The Psychology of Self-Esteem and Cultural Differences in Self-Confidence


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

ナサニエル・ブランドンの1969年の『自尊心の心理学』の出版に注意を向ける人もいます。同書は、自尊心の重要な特質を強調しました。 「前向きな自尊心がないと、精神的な成長は妨げられます。」と、同書の裏表紙は警告しています。 数年後に出版されたトーマス・ハリスの『私が大丈夫ならあなたも大丈夫』に言及する人もいます。 しかし、シンガポール、日本、香港の子供たち ― 彼らは、自信尺度で下位に位置しています ― は、彼らの同年齢のアメリカ人の子供たちの成績を上回ります、ところが、アメリカの子供たちは、同じ尺度(自信尺度)で上位に位置していたのです。 アメリカ文化の外で育てられたフロリダの人と話すことは、他の文化における賞賛についてさらなる詳細を明らかにしてくれます。



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  • 和訳をお願いします!!

    Self-esteem also includes feelings of being loved.A child who is happy about an achievement but does not receive love may eventually experience low self-eteem. In a similar way, a child who feels loved but is unsure about his or her own abilities can also end up with low self-esteem. Healthy self-esteem comes when the right balance is reached.

  • 心理学の英語の論文、英訳お願いします

    社会心理学の英語の論文を読んでいるのですが、分析結果が解読できません… 被験者に知能課題で、成功・失敗を経験させ、そのあと達成特性・社会的特性に対する自己評価をさせる。 失敗条件において、高自尊心者は、社会的特性の自己評価を誇張することで、知能課題の失敗を補償する。 という内容です。 2(outcome)×2(self-esteem)×2(attribute type)の分散分析を行った。 The ANOVA revealed a main effect of esteem, an Outcome × Self-Esteem interaction, and a higher order Outcome × Self-esteem × Attribute Type interaction. As each of the lower order effects is qualified by three-way interaction, we limit our discussion to the higher order effect. a higher orderの意味が分からず困っています。高次、高い順序など辞書をひきましたが、結局何が高いのかわかりません。 高自尊心者って意味だったら、self-esteemのところにhighがつきますよね? どなたか、分かる方がいれば、上の英文を訳していただけると非常に助かります。 ちなみに、Brown&Smart(1991)のThe Self and Social Conductという論文の研究1の結果です。

  • 長いですが和訳をお願いします(>_<)

     Self-esteem refers to all of the beliefs and feelings we have about ourselves. It is how we view who we are. How we see ourselves influences the way we do things and what our attitudes and behaviours are. It also affects our emotions. Patterns of self-esteem start very early in life. For example, a baby who reaches a certain goal feels a sense of accomplishment that strengthens its self-esteem. Learning to roll over after dozens of unsuccessful attempts teaches a baby a "can-do" attitude. 大変長くて申し訳ありませんが、上の英文の和訳が分かる方がいれば、どうかよろしくお願いします!!!

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    In 1923, The American Battle Monuments Commission (ABMC) erected 25 battle monuments, including one in the village of Cantigny that was dedicated on August 9, 1937. At the unveiling of this monument, a speech was given (at the invitation of General John J. Pershing) by Col. Robert R. McCormick, who had commanded the 1st Battalion of the 5th Field Artillery Regiment at the battle. On one side of the memorial appears the inscription: ERECTED BY THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA TO COMMEMORATE THE FIRST ATTACK BY AN AMERICAN DIVISION IN THE WORLD WAR. On another side of the memorial appears the inscription: THE FIRST DIVISION UNITED STATES ARMY OPERATING UNDER THE X FRENCH CORPS CAPTURED THE TOWN OF CANTIGNY ON MAY 28 1918 AND HELD IT AGAINST NUMEROUS COUNTERATTACKS. French translations of these inscriptions appear on the opposite sides of the monument. First Division A First Division Monument located along the road ½ mile southeast of Cantigny is one of five erected by the First Division itself in 1919. The names of the dead in the vicinity of Cantigny are engraved on the bronze plates. The monument is like a small concrete shaft, surmounted by a carved eagle of stone. McCormick In the center of Cantigny, a small monument was dedicated in 2005 by the McCormick Foundation to commemorate the participation of Colonel Robert R. McCormick in the historic 1st Battalion, 5th Field Artillery, the oldest American military unit on continuous active duty (dating back to the American Revolutionary War), then part of the First Division. In 1960, the McCormick Foundation opened the Cantigny War Memorial of the First Division, where materials from Chicago veterans were then collected. Black Lions On May 28, 2008, the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Cantigny, the McCormick Foundation and the Association of the 28th Infantry Regiment dedicated the statue "The Lion of Cantigny," an original bronze work by Stephen Spears depicting a doughboy of the regiment advancing through the village. The 28th Infantry was the assault regiment in the First Division's attack, the first major US battle of World War I. The regimental coat of arms is based on the lions in the heraldic arms of Picardy, where Cantigny is; the regiment's nickname is Black Lions.

