• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語本の一文を日本語に翻訳してほしいです!)



  • ベストアンサー

はい、お答えします。コロン以下は、A,B,or C の構文です。 However, this book is not just an engineering text (a source of recipes).         s v しかし、この本はエンジニアだけに限定した著書ではありません。 It also takes a scientific approach to basic vision problems. s v 同様に、基本視野に及ぶ問題に対し科学的なアプローチについても言及しています。 Here, I try to come up with the best possible models of the physics of the system s v ここでは、どのように情景が作られ、どのように光が情景と雰囲気への影響に作用し、音源や at hand: how the scene is created, how light interacts with the scene and s v s' v' 不確定な要素を含め、どのようにセンサーが作動するか、などについて、最も解決への可能性が高い atmosphcric effects, and how the sensors work, including sources of noise and s'' v'' 物理システムモデルについて提案しようと思います。 uncertainty.


  • [緊急]ある英語本の一文を日本語に翻訳してほしい!

    ある大学の研究室所属学生です. とある事情,というか先輩のお願いで画像処理に関して英語の本を読んで翻訳しています. その本の中でちょっと翻訳できないところがあったので,このたび投稿させていただきました. 以下の文章です. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This misperception that vision should be easy dates back to the early days of artificial intelligence (see Section 1.2), when it was initially believed that the cognitive (logic proving and planning) parts of intelligence were intrinsically more difficult than the perceptual components. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- この文章のひとつ前が以下の文章になってます. People who have not worked in the field often underestimate the difficulty of the problem. (Colleagues at work often ask me for software to find and name all the people in photos, so they can get on with the more “interesting” work.) 前文を見る限り,文章の主語が”誤解”になっていることは納得いくのですが,私の文章力がグダグダなためうまく訳せません. 辞書などで意味を調べてふわふわな意訳になっていまして… 翻訳できる方,ご回答よろしくお願い致します. ある文章の一文という文章の全貌が分からない状態で申し訳ございませんが… あと,長文(私主観で一文あたりが)なので,文章の主語や動詞など簡単な文法の説明を頂けると幸いです. なくても全然大丈夫ですけど

  • ある英語本の1文を日本語に翻訳してほしい!!

    ある大学の学生です. とある事情で画像処理に関して英語の本を読んで翻訳しています. その本の中で自然な文章に翻訳できないところがあったので,このたび投稿させていただきました. 以下の文章です. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to one well-known story, in 1966, Marvin Minsky at MIT asked his undergraduate student Gerald Jay Sussman to “spend the summer linking a camera to a computer and getting the computer to describe what it saw” (Boden 2006, p. 781). We now know that the problem is slightly more difficult than that. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 特に””の中の文章がうまく訳せません. 辞書などで意味を調べてもガタガタな意訳になっていまして… 翻訳できる方,ご回答よろしくお願い致します. ある文章の一文という文章の全貌が分からない状態で申し訳ございませんが… あと当方、文法が苦手なので,文章の主語や動詞、文型など簡単な文法の説明を頂けると幸いです. なくても全然大丈夫ですけど ご回答、宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英語→日本語の翻訳をお願いします!

    マイケルジョーダンにファンレターと似顔絵を送り、今日、ラッキーなことに直筆サインと行政アシスタントの方から手紙をいただきました。 最後の文章の翻訳がいまいち分からず、解読できません。 【全文】 How are you? On behalf of Michael,we are acknowledging the gift of your original drawing. It is obvious that you are a very talented artist. Michael has personally signed the photo you sent with your artwork,and it is being returned to you with this letter. Thank you for your continued interest. We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. 【翻訳をお願いしたい文章】 We wish you and your wife well and offer our congratulation on the upcoming birth of your child. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の文を日本語にうまく翻訳できません

    英語の文を日本語にうまく翻訳できません 下記の文章を私なりに翻訳したのですがこれで大丈夫でしょうか? エアーラインマップは都市を各頂点が表し各端がもう1つの都市への直行ルートを提供するグラフのよい例です。 特にdirect flight の部分を上手く訳せたような気がしません よろしくお願いします Airline route maps provide a fine paradigm of a graph, of a graph, with each vertex representing a city and every edge a direct flight from one city to another.

  • 英語→日本語に翻訳してください。

    アメリカの友人からメールが来ましたが、どうしてもうまく訳すことができません。 教えてください。↓↓ It is hard to see a business that you spent nearly five years building, lose most of its value due to something beyond your control. And, no matter how hard I worked I could not turn it around, since the economy there is so unceratin. (一部省略) I know I'll be working hard here to start my business again, but at least I'll be doing it with a strong support network, and not thousands of miles away from home.

  • 英語の翻訳!

    英語の翻訳をよろしくお願いします! Do you know how the female mosquito decides who to bite? She chooses her victims carefully. She uses sensors to find her victims. These sensors are on her head and her legs.

  • [英語→日本語]英語の翻訳をお願いします。

    [英語→日本語]英語の翻訳をお願いします。 子供に勉強を教えてと言われたのですが、私にはさっぱりなので、分かる方は回答お願いします。 There are many stories of brave dogs. Some of them are about how dogs help or even save their masters, some of them are about how dogs travel great distances to find their families. One of the nicest stories is about John, a small black and white dog with big ears who lived in America. One August, John's family, the Bensons, went on holiday to California and, of course, took John with them. While they were on holiday, John got lost. The family spent the rest of their holiday looking for him but without success. At the end of their holiday, they sadly went back home to New York. Before they left, they put photographs of John in all the shop windows in the area. During the next six months John crossed the whole of America to find his family in New York. He walked over 2,000 miles or maybe he hid on trains and buses. Nobody knows how he did it. When John got to the Bensons' house, it was in the middle of winter and the family was away visiting some friends. The window of their neighbor's car was open, so John jumped in and went to sleep. That night, it snowed and snowed and it continued snowing for a week. When, finally, the neighbor took the snow off his car and looked inside, he saw a very thin, but very happy John. 以上です。長文になりますが、宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語を日本語に翻訳して欲しいです。

    英文を日本語訳にして頂けますか。 about your requested on the different species, a lot of those species we are not allow to export them from Florida and even to touch them$B!D(B i know a lot of those species are been exporter thru California and now is been more restriction on a lot of the turtles i'm not going to be able to help you with that on lizard yes some of them i get them from time to time$B!D(B please send your complete order and as you want to proceed with the order... お願いします。

  • この文はどう日本語で表したらいいのでしょうか?

    この文はどう日本語で表したらいいのでしょうか? 教えてください。 In Class 2-2 and 2-3, the number of the students who like listening to music is the same.

  • 英語から日本語へ翻訳をお願いします。

    為替取引関連についての説明なのですが、 内容が良く分からないので和訳をお願い致します。 Spot exchange contracts are a type of foreign exchange transaction rather than a solution to mitigate FX risk. With a Spot FX contract, your business can exchange one currency for another at a fixed rate of exchange and have the funds delivered in two working days' time. How it works The rate of exchange at the heart of the contract is determined by the international foreign exchange markets. More precisely, the rate is shaped by a variety of factors. These include the number of buyers and sellers in the market and the prevailing view of economic conditions in the countries involved in the trade. As there are so many variables that can affect the market's view of the value of a currency, spot exchange rates can be very volatile. So we have developed a range of solutions to manage the risk of rate fluctuations, including forwards and swaps.