• ベストアンサー


ペンパルとタトゥーについて話していたんですが、下記のようき書かれました。 和訳お願いします。 Do you have many japanese people with tattoos? また「体のどの部分にタトゥーがあるんですか」と聞く場合は下記の言い方で 大丈夫でしょうか? Which part of body do you have tattoos?


  • ベストアンサー

タトゥーを入れている日本人は多いですか. Which part of the body do you get (the) tatoos? どんなタトゥーを入れているか話が進んでいたら(theまたはyour)が似合います. まだ入れていないのなら...will you get them?くらいでしょうか.






  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    ペンパルからきたメールなのですが、下記の文はどういった内容なのでしょうか?いまいち、ニュアンスが分かりません。 分かる方、よろしければ和訳おねがいします。 Haha I don't know what to expect with real japanese food but all I can do is try it out right? :)

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Many years later and thousands of miles away - in 1990 in California - he received a standing ovation from 7,000 people after this speech.  What did Victor Frankl do that most people with problems don't do? He vividly imagined a future in which his problems were resolved and then worked backward to the present to determine what he would need to do in order to make that future a reality. If you are stuck with a problem, just turning your gaze from the past to a future in which the problem is no longer with you is a major change in the way of viewing the problem. Then, of course, you would have to work backward to the present to figure out what you could do to make that future a reality, rather than just an appealing fantasy.

  • 和訳、それに対しての返事の英訳をお願いします

    以下のメッセージを和訳をお願いします。 I wonder if you can help me with something. I have a show to do where I need to say in japanese the following: "The brave will die but the cautious never live." Are you able to send me the japanese written phonetically so I can learn it. Many thanks if you can do this for me. Best 私は、英語は得意ではありません。 このメッセージを下さった方は、TV等にも出演されている方です。 失礼のない返事をしたいので、どう書けば良いのか、 教えて戴けたら有難いです。 宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳して下さいm(_ _)m

    So you're japanese right? Which part of japan you are from? 和訳して頂けないでしょうか? 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    But many people, who learn the Japanese language, do not get rewarded with professional opportunities or social opportunities.

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    Have you worn for quite a while yourself? Also, what made you decide to want to do this? Do you have a lot of experience with building a site and drawing traffic? 上記の和訳が分かりません。 もし分かる方がおりましたら、 回答頂けるとありがたいです。

  • Japan Times 【Essay】の和訳です 宜しくお願いします

    下記の和訳をお願いします。 内容的には何となくこうだろうなというのは分かりるのですが・・・・ 文法的にも理解出来ないところがあります、宜しくお願いします。 These art forms have been preserved as they were 600 years ago, which means linguistically they are as obscure to contemporary Japanese people as they are to non-Japanese people. 【Essay】 【Connecting with the contemporary】 【http://www.japantimes.co.jp/shukan-st/english_news/essay/2007/ey20071214/ey20071214main.htm】

  • 和訳です。

    英文の和訳をお願いします。 途中、並び替えがあります。 スペルには気をつけましたが、ミスがあったら指摘していただいて結構です。お願いします。  It is often said that the Japanese are shy or mysterious and that it is impossible to guess what they are thinking. In many cases, however, they may simply be trying to behave politely according to their own custums. Japanese people do have their own opinions, but they tend to wait their turn to speak out. If they completely disagree with somebody, they will usually listen with an air of acceptance at first, then disagree in a rather vague and roundabout way. This is considered the polite way to do things in Japan. On the other hand, because Western people consider directness and the honest expression of one's opinions more important, they tend to express their ideas more crearly. Even though quarrels sometimes take place, they do not usually affect people's relationships, except in extreme cases. In Japan, however, if you go against someone and create a bad atmosphere, your relations may break off completely. People tend to react emotionally, and most (afraid,are,being,excluded,from,of,the group).  Silence can be also be concidered a kind of ambiguity. Between the Japanese and Westerners, there is a different understanding of silence. For the Japanese, silence indicates deep thinking or consideration, but too much silence often makes non-Japanese uncomfortable. Whereas the Japanese consider silence as rather good and people generally feel sympathetic toward it, non-Japanese sometimes feel that it is an indication of indifference. Too many words, however, are a kind of pressure for many Japanese and make them nervous and ill-at-ease.  Aimai can result in misunderstandings, and people from other countries sometimes become irritated because the Japanese seem unable to answer “yes” or “no” directly. For example, if asked, “Which will you have, tea or coffee?” a Japanese person will often reply, “Either is OK.” This is a reserved and polite answer, but it often causes the host or hostess trouble. In fact, the word that Japanese most often have difficulty in using is“no” and their use of vague denials may lead to a great deal of friction and misunderstanding. To solve this problem, the Japanese need to become aware of their sense of ambiguity because many of them simply do not realize that it causes problems. With this awareness, they can try to express their opinions more clearly. On the other hand, non-Japanese should try to understand the Japanese mentality and the importance of the role that ambiguity plays in Japanese life. 以上になります。 あまり難しくないように思えましたが、長い文になると、意外と見落としている語があったり、訳していて、おそらく訳す順が変で、しっくり来ない部分があり、少し自信が無かったです。

  • 英訳お願いします。

    あなたは何人兄弟ですか? How many brothers do you have? でいいのでしょうか? それとも、 How many do you have brothers? でしょうか? よくわからなくなってしまいました。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします☆*゜

    well you usually only have to tip people like taxi driver's and When you leave a Restaurant from eating in except fast food restaurants like McDonalds Taco Bell etc. and if i were you id either wait a bit till you know more or have a translator with you =] 彼女はペンパルで、アメリカに行くのにチップについてが心配と話しました。 和訳お願いします。

  • 30歳彼氏の性欲についての悩み
  • 彼氏の性欲が少なく、月1〜2回しかセックスしない
  • 彼の性欲の変化に不安を感じる30歳の彼女