• ベストアンサー


次の文に(  )内にどの副詞が入りますか? 和訳も教えてください。お願いします。 1Now she weeps,(    ) she laughs. 2I'm sorry about our quarrel; you began it, (     ). (out /then/well/though)

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1   Now she weeps,(then) she laughs.     今彼女は泣いている(と思ったら)つぎは、笑っている。 2   I'm sorry about our quarrel; you began it, (though).    私達喧嘩してすまなかった、でも始めたのはあなただ。





  • work out okのokは副詞ですね

    It will work out ok.のokは副詞ですね。well,all rightも同様に副詞として考えれば良いですね。

  • 接続詞 副詞のかかるところ

    Why is the sea never still? Well, there are times when the sea is nearly still, though no doubt even when it looks like glass there are waves in it too small for us to see. But the sea is always moving, even so much that our eyes can see it, simply because the air above it is moving. 訳文をみるとno doubtはthere are waves in it too small for us to see.にかかっています。 even when it looks like glassである従属節にかかると思ってしまうのですが・・・・。 no doubt there are waves in it too small for us to see. にすべきではないのでしょうか? thoughのような接続詞は従属節があれば従属節にかかるのでしょうか? looks like glass there are wavesの glass thereの間にコンマは必要ではないのですか?

  • よろしくお願いします

    (自分はいい友達を持っている、という文脈)But whenever we have a conflict, she does something I find frustrating and immature. She tells all our mutual friends about our disagreement -- and from her own biased perspective. I've picked up on this over the years because these mutual friends have let slip things that she's told them about our fights. I've also put it together for myself because whenever she fights with another friend, she tells me all about it. I've picked up on this over the years because these mutual friends have let slip things that she's told them about our fights. の和訳と、put it together for myself の意味をよろしくお願いします

  • 翻訳お願いします

    Kate stepped out on the trestle to see if it would hold her. Though she could feel it shake beneath her, it did not go down. Then, the wind blew out her light. The night was black. She began to crawl, feeling ahead of her to see if the bridge was still there. From one board to the next she went cautiously on. Sometimes she would slip and almost fall into the roaring water below. Then she would regain her hold and go on. Kate did not know what time it was. The express would come through at twelve. What if she vas still on the bridge when it came? She would be killed. But there was no way back now. Part of the way across, she saw a big tree rushing down the river. It had been torn out of the ground by the flood, and dirt still hung on its roots. It was approaching fast. It is sure to push the bridge down, she thought. And I can't stop it. Her heart beat quickly. Then the tree passed under the bridge, clearing the trestle by only a foot. Kate kept crawling. Nails and splinters caught at her clothes. Her hands were torn. Thinking of the express and all its passengers, she made one last effort and finally reached the end of the bridge. She stopped only a minute to rest. As soon as she could, she began to run as fast as she could toward the railroad station in town. It was a half mile away.

  • though の位置・・・

    ・・・are in full bloom now. By the time she comes over, though, I reckon they will all have fallen. 花が満開だが、彼女が来るときには散っちゃうだろうね、 といった文章ですが、 though の 位置がなぜここなのか分かりません。 花は今満開だ。彼女が来るまでには、「しかーし」散っちゃうね って感じで、変じゃないですか? なぜここなのでしょうか。By の前なら分かるのですが。 でも though は、but のような接続詞ではなく、副詞のようですね。 だからでしょうか? though を消して、 By の前に but を置くと、同様の意味になりますか?

  • Why is the sea never...

    Why is the sea never still? Well, there are times when the sea is nearly still, though no doubt even when it looks like glass there are waves in it too small for us to see.But the sea is always moving, even so much that our eyes can see it, simply because the air above it is moving. even so muchの部分ですが、このevenはso much...を修飾しているということでしょうか。だとすれば、どう訳すのが適切でしょうか。強意の「さえ、までも」だと意味が分からないので、「それどころか」でしょうか。 また、「それどころか」と訳した場合、前文の内容を受けて「それどころか」なのでしょうか。

  • これ和訳出来る方いらっしゃいますか?

    これ和訳出来る方いらっしゃいますか? 会話文の一節です。 About 25 percent of time, then, I 'm out traveling around meeting with customersーEurope, Asia and that sort of helps me think, okay do we have the right priorities? What are people responding well to? And what would they like to see us do better?

  • 接続詞などについて教えてください。

    以下について教えてください (1)目的を表す接続詞で、  so that...may(can/will)~  in order that...may~  in case...(should)~  があると思います。 これらの may/can/will/should はそれぞれの意味できちんと訳すべきですか? 特に may と should は, 「~かもしれない/~してもよい」「~すべきだ」というふうに訳すと 文的に変になるときがあるように思うのですが… たとえば、これを訳すとするとどうなるのでしょうか。 I must be careful so that I might not catch a cold. (2)以下のような文があります   She had scarcely gone out before it began to rain. = As soon as she went out, it began to rain. 上の文は had gone で過去完了形、beforeの副詞節は過去形なのに対し、 下の文はas soon as の副詞節は過去形…と、まずこういう見方でよいでしょうか? これの理由を解説していただきたいです。 時制に関して理解が浅いので、もしよければその点も詳しく教えていただければうれしいです。 お願いします。

  • 英文

    次の(1)と(2)の[   ]に英語を書き.【     】内の場面にふさわしい英文を完成させてください その際(1)英語4語以上で.(2)は英語6語以上で書いてください (1)A: Hello. this is John. [ ] Lisa? 【電話でリサと話したいとき】   B: I`m sorry. but she is out now. (2)A:[ ] ? 【 日本のどういうところが好きか訪ねるとき 】   B; Well. people are very kind. すみませんがお願いいたします

  • お悔やみ言葉かも。

    私の大叔母(97才)が先月亡くなったあと、友人から届いたメ-ルです。 Sorry to hear about your Great Aunt. It's sad to see our loved ones depart, but I'm sure she had a long happy life. このIt's sad to see our loved ones depart.がうまく訳せません。 そして、この言葉には何か決まりきった返し言葉が英語にはあるのでしょうか? 教えていただけたら幸いです。