• ベストアンサー


PubMedの「In Vivo Imaging of Bcr-Abl Overexpressing Tumors with a Radiolabeled Imatinib Analog as an Imaging Surrogate for Imatinib」という文章を読んでいるのですが、いまいちわかりません。 これは診断薬の話で結論はイマチニブのほうが結局よいということなのでしょうか? 回答よろしくおねがいします。 あと、アナログの構造にいたった理由もおしえてもらえるとありがたいです。

  • 化学
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー



  • 翻訳お願いします。

    翻訳お願いします。 We can represent information in either analog or digital form. Traditional representations are usually analog. For example, an invoice printed on a sheet of paper represents the information content of the invoice in analog (paper) form. Similarly, we can use celluloid film to create an analog representation of the information content of a motion picture. Digitization is the conversion of an analog representation to digital format using zeroes and ones, or bits. For example, optically scanning an invoice creates a digital bitmap that has almost exactly the same information content as the printed original(excepting quantization errors). Similarly , scanning each frame of a motion picture results in a digital representation of the information content of the film. Another way to view this dichotomy is to say that information stored in analog form uses atoms, but information stored in digital form uses bits [Negroponte 95].

  • 下記科学英文について

    Individual trials with a confidence limit below unity emphasized the potential for a detrimental impact on outcomes, which should be considered both in using acupuncture clinically as an adjunct for IVF and in design of future trials. Individual trials with a confidence limitは信頼区間の個人試験? bothはin using acupuncture clinically as an adjunct for IVFと in design of future trialsのことでしょうか? 全訳していただけると助かります。

  • 翻訳お願いします。翻訳サイトのコピペはご遠慮ください。

    翻訳お願いします。翻訳サイトのコピペはご遠慮ください。 We can represent information in either analog or digital form. Traditional representations are usually analog. For example, an invoice printed on a sheet of paper represents the information content of the invoice in analog (paper) form. Similarly, we can use celluloid film to create an analog representation of the information content of a motion picture. Digitization is the conversion of an analog representation to digital format using zeroes and ones, or bits. For example, optically scanning an invoice creates a digital bitmap that has almost exactly the same information content as the printed original(excepting quantization errors). Similarly , scanning each frame of a motion picture results in a digital representation of the information content of the film. Another way to view this dichotomy is to say that information stored in analog form uses atoms, but information stored in digital form uses bits [Negroponte 95].

  • 古代エジプトに関する本の中で不明な文

    1177BCと言う考古学の本を読んでいる際、意味はだいたい解るのですが英文の構造が分からない文が出てきましたので、どなたかお教え下さい。 Tut was buried in a tomb within the Valley of the Kings. The tomb might not have originally been meant for him, as was the case for many of the dazzling objects found buried with him, since he died so suddenly and unexpectedly. Tut とはツタンカーメンのことです。疑問点は、as 以下のhimまでのasをどう訳し、構造はどうなっているかをお教え下さい。 よろしくお願いします。

  • As befits...の意味?

    As befits...の意味がわかりません。どなたかわかる方、説明していただけませんか? 例文: "As befits a power with the reach of an octopus, the foreign-policy process in the US looks a bit like an octopus too." "You will do well to send them on their journey as befits God's service. " "As Befits a Legend: Building a Tomb for Napoleon, 1840-1861"

  •  和訳教えてください(遊戯療法の英文)

     和訳を教えていただきく質問します。心理療法の一種である遊戯療法に関する英文です。  It is very important that the therapist constantly plays to maintain their own lvels of creativity and skill and is comfortable with play as an activity for all, rather than something that only children do which they grouw out of with age. 自分なりに訳してみると「セラピストは一貫して自身の創造性や技術の水準を維持することが大切であり、子どもとたちが年齢とともに成長するのみだけでなく、遊びの活動によって心地よさを与えられることが重要である。」  変な日本語になってしまいました。「is comfortable with play as an activity for all, rather than something that only children do which they grouw out of with age.」の部分が怪しく、  「activity for all」や「something that only」をどう処理すべきか悩んでいます。

  • 英訳を教えて下さい。

    One would wish to be able to begin the story of Japanese history with an exact statement of origins. のあとの The historian's quest for absolute starting point and the temptation to look for explanations of the very recent in terms of the very remote may be, as Marc Bloch has remarked, an "idol of origins. を、どう訳してよいのか解りません。 訳すにあたって、recentやremoteのあとに省略された単語(語句)があると思うのですが、それが何なのか。また、idolは偶像とでも訳すのでしょうか。 本来なら、下手なりにでも訳して見て頂くのが礼儀ですが、肝心なところが解らないので申し訳ございません。

  • 熟語の意味を教えてください。

    辞書に載っていないものもあり、間違えて覚えたくないので、=表現もあわせておしえてください。お願いします。 1 decide to~   =(   )(   )one´s(   )to~ 2 care about~ 3 as a matter of fact 4 make~public 5 search for~ 6 look for~ 7 be scared of~ 8 interfere with~ 9 as soon as~   =the(   )to~

  • 「would for ...」「 you would with...」

    以下の文章に「would for ...」「 you would with...」と言う箇所があるのですが、wouldと前置詞for, withの間にはdoが省略されているのでしょうか?それともwouldは動詞として使われているのでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。 That said, it's isn't as easy as comparing expense ratios. That's because you must pay commissions to buy and sell ETFs, just as you would for stock transactions. Thus, if you plan on making a single, lump-sum investment, then it may pay to choose an ETF. But if you invest regular sums of money, you'll actually end up costing yourself far more with an ETF than you would with many mutual funds.

  • 前置詞の訳

    例えばtoなら~するのために、という意味がありますよね。 これと同じように by,for,in,of,with,on,from,asこの8個の単語の訳を教えて下さい。