• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳して下さい。(2))


  • 注文書の詳細の条件や発送経由、販売条件について簡潔に要約します。
  • 注文書の詳細には、条件、発送経由、販売条件、販売条件の下に記入された内容が含まれています。
  • 注文書の詳細には、条件、発送経由、販売条件、販売条件の下に記入された内容が含まれており、すべての商品が正確に表現されていない場合は返品される可能性があります。


  • ベストアンサー
  • hakkoichiu
  • ベストアンサー率21% (250/1139)

補足有り難うございます。 限られた付与情報、環境、背景の条件上でお答えします。 1) Terms:- ご賢察とおり、「条件」の意味です。 2) 15days received date:- "Terms"の項にあるのなら 「貨物到着受領時から15日後に代金を支払う] と言うことではないでしょうか。 L/C(荷為替信用状)決済でも、L/Cなしの決済条件でも、銀行から船積書類を提示されれば輸入者は荷付け為替手形を決済してB/Lを受取る(D/P)か、又は、手形を引受けてB/Lをもらって(D/A)、そのB/Lを船会社に提出、交換に貨物を引取ります。 およそ何の商売でも、支払、決済条件が最も大事です。 決済方法は何でしょうか。 種類の一例を列挙すると:- 前途金(振込み、小切手等) L/C(信用状) L/C無しのD/P一覧払、一覧後xx日払い L/C無しのD/A xx日払い 取立て手形(銀行買取無しで取立ててもらう。取立て後回収)等の後払い。 等等。 3) Requestor:- 注文書全文を見ていないので断言出来ませんが、 Requestorは注文者でその下に具体的に注文する企業名か個人名が書かれていると推測します。 4) notice (五行の英文)ですが私なりに意味を考えると ー 当方(当社、拙者)は、如何なる理由でも注文したあらゆる点において注文と違っていれば注文品の一部又は全部を送り返す権利を留保する。 ー さらに、当社は、契約納期、契約条項に違反して船積された船積貨物を貴方(貴社、あなた)の費用負担で返品送り返すあるい、はこの注文を取消す(キヤンセルする)権利を留保します。 ー すべての貨物(荷物、外装梱包、内装、商品そのものか、具体的には 何を指すかはっきりしない)と送り状(インボイス)には当社の注文番号を記載しなければならない。 直訳でたどたどしく自然な日本語に出来ないのですが意味をご理解戴けたでしょうか。 疑問があれば補足質問して下さい。 最も確実に理解する方法はあなたの取引銀行の外国為替部門に尋ねることです。 少しでもあなたの御参考になれば幸です。 ^ 



本当にありがとうございました。すごく助かりました。 英語はすごく苦手で、その上輸出書類等の専門用語が多いようで・・・。 でも、困った時はいつもここへ相談してます。 hakkoichiuさんのように親切に回答頂き本当に何度も助けてもらってます。 まだまだ、書類が発生しそうです・・。 後、2点宜しいでしょうか?何度もごめんなさい。 注文書で、DEL.DATEと記入してあるんですが、多分Der.DATE と思います。 そこには、こちらから提出した見積書の出荷日が記入されてるのですが、発送日?納期?どちらでしょうか? それによって、納入日の違いがでてしまいます・・。 EX Work A社 factory delivery 1th May.2005 上記の内容、A社工場2005年5月1日出荷 で宜しいでしょうか? すみません。 宜しくお願いします。


その他の回答 (2)

  • hakkoichiu
  • ベストアンサー率21% (250/1139)

Del.Date = Delivery Dateでしょう。 Ex-Work A社 factory delivery 1st May 2005:- 文字通りの意味は 「5月1日A社工場で引渡し」            ==== になると思います。



ありがとうございました。 本当に助かりました。

  • hakkoichiu
  • ベストアンサー率21% (250/1139)

注文書の詳細部分のみ:- 1)15days received date この熟語を含む全体の文章と前後夫々の文章を書いて下さい。 2)CIF BKK BKK港までの海上運賃、海上貨物保険料込みの値段。Shipperが本船の手配をする条件。 3)Requestor 前掲の1)と同じくRequestorを含む文章と前後の文章を書いて下さい。  出来れば固有名詞、 日付けを変えて全文を書いて下されば答え易いのですが如何でしょうか。



回答有難うございます。 1)15days received date この熟語を含む全体の文章と前後夫々の文章を書いて下さい。 →注文書の中で、Terms(支払条件?)の項目に上記のみ記入されています。 3)Requestor →項目として単語のみ記入されてます。項目の下には、名前が記入されてます。



  • 翻訳してください。お願いします。

    Are you asking that the sink be cancelled and refunded? Please advise. Regarding the freight charge, the remainder of your order did not meet the $999 order amount. All orders that are under $999 are subject to a $100 freight charge. We only have free motor freight shipping if the order meets the $999 requirement. Please advise if you would like me to establish a cancellation request for this sink. Yes, we are looking at 8-12 weeks from this date on the black model. The white model is in stock in GA. I have established the cancellation request for your sink per your previous email request. We do apologize we were not able to meet your timeline for this particular item. Many thanks,

  • full shipment確認(英文の意味が?)

