• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

どうも。この靴は『訳有り(難有り)新品』だってことは了解済みですか。 色違いだし。返事待つ。



とても早く、簡潔にお答え頂き、大変参考になりました。 ありがとうございました。



ご回答ありがとうございます。 商品説明に下記の文章があったのを見落としていました。 New with defects: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item. Possible cosmetic imperfections range from natural color variations to scuffs, cuts or nicks, hanging threads or missing buttons that occasionally occur during the manufacturing or delivery process. The apparel may contain irregular or mismarked size tags. The item may be missing the original packaging materials (such as original box or tag). New factory seconds and/or new irregular items may fall into this category. The original tags may or may not be attached. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. 添付画像では右足が薄く左足が濃く写っており、それは光線の具合かと思っていました…。 上記もいまひとつはっきりはわからないのですが、おっしゃる通り、色味が違っているけど了解しているか、という確認のメッセージなのかも…。


  • 英語から日本語に訳して下さい

    イーベイで靴を購入したところ、出品者から届いたメッセージの意味がわからず、訳をお願いしました。回答を頂き、商品説明を確認したところ、下記の文章があったのを見落としていたので、合わせて訳して頂けると助かります。 前の質問に補足を追加しましたが、あまり目にとまらないかと思い、今一度質問させて頂きます。よろしくお願い致します。 商品説明文 New with defects: A brand-new, unused, and unworn item. Possible cosmetic imperfections range from natural color variations to scuffs, cuts or nicks, hanging threads or missing buttons that occasionally occur during the manufacturing or delivery process. The apparel may contain irregular or mismarked size tags. The item may be missing the original packaging materials (such as original box or tag). New factory seconds and/or new irregular items may fall into this category. The original tags may or may not be attached. See the seller’s listing for full details and description of any imperfections. 購入後届いたメッセージ Hi, Just to make sure did you notice that this shoes are "new with defect?"
Different color, Let me know. 添付画像では右足が薄く左足が濃く写っており、それは光線の具合かと思っていました…。 やはり色味が違っているが了解済みか確認のメッセージのように思いますが、いまひとつよくわかりません…。

  • 英語を日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか?

    英語を日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? 外国の企業からメールが届いたのですが、 あなたの会社は何の法律ですか??? どうゆう意味でしょうか? Hi there. we’re A who just called you and left a message. We’re making documents for foreign equity to my customer , So I have a few question. I’d like to know what applicable low on your company was incorporated. Are they incorporation and registration procedure in California? Please, give us reply. Thank you. Bset regards, そして、下の文章も届きました。 Thank you for your reply. I already read 10-K Form, but I can not find it. Let me make sure, is incorporated under the laws of the state of California, right? どなたか、日本語訳にできるかた、お願いします。

  • 英訳をお願いします!

    英語が得意な方、お力を貸してください。 添削していただけるとたいへん助かります。 どうぞ宜しくお願いします。   *靴の履き間違いのないようお気をつけください。 Please be careful not to mistake for your shoes. or    Before you put your shoes on, make sure the shoes are yours. 

  • 英語合ってますか?

    英語合ってますか? 『これ、(この動画)全部あなたが作ったの? 凄いね!かわいい!』 Did you make all this? You are awesome! It's cute!

  • 日本語訳を!c10-2

    お願いします!続き Jewelers weren't the only Late Harappan craftsmen who changed their ways.Potters developed a new kind of kiln that could get hotter faster.This kiln had a hollow center.Holes around the edge of the kiln floor let the fire into the chamber with the pottery.The higher temperatures made pots stronger.So did a new way of working the clay-craftsmen used a wooden paddle and a smalk lump of clay like an anvil to beat the clay walls of a pot and make the walls thinner and stronger.Working this way,potters could make pots with a rounded base instead of a flat base,which made them easier to balance on the hip or head and easier to pour from.The hot temperatures of the new kilns also let potters try out new kinds of black and red glazes and,in time,different designs.Did a clever,inventive potter bring about these changes? Or did new people moving to the city introduce them? Potters also began to make small figures of horses,donkeys,and two-humped camels-animals that until this period been used only high in the mountains of Central Asia.What's more,the people using these animals did not write Indus script,although they did use circular seals with geometric designs similar to those found on seals during the Harappan period. Over time,the new leaders who came to power kept neither written records nor made Harappan-style seals to stamp clay and seal trade goods.This may have been because the trade networks had collapsed,so there was no need for the records.Or it's possible that the new leaders decided not to write down their records.

  • 日本語訳お願いします!

    YouTubeで英語でメールが来たのですが、英語の日本語訳をして頂きたいです! I don't know if you understand romaji or not, but I need some help as I am still trying to translate this, can you look it over and let me know what I did wrong?

  • 日本語に訳してください。

    Hi. Hanako, This Hayan. I'm friend of Joohyun. I just wanna know that R u with Joohyun right now?? Becase i wanna talt to her, but i can't reach her. so,if u r with Joohyun, Plz let me know. I'm really worried about her. And can i ask your e-mail address and your cell number? if u have any news about Joohyun, plz let me know. Here is my e-mail and cell number. thanx 以上です。お願いします。

  • 解答お願いします。

    僕の靴も君のと同じくらいすり切れているよね。 My shoes are () worn ()()yours,()they? 君はこの靴をどう思う? "()do you () of this ()of shoes?" 僕には買えないほど高いよ。 "They are () expensive () I can afford."

  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    英語の翻訳をお願いします。 Hi I have a canon camera I need to be sure that I can find the right zoom line between 75-300 meter . This mail include the attachment of the model that I need an I need a flash too . If you have any question let me know. Thanks ネットショップに来たメールです。何を言いたいのかよくわからないので、よろしくお願いします。

  • 日本語に訳してくださいその1

    海外からの、送金を受けたいのですが。。 訳して貰えますか? Hi Shuji, How are you doing? I came on here to reply you from my second e-mail, I just came back from Work and i want to login to my Gmail, I don't know who collected my Gmail please if anybody reply you don't answer this is my second e-mail for you to contact me any time. Have you heard from the bank today? because they should have start processing the money to your account Ok Let me know back as soon as they contact you from the bank. Thank You