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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語の和訳・整序)

The Green House Effect: A Warming Near the Earth's Surface


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<和訳> * 温室効果は、地球の大気が太陽の熱を閉じ込めるときに、(結果として)生じる地球の表面近くの温暖化です。 この効果がなければ、地球の平均表面温度は、実際より約33℃低くなるでしょう。 * もしもあなたが貧困国に生まれたならば、あなたは1つしか部屋のない家に住んでいるかもしれません。 床は土間になるでしょう。 壁は、泥レンガでできているでしょう。 家には、水道がないでしょう。 家には、バスルームや台所もないでしょう。 あなたの家族のめいめいには、食事のためのお米がごく少ししかないかもしれません。 あなたは、40歳から50歳ほどまでしか生きることが期待できないでしょう。 地球上の10人につき約6人が、このような暮らしをしています。 <整序問題> 1. I really wish you wouldn't talk with food in your mouth. あなたが口に食べ物を入れたまま話さない様にしてくれると本当にいいのに。 2. If only I had paid more attention to what the teacher said. 先生の言ったことにもっと注意してさえいればよかったのに。 3. If you heard Emi talk, you would take her for an American. (had 不要) 恵美が話すのを聞けば、彼女をアメリカ人と思うことでしょう。





  • 和訳をお願いします。

    11. What are some of the very different things between Japan and the US? 12. If you all of a sudden had to live in the US what would be a hard adjustment in terms of our cultural practices and beliefs? What would be hard about living the US?

  • 和訳して下さい。

    この文章の和訳が思いつきません。どなたか説明していただけると 嬉しいです。 If you had asked me before, I never would've predicted that living alone in the city would be this difficult. 私の頭ではどう考えても If you had asked me before, I would have predicted that living alone in the city would be this difficult. の構文に直したくなります。

  • 英語の質問です。

    解答、訳をお願いします。 1.Linda talks () she knew everything about the styles of English painters. 1.as if 2.so that 3.even though 4.in case styles 特徴 2.It is high time you () to bed,John. 1.go 2.went 3.have gone 4.will go 3.() you had told it to me a week ago! 1.I wished 2.If 3.If only 4.Had 4.() I in your place, I wouldn't climb such a high mountain in bad weather. 1.Be 2.Were 3.Have been 4.Am 5.() of that important fact, I would have shown it to you. 1.I knew 2.Did I know 3.I had known 4.Had I known よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします。

    困ってます(>_<) お願いします。 another way to say get in touch with would be talk to. another way to say get in touch with would be stay away from. another way to say get in touch with would be remember and then forget. another way to say get in touch with would be connect with and undestand. According to the passage,which of the following is true about dreams? If you dream you're wearing no clothes, something embarrassing probably happened to you. If you dream you didn't study for a test, then you have nothing to worry about. another way to say look up to you would be are careful when they're with you. another way to say look up to you would be like to talk to you. another way to say look up to you would be think good things about you. another way to say look up to you would be dream about you. I have to finish this paper tonight! If I don't hand it in on time, I'll get a bad grade! I fell on the stairs, and everyone laughed at me! My life is great! I don't have any problems, and I'm really happy! Everyone else was wearing the right clothes. I just came in jeans and a T-shirt. The concert is in two days, and I haven't had much time to practice my violin.

  • 英語

    1:Married men sometimes wish they () single. (1)are (2)were (3)have been (4)being 2:The play was a lot of fun. I wish you () there. (1)were (2)had been (3)have been (4)would be 3:Although he knows nothing about electronics,he speaks() an expert. (1)like his being (2)as if he were (3)even if he were (4)as though being 4:You looked() a ghost when you came out of thehouse. What happened? (1)like to have seen (2)like seeing (3)as though to have seen(4)as if you had seen 5:It's already eleven. It's high time you() in bed. (1)are (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 和訳お願いします。

    today I have heard about the tragic news about Japan. Hopefully you and your family/friends are doing fine? I am very sorry for my late reply, but I was attempt to have less contact with you, because I thought it would be better for both of us to keep going with our normal life. The farewell of the last time that I saw you was very hard, I did not want to let you cry and have heartbreak.  Do not see me wrong, because I had a great time with you. We both started to have a strong feelings for eachother, but we both also now that this could not work out. That was very hard for both of us and I want you to live a great life without missing our  time too much. Well, hopefully my thing did work out and you are doing fine, you will always have that special place in my heart. Maybe the future will bring us back together... If I have any chance to go to Japan again I will definitly contact you and be with you, only if your situation allows that, maybe in that time you will have a lovely family. Please give other men a chance if they want to be a part of your life. I will be very happy for you..

  • 和訳がうまくいきません。

    こんばんは. よろしくお願いいたします. About75 percent of the earth's surface is covered with water, and we have seen only a small part of what lies under the sea. 地球の表面の約75パーセントは水で覆われていて,私たちは海の下で広がっているただ小さな部分だけを見た。 の和訳でおかしな点がありましたら,ご教授お願いします。 よろしくお願いいたします、

  • 英語が得意な方へ

    アメリカの質問掲示板で質問した際の、返事がよく理解できませんでした。どなたか、分かりやすく訳、または要約をしてくれませんか? 質問 I'm Japanese student studying English This time, I want to ask about subjunctive mood.If you had behaved such a way in the party, my parents would have said that ( ). In ( ), I want to insert ' I had to go home.' , but is it okay to insert this sentence? 'If I had behaved such a way in the party, my parents would have said that I had to go home.' Is this sentence correct? I can't understand the tense, therefore please tell me about how to change the tense. I'm japanese student studying English, so I couldn't write sentences well. 答え You are quite correct. The subjunctive mood is used to describe hypothetical cases, regardless of the facts of the matter. They set the scene, so to speak, and what would happen as a consequence should be delivered in the appropriate tense (which has nothing to do with mood). Thus: "They would have said I had to go home." "They would have said you were acting foolishly." "They would have said 'You are a fool,' and turned away from you." In the last example, the quote would have been delivered in the present of the hypothetical time, and should be rendered that way.

  • 英語

    1:I like my job,but I wish I made more money. Me too. If I (),I could buy a new car. (1)did (2)do (3)had (4)have 2:If I ()you, I would not accept that kind of offer. (1)am (2)have been (3)were (4)will be 3:If I() a camera with me I would have taken a picture of the lake. (1)have (2)had (3)had had (4)have had 4:Would you have taken the job if you() how terrible the conditions were? (1)knew (2)had known (3)have known (4)would have known 5:If she() late,give her this message. (1)were coming (2)would come (3)should come (4)shall come 解答と訳をお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をお願いします Have you ever wondered why the Earth looks so blue from space? This is because about three quarters of the Earth's surface is covererd by water. This may sound like we have a lot of water to drink. But in reality, only 3 percent of the Earth's water is fresh, and most of it exists as ice. Half of the water which exists as fresh water is found deep under the ground. In all, only about 0.05 percent of the Earth's water is fresh and drinkable. All living things carry water inside their bodies.For example,more than 60 percent of the human body is water.We need about 40 liters of water inside our bodies all the time but we lose some water every day. The water our bodies lose each day is about 2.5 liters. So we constantly need to put back the water we lose. We get water from drinks and the food we eat, such as fruit and vegetables. We need fresh water for our survival, but it is scarce and sometimes difficult to get.