    Alibaba.comで買い物をしました。PAYPALで支払い、Status:Order Complete.となり11/11に次のメールを受け取りました。 Full Shipment Made for Order No. 10008xxxxx Full shipment has been made for Order no. 10008xxxxx. You can track delivery on DHL ’s website using the tracking number, 73920xxxx. Please confirm delivery within 27 days of receipt.If you are not satisfied with the shipment or if the shipment did not arrive within 27 days, you can submit a Refund Request here. ところが、今日になり次のメールが入っていました。 Please be kindly advised that the payment of order 10008xxxxx cannot be released right now because the tracking number is invalid. Please confirm if you have received the full shipment for your Order No. 10008xxxxx. If you have not received your full shipment, please contact us before 19 Nov 2010 . If we do not hear from you, we will assume that you have received your shipment in satisfactory condition and payment will be released to the supplier. 上記の「Please confirm if you have received the full shipment for your Order No. 10008xxxxx.If you have not received your full shipment~」部分がよくわかりません。 業者(Supplier)に私から確認する必要があるのでしょうか? 何をすべきかどなたか教えてくれると助かります。

  • 誰か翻訳お願いします(>_<) こちらの英語を翻訳してもらえませんか?

    誰か翻訳お願いします(>_<) こちらの英語を翻訳してもらえませんか?? Dear Takahiro, Apologies for the item being defective. If your products get damaged within 50 days after shipments (The order shipment date and order notification are provided to you by email) and the return shipping fee is less than 40% (for countries in South America or Europe) or 30% (for all other countries) of the defective item(s) value, and also less than $40 (USD), please return the item(s) by cheapest way with tracking number (ordinary mail) to the below Drop Off Box Address, we will cover the actual postage (according to the shipping receipt you provided). After your shipment, please take a picture of the proof of shipment (shipping receipt, certificate of posting, tracking number stub, etc). We will arrange the replacement and reimbursement for your return postage after the package is received and processed. TO: DealExtreme RE: ORDER # ______ Room 225-226, Block B, Focal lndustrial Centre 21 Man Lok street Hung Hom, Kowloon HONG KONG PS: Please use the cheapest way to ship the item(s) back. Courier services such as EMS, UPS, Fedex, TNT, DHL etc are NOT eligible for return shipping cost reimbursements But if the product turns out to be defective after 50 days from shipments, please notice that the return shipping costs (both ways) will be the sole responsibility of you. We will still try to exchange your defective products for a brand new one where possible. VERY Important: please remember to include a note in your package indicating the following items: 1. Your order number, 2. sku numbers returned and quantity, and 3. a short description of the problem(s) of the defective unit. This note will help expediting the processing time for you. Thank you. If you have any questions on the return, please feel free to contact us again at anytime. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 回答お願いします(>_<)

  • 翻訳お願いします

    アメリカの手芸店でネット通販を利用して、私のオーダーに対しての返答です。 ちょっと長いのですが、よろしくお願いします。 We've received your order and it's in the queue to be pulled. If we're out of stock on anything we'll let you know once we've pulled your order. If you need to know right away if an order is not complete please let us know so we can call you vs. sending an e-mail. Our current time to get things in the post for complete or partial orders is 3-5 business days but might be longer if our queue gets bloated (and we've all been there one time or another :-)). If you have specified a deadline we'll do our best to meet it and will let you know if that's a problem. If you have a deadline and have not noted it in the order, please let us know ASAP - even if it's a month from now! Feel free to give us a call on our toll-free number the order is urgent so we get the message more quickly. If we have to reorder or special order something the sooner we know about a deadline the better since it takes 3-4 weeks to reorder most items. If you selected "hold for all items" but would like to change that to "ship partial" please let us know via e-mail or give us a call. If you don't hear anything from us within 10 days do contact us. Sometimes e-mail messages go missing and we're happy to give you an up-to-date status if you've not heard anything. When we ship your order you will receive an e-mail notification so you know about when to expect it. Thanks for your order,

  • 翻訳して下さい。

    海外通販をして発送が遅れているので理由について問い合わせました。 返信がきました。いまいち内容が理解できないので日本語に訳して下さい。 I understand that you have requested an order status update. I have reviewed your order and see that your order has not yet completed the shipping process. Please review your original order confirmation that was emailed to you. Located in the top right corner of the order confirmation email you will find an estimated order shipping date. This date represents the date we expect your order to complete the shipping process. If the estimated shipping date found on your order confirmation has passed, the item(s) on your order may be on backorder. Occasionally due to unexpected delays it may not be possible to meet the tentative shipping date originally provided to you. I am currently working to provide you a revised delivery estimate. Once I obtain a delivery estimate I will email you this information. Please know, your item(s) have been reserved for you and are on order with the manufacturer. We are doing everything possible to fulfill your order as soon as possible. If you would like to discuss other possibilities for fulfilling your order, please respond to this email or call and a Customer Service Representative will gladly assist you. Thank you for your patience. We regret any inconvenience this may have caused you.

