• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:i-caryという番組内のセリフです。何つて?)



  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

以下のよう聴こえました。 "and" を多用してるのが特徴です。 He told me that he can beat his dad at arm-wrestling and I said no way and he said oh no it's true and I said wow you must be very strong. And he said well I work out a little bit and I said really? and he said yeah do you want to feel my biceps? and I said sure I do, and I felt them and they felt awesome. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - He told me that he can beat his dad at arm-wrestling, and I said, "No way," and he said, "Oh no, it's true," and I said, "Wow, you must be very strong." And he said, "Well, I work out a little bit," and I said, "Really?" And he said, "Yeah, do you want to feel my biceps?" And I said, "Sure I do," and I felt them and they felt awesome.



大変ありがとうございました。 英語サークル仲間や、英会話の先生(日本人)に聞いても 早すぎて判りませんとの事で、もやもやしていました。 すっきりしました。 大変ありがとう御座いました。 又、英語の勉強中でご指導を仰ぎたいこともこれから 色々出てくると思いますが、よろしくお願い致します。


  • 歌詞の英語教えてください

    SOPHIAのSTRAWBERRY&LIONという曲の歌詞なんですが英語の部分だけ載せました 和訳お願いします。 I wanna stay with you, everyday you said I just wanna be loved meaning of my life from morning to night between you and me I wanna stay with you, I just wanna be loved I just wanna be loved 君がくれた STRAWBERRY CANDY

  • 曲名を教えてください

    洋楽なんですがサビの最後にI wanna be you like I wanna be you likeと言うようなワードを言ってる曲名を教えてほしいです。女性の歌手で番組のBGMに使われていました。

  • 父の退院の日に。

    Hi,evryone! you know what? I am now with my Dad and Mam in their house. Today my Dad had got out from the hospital, so I and Mam took him from there.Yes,he had had a operation at last week.In this morning when he came into the house,he said that he was so happy to came home.He hates to have an operation again.I hope he will be fine and well forever!  いつものように短い文章を書いてみました、英語の文章として通じますか? もう少し書きたかったのですが、どうしてうまく書けませんでした。こんな風に書きたかったのです。 「父は手術を受けるたびに、もう生きて戻れないかもしれないと思うんだと言っていました。」 He said to me that he could not returen ????? lived???? might???? 混乱して整理がつきません、宜しくお願いいたします。

  • もし何をもっていたならトーマスに勝てたのに

    もし羽を持っていたならトーマスに勝てたのにと、バーティは言いました。 "If I had wings, I would have beat you", Birtie said. バーティは、もし何をもっていたならトーマスに勝てたのにといいましたか? 疑問文にしてください。お願いいたします

  • 関係代名詞 教えてください

    関係代名詞 what よく使っていましたので、理解しています。 What he said is true. (=The things which he said is true.) 以下の文はhasの主語がwhatになっているのだと思いますが・・・。 良く理解できません。 I will tell you what has happened. (=I will tell you the things which has happened.) あいまいな内容ですみませんが、きっかけでもかまいませんのでよろしくおねがいします。

  • I'm starting to get you

    I gave my iPod to my crush for his thirtieth birthday. For the first time in our six-year friendship, he said, "I'm starting to get you. I'm starting to get youは「君のことが好きになり始めた」でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 書き換えの問題で

    各組の文が同じ意味になるように英語を完成させよ (1) I said to him, "Are you leaving now?" ↓ I asked him is he was leaving then. という書き換えの問題なのですがなぜsaidがaskedに変わっていて him以下がisから始まっているのかわからないのですがどうしてでしょうか?

  • 言い換え表現で・・・・

    He said to me,"You are right."= He told me that I was right. なんでI wasrughtになるんでしょうか?? 困ってます。。

  • 間違い

    この英文に間違いまたはおかしいと思ったら教えて下さい somebody said''how young do you think he looks?? after that he told me that being talked about him like that was what he doesnt wanna be done most お願いします

  • prominenceII P64,65

    Newt nodded. "All right,"he said. "Remenber me from time to time. Remember how much I love you." Involuntaily,Catharine burst into tears. She turned her back to Nert,looked into the infinite colonnade of the woods. "What does this mean?"said Newt. "Rage!"said Catharine. She clenched her hands. "You have no right-" "I had to find out,"he said. "Yes,"she said. She faced him, looked up at him,her face quite red. "You would have known,"she said. "How?"he said. "Yow would have seen it,"she said. "Women aren't very clever at hiding it." Newt looked closely at Catharine's face now. Newt was ceeing love now. And he did what he had to do.He kissed her. "You shouldn't have done that,"she said. "You didn't like it?"he said. "What did you expect,"she said-"wild,abandoned passion?" "Ikeep telling you,"he said,"I never know what's going to happen next." "We say goodbye," she said. He frowned slightly."All right," he said. She made another speech. "I'm not sorry we kissed,"se said. "That was sweet. We should have kissed,we've been so close. I'll always remember you,Newt,and good luck." "You,too,"he said. "Thank you,Newt,"she said. She noted uneasily that they had begun to walk again. The farewell had been forgotten. "You really love him?"he said. "Certainly I love him!"she said hotly. !What's good about Henry! Yes,"she said,"and many,many,many things are probably bad too. But that isn't any of your business. I love Henry,and I don't have to argue his merits with you!" "Sorry,"said Newt. 誤字があるかも知れませんが 和訳お願いします。