• ベストアンサー


Not at all! That was perfect english!! I'm impressed! And,lol,so much better then my japanese!


  • ベストアンサー
  • mis_muffet
  • ベストアンサー率18% (190/1038)

そんなこと全然無いよ!完璧な英語だった!感心しちゃったよ!それに(笑)私の日本語より、ずっと上手いよ! thenはthanのつづり間違い。






  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    i am sorry to became late today at 11 oclock well the meeting finished with ministry of health at 10:45 then it has on-line system at 11 but i am supprised very much???!!!! you know why? because when yukio sometimes told before that>(i will try to have on-line system after one houre..then sometimes yukio told me and sent message that like this: iwill late for while not at time exactly then i did not go i was waiting all time then i am supprised because you were not here to wait for only 1 houre delay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so so in any way i will be at same time from tommrow.and now wait for 2houres more ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ いつも妹に訳してもらうのですが 妹が修学旅行でいないために、困っています。 それと、いつもsupprisedの意味がわかりません。 この単語の訳も教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします。

    all i was telling you is a package was sent back to me from 3 months ago...it wasnt a big deal, just was showing you because that was not my fault . you did not understand my email.

  • すみませんが翻訳御願いします

    すみませんが翻訳御願いします 教科書英語がつまった僕の頭では理解できません アメリカ人のブログです 前後にこれ以外の文章はありません I'm so happy that my friend isn't mad at me and now that she isn't mad at me my x-friend is so mad that she is hanging out with me and not her yyyyyaaaaa!!

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    There's been a lot of times though in the band situation where there's been some deep wounds. Like that press conference they put together in 1996, after canceling three shows. The same stuff was going on with certain members of the band, that I was doing at that time. That was that time, I'm not making an excuse for it, it was a horrible time in my life. As well there were a lot of great things going on in my life, but that part of it was miserable. But I don't think at all that there needed to be a press conference to out me publicly, that was my own business.

  • 翻訳お願いします

    たびたびすみません。 翻訳お願いいたします。 Ah.... Actually it is 3:30AM here in England I Should be sleeping, but I do not feel tired at the moment haha :) Only 10 Days? Wow, that seems rather short That sounds like a good plan I am sure that you will have a good time Well, I do not have many plans for the holiday this time Usually at this time I would usually spend more time with my family But next year I will have many big plans One of my plans is to go to Japan! :D Maybe I will go to Osaka or Kyoto, Do you know any interesting places to visit in this area?? Yes, I would like to, but..... I can not right now My Japanese is not that good So i cannot make mail or sentance that well in Japanese Sorry, But someday I want too By the way.... I am wondering.... Do you understand my English??

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    以前知り合ったハワイの方からメールをもらいましたが、理解できません(>_<)翻訳してくださいませんか? I can buy your ticket! Today was so much fun. first I taught handicapped kids how to surf www.accessurf.org then kite surfed a nearby beach. I was the only one. I had to self launch and self land my own kite so I learned abd practiced that. There were breaking waves I went into. Everyone was in awe. Then I went to mokulaieia (north shore) where the professionals go. Again I was the only one because the wind wsd strange. I was able to do even that rocky reefy sharky area no problem. It was a flood watch storm when I went. Soon ill b professional level :) my goal......On Apr 26, 2011 1:02 AM

  • not say very much at all

    the most obvious difference is that the Japanese does not say very much at all overtly. という文があったのですがnot say very much at all の部分がよく分かりません。not~very muchであまり~ないだと思ったのですが、そうするとat allをどう訳せばよいのか、という問題が出てきてしまって・・・・ よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します。

    Eventually I want to subsidize my income with other creative outlets that are going to not keep me tied to the road so much.

  • 翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    日本語に翻訳してください。 (1)I'm sorry I love you so much. I will make up for being awful to you. And I didn't mean that you aren't better than my ex. You are way better than her in a million ways. I love you and would do anything to make you happy. (2)Hehehehe when I said that you would beat her it was you would beat using me as a toilet cus that's what she wanted and that would make her mad lol You gave me a heart attack. I started crying (at last!) You are the most amazing girl on the planet. I don't care how good your English is I will always love you (heart) (3)Like I said when we first started talking. If you ever see something I said that offends you please know that is not what I meant. I would never want to hurt you.

  • 翻訳していただけませんか?

    こんにちは! 早速ですが、次の文を翻訳していただけないでしょうか?あまり英語が得意でない為、授業前に本文を翻訳しているのですが、今回は上手く翻訳できませんでした。お手数ですが、お願いいたします。 There are many English loanwords in Japanese. Some loanwords, or gairaigo in Japanese, sound like English, but actually have no equivalents in English. Ice coffe, which in Japanese means 'coffee with ice', is 'iced coffee' in English. Fried potato, which is a popular item at fast food restaurants, may sound like English, or at least a grammatically correct expression in English, is in fact, called 'French fries' in the United States. Interestingly, it is called 'chips' in the UK. Potato chips in Japanese refer to the same thing in the United States, though the British call them 'crisps'. Some Japanese people seem to think that baito, 'part-time job', is an English word. Actually, baito is a part of the word arubaito, which was originally borrowed from the German word Arbeit, 'work'. So if you work part-time at a bookstore, and you are asked whether or not you are a full-time worker, you should say in English, "I work part-time here". But do not use the word, Arbeiter, for almost no one would understand this in English-speaking countries. The word freeter(a 'freelance worker who moves from job to fob') is relatively new in Japanese. It was derived from the English word 'free' plus the German word Arbeiter, so it is not really English. Japanese people sometimes make up words that only sound like English but in reality are not. Such words are called 'Japlish', that is to say, Japanese English.