  • よろしくお願いします

    My daughter has a history of self-harm and low self-esteem, so we began to work on alternate living situations. https://www.arcamax.com/healthandspirit/lifeadvice/anniesmailbox/s-2009226 work on alternate living situationsとはどういうことでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 文の内容を教えてください!

    文の内容を教えてください! 下記の文の内容が理解できません。要約でも構いませんのでどなたか教えてください…!! I love meaningful graffiti. I love the modern poets and artists who make me smile or think as I walk the streets of Montreal on a dreary day. "U.S. out of North America," states a wishful thinking idealist on St. Laurent Boulevard, as if the undertaking was just as strong a dream for Quebecers as it is for inhabitants of South and Central American countries who use their version of the slogan. "Prevent mower pollution, smoke gra claims a stoned do oder. "Only jerks write on this wall," reveals one's true nature to the public. "You will stoop to anything," says the small print at the foot of the wall to readers who lack self-respect.

  • 経済英語なのですが、訳をお願いできますか?

    下の部分の訳を教えてください。お願いします・・・。 Using these data, I have attempted to say something about the history of the large industrial enterprise as a basic, modern American institution. In so doing, this book also provides information about the history of business administration in the United States and about changes in the larger American economy. It tells still more about the history of the individual companies examined. The book attempts to provide this information by focusing on the innovation and apread of the modern "decentralized" form of organization in American industry. The major portion of the work is devoted to the administrative histories of the four companies that first created the new form.

  • 翻訳よろしくお願いします。

    One of main factors differentiating humans from other animals is the awareness of self: the ability to form an identity and then a value to it. In other words, you have the capacity to define who you are and then decide if you like that identity or not. The problem of self-esteem is this human capacity for judgment. It’s one thing to dislike certain colors, noises, shapes, or sensations. But when you reject parts of yourself, you greatly damage the psychological structures that literally keep you alive.  There are basically two kinds of self-esteem problems: situational and characterological. Low self-esteem that is situational tends to show up only in specific areas. For example, a person might have confidence in himself as a parent, a conversationalist, and asexual partner, but expect to fail in work situations. Low self-esteem that is characterological usually had roots in early experiences of abuse or abandonment. The sense of “wrongness” in this case is more global and tends to affect many areas of life. Situational low self-esteem is a problem ideally suited for cognitive restructuring techniques. The focus is on confronting cognitive distortions, emphasizing strengths over weaknesses, and developing specific skills for handling mistakes and criticism. Since the client is not rejecting himself or herself globally, you will find that changing maladaptive thinking patterns will significantly increase a sense of confidence and worth. Since characterological low self-esteem derives from a basic identity statement, a feeling of being bad, changing a client’s thoughts is not enough. Identifying and beginning to control the internal critical voice will help, but will not entirely undo the negative identity that gives rise to negative thoughts. The focus should be reinforced through visualization and hypnotic techniques.

  • type AAA

    I'm type AAA. I've gone from being on the cover of a major publication (as part of the "next generation of beauty leaders") to a state of complete frustration, self-denigration, bawling, fits of anger, and full-on failure. type AAAの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • 英文の訳をお願いします

    厚生労働相が日本で食べられてる野菜を調査したとの内容の新聞です そこで The results were based on the survey of 32,000 people across Japan who were older than one, according to a XXX report. という英文が出てきます ここで言ってる older than oneとは何を言ってるのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします