
  • NATOの役員が、日曜日に西部アフガニスタンでアフガニスタンの陸軍服を着た殺し屋によって射殺された
  • 攻撃者は連合軍によって殺され、調査が進行中である
  • 別の襲撃では、米軍を乗せた車両が東部アフガニスタンで道端の爆弾によって攻撃され、1人が死亡し、2人が負傷した
  • ベストアンサー


A NATO servicemember was shot to death by a gunman in an Afghan army uniform Sunday in southern Afghanistan, the allied command in Kabul reported. The attacker was killed by coalition forces who returned fire, NATO's International Security Assistance Force reported. An investigation was under way, ISAF said, and no further details were immediately released. In a separate attack, a roadside bomb struck a vehicle carrying U.S. troops in eastern Afghanistan, killing one American and wounding two, a Western official said. The bombing happened about 10 km (6 miles) south of an outpost in Paktia province, near the Pakistani border, the official said. ----------------------------------------------------- NATOの役員が、日曜日に西部アフガニスタンでアフガニスタンの陸軍服を着た殺し屋によって射殺されたとカーブルの戦略本部が報じた。その殺し屋は応射した連合軍によって殺されたと国際治安支援部隊が報じた。調査は進行中であると国際治安支援部隊は述べ、更なる詳細は直接的に報じられていない。 別の襲撃では東部アフガニスタンの道端の爆弾が米軍を乗せた車両を遅い、1人おアメリカ人を殺害し、2人を負傷させたと西部当局が述べた。爆撃はパキスタン国境近くのパクティア州から約10km西の全勝で起こったと当局は述べた。

  • ure20
  • お礼率36% (14/38)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

アフガニスタン南部でNATO軍の兵士が日曜日、アフガニスタン陸軍の軍服を着た武装犯によって殺された、とカーブルの連合本部が報じた。 NATOの国際治安支援部隊(ISAF)は、応戦した連合軍が武装犯を射殺したと発表した。ISAFは調査が進行中であるとして、更なる詳細については即座に明らかにしていない。 西側当局者は、アフガニスタン東部で起きた別の襲撃で、米兵を移送中の車両が道路脇に仕掛けられていた爆弾に被弾し、アメリカ人一名が死亡、二名が負傷した、と述べた。爆撃はパキスタン国境近くのバクティア州にある前哨基地から南へ約10Kmの地点で起きたと、当局者は語った。


  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I work in an administrative capacity for an elected official who has quite a bit of discretion in how they choose to disburse their budget. Recently everyone in the office—except the administrative staff—was given a huge raise. I found out by accident: Someone stupidly asked me a question about the money. I figured out what had happened and someone else in the office confirmed the massive pay increases. This official runs on a platform of reducing income inequality, and their hypocrisy makes me resentful and angry. I work in an administrative capacity for an elected official who has quite a bit of discretion in how they choose to disburse their budget.とThis official runs on a platform of reducing income inequality,の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 和訳の添削お願いします。

    The wreckage of a Russian passenger airliner that went missing during a demonstration flight over Indonesia has been located in a mountainous area, a local official said Thursday. Teams searching for the plane spotted debris from the Sukhoi Superjet 100 at a height of about 5,800 feet (1,800 meters) on the side of Mount Salak, a volcano south of Jakarta, said Daryatmo, head of the National Search and Rescue Agency. Daryatmo, who like many Indonesians only uses one name, said the Sukhoi logo had been identified amid the wreckage. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ インドネシアの上空を試運転している最中に行方不明になった、ロシアの大型旅客機が、山岳地帯で捜し出されたと、火曜日に地方当局は述べた。飛行機の捜索隊は西部ジャカルタの火山、サラク山の標高約1,800m地点付近でスホイスーパージェット100の破片を見つけ出したと、国内捜索救助機関の長であるDaryatmoは述べた。 Daryatmoは多くのインドネシア人のように1つの名前しか使わず、スホイのロゴが破片の真ん中で確認されていた。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 正直最後の文章の和訳では全く意味が通じません。 who likesではなく、likeと三単現になっていない所から多くのパキスタン人のように、と訳してみました。また、どこまでが節なのかが正直微妙です。("who like many Indonesians"までか、"who like many Indonesians only uses one name"までか。)

  • 和訳の添削お願いします。

    The grisly search for remains at the scene of a commercial plane crash in Pakistan continued Saturday, with officials doubting anyone on board survived. The plane, carrying 127 people, crashed Friday in Islamabad just before it was to land at a nearby airport, according to Pakistan's Civil Aviation Authority, which cited poor weather as a possible factor. At least 120 bodies have been recovered from the scene, Interior Minister A Rehman Malik said. No survivors have been found. ----------------------------------------------------------------- パキスタンで起きた商業航空機墜落事故の現場の、当局による、機内に誰かが生き残っていると疑いながらのおぞましい捜索は土曜日まで続いた。 127人を乗せた航空機は金曜日に、近くの空港に着陸するほんの少し前に墜落し、パキスタンの民間航空当局によると、悪天候を事故の起こりうる要素であると言及した。 少なくとも120体の死体が現場から捜し出されたと、内務大臣のレーマン・マリクは言った。 そして生存者は見つからなかった。

  • 以下の文章のwhich specialises 以降の構造が分かりませ

    以下の文章のwhich specialises 以降の構造が分かりません。 "public untraceable material" という名詞だと思うのですが、なんとなく気持ち悪いです。どう捉えるべきでしょうか? Another US official said that Wikileaks - which specialises in making public untraceable material from whistleblowers - was not an objective news outlet and described it as an organisation that opposes US policy in Afghanistan. ソース

  • dump the brakesの和訳

    下記は12/1にNew Yorkで起きた脱線事故の記事の一部です。 dump the brakes の具体的にどういう操作を言うのかわかりません。 適切な和訳をお教えください。 It It was not clear how fast the Metro-North train was going. But an official from the Metropolitan Transportation Authority said the train operator had reported that the train was going into the turn too fast and that he had performed an emergency braking maneuver. The operator told the first rescuers to reach the scene that he had “dumped” the brakes, according to the official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. Railroad experts said that dumping the brakes is a last-resort move that has the effect of slamming on the emergency brakes on all the cars of a train at once. It is usually done to avert a collision with another train or a car at a grade-level crossing.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Afghanistan decision was a big deal; if it went wrong, we were cooked on national security. It didn't. Mr. Obama's decision to support Gen. Stanley McCrystal's counterinsurgency plan in Afghanistan was a procedural mess but arrived at the right result. この文章の中の次の部分の意味が分かりません。 「we were cooked on national security」 どなたか教えて頂けませんか。

  • 英文添削をお願いします。

    英語の再勉強中です。 英文を作成しましたので添削をお願いします。 There was also an affair today. Of course, that result was our big boss. After our boss reported his work to him, he took a joke, ‘the man who gave me this info told me that this is so expensive.’ This word aroused him and yelled. Then he himself called on the man who said it and clamed about it like child in the presence of us. It was really unbelievable scene. There is a problem wherever he is.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 Ms. Laws said the company was in a global “war for talent.” Construction booms in the Middle East, Asia and Latin America are pulling experienced engineers away from Europe, she said.

  • どう和訳しますか?

    以下の文のpublicly dishonoredをどう訳したら良いか悩んでいます。 何かしっくりくる日本語の表現がありましたら教えて頂けないでしょうか? "The official said people who have been found guilty of rape will be publicly dishonored. " (当局者によると、強姦の罪で有罪判決を受けた人は??公に名誉を汚されることになる??、とのことです。) ちなみにソースはVoice of Americaの記事からです。 以上、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    MOSCOW - Voters in Larcia on Saturday overwhelmingly rejected a proposal to adopt Russian as a second official language, defeating a constitutional referendum measure that underscored the ethnic and political tensions that remain more than 20 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union. "The vote on a second state language endangered one of the most sacred foundations of the Constitution - the state language,"the Latvian president, Andris Berzins, said in a statement after the vote."I would also like to thank everyone who, despite the emotions and impassioned atmosphere which were conjured up by the referendum, maintained a cool head and tolerance without yielding before provocations and attempts to foment hatred." Prime Minister Valdis Dombrobskis, who actively opposed the referendum, said he was grateful to Latvian voters for resoundingly rejectingit, but he said some conciliatory steps would be needed. "What we need to think now is what additional measures could be done on integration and naturalization policies, including more opportunities to study Latvian," Mr. Dombrovskis said in a telephone interview. He added, "It is clear that we need to look at what more we can do." Supporters of the referendum, however, said the bid for official status for Russian was not the cause of fissures in Latvia but an outgrowth of longstanding divisions and historically unequal treatment for the country'slarge minority of native Russian speakers.