• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

(There are) few (that) can tell you where it is. と訂正します。失礼致しました。


  • 英語 並び替え問題  +α

    日本語の意味になるように並べ替えてください。 1 明日、どのように連絡できましょうか。   How can (get/you/to/I/in/touch with) tomorrow? 2 中西先生はみんなに大変評判が良い。   Everybody (of/is/Mr. Nakanishi/very/highly/speaks). 3 寝坊するといけないから目覚ましをかけておきなさい。   (in/the alarm/you/don`t/case/set) overleep. 4 最初、犯人と思っていた男は実は刑事だった。   The man (the criminal at first/turned out/who I believed/to be/he/was) a detective. 5 われわれは二人ともパンクに気がつかなかった。   (was/both/of/neither/aware/of/us) the flat tire. あと、下の文の和訳もお願いします。 He meant that names are important,but to most parents,their baby`s name is very important ― not only what the name is,but also who picks the name and when.

  • 英語訳して下さい!

    宿題なんですけど、全然分かりませんっ汗 良ければ誰か訳して下さいm(_ _)m A few years ago a correspond in The Listner, a weekly magazine, claimed that, "by the time he is forty, I can, more often than not, read a man's social class by the signature it has left in the lines and folds of his face." The assertion was exaggerated, but we know what he meant, for differences of health, occupation. education, and sensibility usually leave theis mark. 回答待ってます

  • 英語の問題

    並び替えの問題で It may sound a bit impractical, but のあとに続く並び替えなのですが that is the only idea I can come up with が正答となっているのですが、私は that is I can come up with the only idea とし、間違いでした なぜ間違いなのか、わかる方、教えてください

  • 英語の質問です!

    There () so it will take a long time to move. (1)is many furniture (2)are a lot of funitures (3)is a lot of furniture (4)are many furnitures He will be back () about ten minutes. (1)during (2)till (3)of (4)in He is very ill but there is () hope for him. (1)a little (2)little (3)a few (4)few () passed the test, but there were some who failed. (1)Almost students (2)Most of the student (3)Almost the students (4)Most students It was () we found the nice antique silver spoons. (1)in London that (2)what in London (3)London in where (4)in London which He () us a tale about his adventure. (1)said (2)spoke (3)told (4)talked の答えと解説をお願いします。

  • 英語の問題お願いします!

    ()に適した関係詞もしくは関係詞を含む語句を語群から選んでください! 1.Facts are important, but () is more important is how to them. 2.Margaret had many pearls,() are of a rose color. 3.Hikaru went to an American school, () all teaching was in English. 【in which/ what/ when/ which】 すみませんがお願いします!

  • 英語の比較の問題で困っています。

    比較の問題で困っています。だれか教えてください。お願いします。 Q(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、それぞれ(1)~(4)のうちから1つ選びなさい。また、訳もしなさい。 1.Professor Yamamoto is (  ) my mother. (1)twice old as (2)twice older than (3)twice as old as (4)as twice old as 2.My house is (  ) wonderful than yours. (1)no more (2)neither more (3)no much (4)neither much 3.No (  ) student can do better than John in mathematics. (1)other (2)another (3)more (4)any 4.The closer the relationship, the (  ) the chance for the expression of true feelings. (1)great (2)more great (3)greatest (4)greater 5.Mary is beautiful, but her sister is (  ) more beautiful. (1)most (2)much (3)so (4)very 6.Tokyo is the third (  ) city in the world. (1)largest (2)larger (3)large (4)more large 7.This is what annoys me (  ). (1)furthest (2)best (3)deepest (4)most 8.This computer is (  ) to mine. (1)better (2)important (3)efficient (4)superior

  • 英語 並び替え

    日本語訳のない並び替えの問題で Can (is/me/nearest/post office/tell/the/where/you)? というものがあって、答えは Can you tell me where the nearest post office is?「この辺りの一番近い郵便局はどこか教えてもらえますか?」 ですが、私は Can you tell me where post office is the nearest?だと思いました。 「どこの郵便局が一番近いか教えてもらえますか?」という訳だと思ったからです。 これだといけない理由を教えてください。

  • 英語日記20 お金

    お金 今回はお金について書いてみました。やっと20までいきました。 最近あまり良い事がないですが。これからは良い事が起きることを信じて頑張ります!! すいませんが最近英語力のライティングをあげようと英作文をまいにち書くようにしてます。 レベルのひくい英作文ではずかしいのですが。できれば文法や細かい間違いを指摘して頂けると幸いです I would like to talk about money today. Of course, money is important for us. I would be able to do almost everything that you can imagine if I had money. What is more, requirements of marriage include money. Actually, I am still student. Of course, I don’t have much money, but I would say YES from bottom of my heart if you ask me “Do you want to be a rich guy??” This is in my opinion, someone say that we don’t need money as long as I have love. What do you think about this idea?? I think that this idea is kind of the right answer, but it is limited what they can do. If they had a baby, how can they take care of babies. Money follow us to do everything<お金はすべてのことに関係してくる>. I don’t know the idea that money is the most important. However, surely I agree with idea that money is important.

  • 「彼の教え方」を英語では?

    みなさんこんにちは。 「彼の教え方」を英語でどう言えば良いですか? 「the way he teaches」 もしくは 「how he teaches」 で良いですか? また、下記の二つの文は、意味の上でどのように違って来ますか? I don't like him as a person but the way he teaches is very easy to understand. I don't like him as a person but he teaches in easy way to understand. (前置詞とか自信ないです。違ってたら教えて下さい。) (ここにいる人達の事ではないですよ。。。^-^) よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の問題を教えて下さい!

    空欄に入る語を選ぶ問題です。 Some people think the phrase ″elective surgery″ means a surgical procedure that is optical. This may be true some of the time, but it is not (1) the case. Elective surgery can often refer to surgery that must be done but that is not a life-threatening emergency. This means patients may schedule their surgery days, weeks, or even months in advance. One of (2) common examples of elective surgery is Lasik eye surgery. Because elective surgery is considered (3) important, some insurance companies do not cover patients who wish to have this kind of treatment done. (4) (1) (a)always (b)never (c)hardly (d)seldom (2) (a)as (b)more (c)the most (d)very (3) (a)as (b)fewer (c)much (d)less (4) (a)However, you can earn a huge amount of money by undergoing surgery. (b)Thus, it is better to consult your insurance company. (c)Otherwise, you might not have enough time to undergo surgery. (d)For that reason, the success rates for the surgery are very low. よろしくお願いします。