• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語訳して下さい!)


  • 宿題の英語訳をお願いします!分かりません汗
  • 数年前、週刊誌The Listnerの特派員が主張した。「40歳になる頃までに、ほとんどの場合、男性の社会的階層を、顔のしわや線に残された署名で読むことができる」と。主張は大げさだが、彼の意図はわかる。健康、職業、教育、感性の違いは通常、それぞれの痕跡を残す。
  • 宿題の英語訳をお待ちしています!


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

A few years ago a correspont in The Listner, a weekly magazine, The Listner という名の週刊誌に寄稿した人 claimed that, 次のように述べた "by the time he is forty, 彼が40歳になるまでに I can, (後の方にある read ... につながる) more often than not, 多かれ少なかれ (挿入された部分) read a man's social class その人の社会的な地位を読む(読む=言い当てる) by the signature しるしによって it has left in the lines and folds of his face." 顔に刻まれた皺 The assertion was exaggerated, 誇張された言い方だ but we know what he meant, 言わんとするところは分る for differences of health, occupation (=職業). education, and sensibility (=感性) usually leave (=残す) these marks. 少し乱暴かもしれませんけど、私はこんな感じで読みました。 No.1 の回答者の方のいわれるのは、こういう読み方も含めているのではないかと(勝手ながら)解釈しました。 いずれ、こんな私のような『解体新書』みたいな読み方を脱却して、英語そのもので理解できるようになられるのだろうな、と思います。 ある意味、うらやましいです。


その他の回答 (1)


全文訳すとあなたのためにならないと思います。笑。それでいろいろ飾りがついていますが、SVOに分析したら簡単な構造になります。それでできなければ、このレベルに達していないということです。 きついこと言って失礼しました。



私は全くこのレベルではありませんっ アメリカに引っ越して来たもんで…… 英語はそんなにできません。 回答ありがとうございました。



  • 英語の訳をお願いします!!

    The next chapter in this story is carried by the newspapers and television.There's old Larry Walters up in the air over Los angeles. Flying at last. Really getting UP there. Still sitting in his aluminum lawn chair, but it's hooked on to forty-five helium-filled secondhand weather ballons. Larry has a parachute on, a radio, and an air gun to pop some of the ballons to come down.And instead of being just a couple of hundred feet over his neighborhood, he shot up eleven thousand feet!

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The German occupation of Luxembourg in World War I was the first of two military occupations of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg by Germany in the twentieth century. From August 1914 until the end of World War I on 11 November 1918, Luxembourg was under full occupation by the German Empire. The German government justified the occupation by citing the need to support their armies in neighbouring France, although many Luxembourgers, contemporary and present, have interpreted German actions otherwise.

  • 英語の和訳

    この英文の和訳お願いします(>_<) ↓ ↓ Someone must decide whether or not to give an award. The process of nominating and choosing Nobel Prize winners has two parts. First,nominations of people who might deserve a Nobel Prize are made. The nominations in physics,chemistry and economics are made by the Royal Academy of Science in Stockholm. The nominations in medicine are made ay the Caroline Medical Institute,which is also in Stockholm. The Swedish Academy both makes nominations in literature and receives them from experts and other academies such as those of France and Spain. The Peace Prize nominations are made by a committee of the Norwegian government. Many nominations are made in each area. Nominations from these groups begin the process of choosing the Nobel Prize winners. The second part of the process of choosing Nobel Prize winners is to decide which of the nominated people deserves the award in each area. This decision is made by the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm. The winners of Nobel Prizes are honored for their great achievements and are rewarded both by fame and by money for their contribution to human life. A Nober Prize is one of the highest honors any scientist,politician,or writer can ever receive.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    On April 24, Interior minister Mehmed Talat passed the order of April 24 (known by the Armenians as the Red Sunday), claimed that the Armenians in this region organized under the leadership of Russians and rebelled against his government, as they had shown in their securing of Van for Armenian nationalists. The Armenians of the Van Resistance and others which were under the Russian occupation were spared from these arrests, since they had rebelled.

  • 英語長文の和訳。

    英語が得意な人が居ましたら、 和訳をお願い致します。 My father has a friend in Osaka. His name is Akira Sato. He and my father became friends When they were student at the same college in Tokyo. Mr.Sato studenthard When he was a college student. But he also worked hard, because he wanted to go to the United States to study English at college. At last he got enough money to go there. In 1974 he finished college in Japan, and he went to the United States in August that year. His parents gave him some money When he left Japan. But two weeks afterhe started to stay in the United States, he because too sick to move. He had on friends to take care of him. He Could not eat or drink anything that day. The nextday, The old woman living next door to him found that he was so sick, and she college an ambulance for him. Hewas carried to a hospital. He was saved! But the doctor told him to go back to Japan, because he was too weak to study in the United States. The old woman did everything for him, so he Could come back to Japan one month later. And he got well. five years later, in 1979, he got married. One day in that year, When he was watching TV, he know about foreign students who were trying to find an inexpensive apartment in Japan. The students were not so rich. He remembered The kind old woman in the United States. Three years later, Mr. and Mrs. Sato made a house for foreign students near their house. The students didn't have to pay a lot of money to Mr. and Mrs. Sato. Mr. and Mrs. Sato have taken care of forty foreign students since 1982. The students call them "our parents in Japan." Some of them invited Mr. and Mrs. Sato to their countries. Mr. and Mrs. Sato didn't have their own children but they are very happy to have many "children" in foreign countries. 以上です。 誤字脱字がありましたらすみません。和訳、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳を教えてほしいです