  • 英語の翻訳お願いします。

    輸入ブルーレイを海外から購入したところ、違う商品が送られてきちゃいました。 ネットで例文を引用してなんとか【間違ったの送り返すから正しいの送って下さい】 というのを、海外の取引先にメールしたところ、以下の長文が送られてきて無料の翻訳を使ってみたのですが、ちんぷんかんぷんで。。。 長文ですが、どうか宜しくお願いします。 body We are happy to reimburse for return shipping up to $10.00 for international orders when the return is due to our error. For a return on box sets or where the return shipping is more than $6.00 due to item size or weight, please contact us for preauthorization and a receipt for the shipping will need to be emailed or faxed to us. Delivery confirmation, insurance, mailers and expedited shipping costs are not included as reimbursable items. Another option we offer are partial refunds in lieu of returning items that have minor case damage or scratches or we can send you a replacement case for single disc CD's or DVD. Please ask your customer service representative for this option if you are interested. **To expedite the return process, please cut your shipping label from the mailer your order arrived in and include it with the return form found at the link below. This will have much of the information we need to identify your order. Please be as detailed as possible below so we can ensure proper handling of your return. For defective or damaged items, we will ship you another brand new, item once we receive the defective/damaged one back at the warehouse (with RAF completed). Please note: Region errors are not considered defective. For incorrect items received due to packing or listing errors, we will ship you the correct item as soon as the incorrect item is received into our warehouse (with RAF completed) or completely refund your order if it is determined we are unable to obtain the correct item due to a listing or UPC error. For all other returns (dont want, region error, duplication) a refund minus S&H will be processed after we receive the item back in our warehouse (with RAF completed). Please explain the reason for the return. Return shipping will not be reimbursed. 以上です。 よろしくお願いします。。。

  • 翻訳お願いいたします。

    翻訳お願いいたします。 Thank you for contacting Frank's Pontiac Parts. Your email has been received. If this is a request for parts that are not featured on our web site, due to the high volume of emails we receive, please allow 1-3 businsess days for a response. The website is current and up to date, it is always quicker to check the web site first.  If you see something on the web site that you wish to order, please just give us a call so that we can get your order out right away.

  • 翻訳出来る方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m

    翻訳出来る方、教えて下さいm(_ _)m   The freight offer was based on AIR CARGO  not on DHL  this time.  But the Japanese forwarder (partner of Panalpina)  does not accept to make customs clearance for private persons, except if the supplier pre-pays the import duties.  So they are the following 2 solutions now:  1)      We send your shipment by DHL  as allways        -  The freigth charge is Euro 180,00 higher than  with air cargo.  You could pay this difference of Euro 180,00 to us together with your next order 2)      We send it by air cargo  and accept to prepay the Japanese customs duties.  In that case we will send you the invoice for the customs duties after we paid it and will ask you to pay it back to us  by PayPal or bank remittance  Please let us know which solution you prefer.  Your shipment cannot be dispatched before we answer to the forwarder.  Sorry for this inconvience.

  • 翻訳ソフトを使わずにメールの翻訳をお願いします

    昨日、海外のサイトで買い物をしました。 注文、支払いとスムーズに行えたのですが 今日になって、下記のメールが届きました。 書いてある内容と私は何をしたらいいのかが 分かりません。 翻訳ソフトを使わずに、下記のメールの翻訳をお願い致します。 そして、私が何かすることがあれば教えてください。 Hi, Thank you for your order with ○○○! I am emailing you in reference to order #11111. We require all orders of this size to be accompanied by photo ID as well as a hand written authorization of purchase with signature and all order information contained in that note. You can easily scan these two documents and send them via email. We can then release your order for shipment. If you wish not to send the required identification, we can also accept wire transfer for payment instead. Your originally charged account would of course be credited. The note must include: 1. Brief statement of authorization that you made the purchase. 2. The shipping address on the order and your authorization to ship there. 3. The date and your signature The ID must show: 1. Your address, name and signature. Passport is acceptable also. どうぞ、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 翻訳お願い致します。

    いまいち、内容が良く解りません。翻訳お願い致します。 Many thanks for sending this new order through. When did you need this order by? We do not have the grey mugs available until January, would this be ok? I can send you the invoice now if you like. Let me know.

  • スマホの入替により、【ESET Mobile Security】からアクティベーションの詳細を確認する際に問題が発生しました。
  • 再試行しても同様の状況が続いており、エラーコード:0x20515029が表示されています。
  • 旧スマホの【ESET Mobile Security】は正常に動作しています。