    (1) The perfect consumer for the advertiser is the individual who is so suggestible that he can be kept continuously engaged in indulging his own ego. (2) If the proper maturing of the self consists in its development away from adolescent frustration and egocentricity toward a wider range of human interest and relationship, the ego-absorption encouraged by endless invitations to buy actually arrests our mental maturing. (1)(2)の和訳を教えてください。構造も教えていただけると助かります。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The British Second Army, with some 275,000 veteran soldiers, entered Germany in late 1918. In March 1919, this force became the British Army of the Rhine (BAOR). The total number of troops committed to the occupation rapidly dwindled as veteran soldiers were demobilized, and were replaced by inexperienced men who had finished basic training following the cessation of hostilities. By 1920, the BAOR consisted of only 40,594 men and the following year had been further reduced to 12,421. The size of the BAOR fluctuated over the following years, but never rose above 9,000 men. The British did not adhere to all obligated territorial withdrawals as dictated by Versailles, on account of Germany not meeting her own treaty obligations. A complete withdrawal was considered, but rejected in order to maintain a presence to continue acting as a check on French ambitions and prevent the establishment of an autonomous Rhineland Republic. The French Army of the Rhine was initially 250,000 men strong, including at a peak 40,000 African colonial troops (Troupes coloniales). By 1923, the French occupation force had decreased to roughly 130,000 men, including 27,126 African troops. The troop numbers peaked again at 250,000 during the occupation of the Ruhr, before decreasing to 60,000 men by 1926. Germans viewed the use of French colonial troops as a deliberate act of humiliation, and used their presence to create a propaganda campaign dubbed the Black shame. This campaign lasted throughout the 1920s and 30s, although peaked in 1920 and 1921. For example, a 1921 German Government memo detailed 300 acts of violence from colonial troops, which included 65 murders and 170 sexual offenses. Historical consensus is that the charges were exaggerated for political and propaganda purposes, and that the colonial troops behaved far better than their white counterparts. An estimated 500–800 Rhineland Bastards were born as a result of fraternization between colonial troops and German women, and whom would latter be persecuted. The United States Third Army entered Germany with 200,000 men. In June 1919, the Third Army demobilized and by 1920 the US occupation force had been reduced to 15,000 men. Wilson further reduced the garrison to 6,500 men, prior to the inauguration of Warren G. Harding in 1921. On 7 January 1923, after the Franco–Belgian occupation of the Ruhr, the US senate legislated the withdrawal of the remaining force. On 24 January, the American garrison started their withdrawal from the Rhineland, with the final troops leaving in early February.

  • 英語詳しい方、訳を教えてください。何といってますか

    英語にかなり詳しい方これを訳していただきたいです。翻訳サイトなど使わないかたおしえてください samuel is a native of Tegucigalpa, Honduras. He participated in a national casting call for the first Honduran miniseries, Diferentes a Todos, and was cast. The program was a Promega production, directed by Francisco Andino and produced by Francis Mejía. Through Terco Producciones, which was responsible for Honduran casting on 『BBBB』, Mr. samuel attended an open casting call and within weeks found himself in front of the cameras, making his feature debut. He is currently working with Promega, in Tegucigalpa, while also continuing his studies. 自分でもやってみましたが、最初しかわかりません。samuelはホンジュラス人です。しかわかりませんでした・・

  • どなたか英語が分かる方よろしくお願いします。

    体の特徴が書いてあります。 翻訳をしていただけたら助かります。 He is of mean stature, meager, Lank, lean dyspeptic looking; Stoop shouldered and tall in height, but pallid awkward and weakly. The body is thin and ill formed and clumsy. He has an insignificant way of moving, as though he has not great confidence or like one who wishes to remain anonymous and have no attention focused on himself. There is nothing bold or strident about his movements. They are more contained, even a bit fretful and timid. His face I have described in detail in the previous reading. His neck is thin and slightly scrawny with visible columns and muscular cords at the side of it and pale like marble, and the Adams apple is a visible protruding curve in the neck shape, the skin poorly pasty colored and dingy. The neck is more fleshy and rounded out under the throat and parotid area., more hollowed and boney and sunken in above the clavicle bones. He has broad shoulders, like a great balanced yolk, but he doesn’t carry them erect, not a stooping or cringing gait, if one shoulder goes down the other goes up like a yoke or balance across them, but slightly stoop shouldered,, not as proud and erect and smart as he could be. These peculiarities of gait can make him look a little languid and a little less poised or ungraceful and ungainly but soft in step. The body is not cold to the touch by he always has a chilly look about him.

  • 英文表記のタイトルを御訳し願います。

    The International Life Underwriters' Library sponsored, along with Forty Unusual Plans for Selling Life Insurance and Selling Adventures in Life Underwriting, a slim volume written in 1927 by Edward A. Woods and Clarence B. Metzger called America's Human Wealth: The Money Value of Human Life. 上記英文中の「Selling Adventures in Life Underwriting」をお訳し願います。

  • PCのBluetoothがONで検出可能になっている状態でマウスのペアリングボタンを3秒以上押してもPC上に検知結果としてマウスが表示されない。
  • 検知されていない。何が問題なのでしょうか?ドライバーは最新の状態と確認しています。
  • 困っています。