• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

 しかし、彼らは様々な速度でその後の過程を進んで行く。発達心理学の学者は永い間そのような速度の多様性の中で学んだり、経験をすることの重要性について疑問に思っていた。  文脈がありませんので断定はできませんが、 they は children を指すのではないでしょうか?子供が各自のペースで物事を経験することの重要性を、学者には理解できなかった、という意味ですね。


  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span. お願いします。

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Especially, Australian people are more individualism than Japanese. We tend to care about what people think about. On the other hand, Australian is more likely to do whatever they want. Also, they value their own individuality. I do not know that was good for us, but I just changed my mind after knowing their thinking, and now I always do whatever I want to try as much as possible because my life can not repeat. Anyway, all of my experiences in Australia were amazing for me. The most unforgettable experience over there was learning to appreciate my parents because they always cared about me, and support me all the time. Now, my family is the most precious treasure to me. なにか文法のミスを指摘してもらえるとうれしいです

  • お願いします

    Today about six billion people live on the earth and they use about 7000 different languages. some languages have many speakers. chinese is one such language. ↑の英文を訳してください!!

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Compared with other my friends, my life is very unusual. I had been to Australian for four months after graduation from high school. It was my best experience I have ever had. The smell of air was cool and freshness when I arrived in Cairns airport, which smell cannot get out of my mind. Of course, there were many culture differences between Japan and Australia such as food, thinking and language. なんでもいいので文法ミス教えてください泣き

  • 英語の添削

    英語 文法的に間違っているところ、直したほうがいいところの指摘をお願いします。 Is it important to learn about different cultures? I think that it is very important. There are two reasons. Firstly, for example, in America, when people are asked "Would you like coffee or tea?" , they are expected to answer "Coffee/Tea please." But some of Japanese may answer "Either will do" because they are diffident. Such a response is taken with the irresponsible attitude in America. secondly, people all over the world can understand each other by learning about different cultures. And by becoming so, the earth may become a better place. Therefore,I think that learning about different cultures is very important. 以下、書きたかった日本語 異なる文化を学ぶことは重要だろうか? 私はとても重要だと思う。 理由はふたつある。 第一に、例えばアメリカで、人々が「コーヒーかお茶はいかがですか」と聞かれたときに、彼らは「コーヒー/お茶 をください」と答えることが期待されている。 しかし、日本人は遠慮がちなので、「どちらでも」と答える人がいるかもしれない。 そのような応答はアメリカでは無責任な態度と取られてしまう。 第二に、異なる文化を学ぶことによって、世界中の人々がお互いを理解できる。 そして、そうなることによって、世界はよりよい場所になるかもしれない。 したがって、私は異なる文化を学ぶことはとても重要だと思う。 以上です。 添削お願いします。 また、現在完了形や過去完了形などの文法的要素を入れたほうがいいということなんですが、どこかにそのような文法を入れられる部分があるでしょうか?

  • 日本語→英語にお願いします

    日本語→「彼らはAmazonのAlexaやGoogle Assistantなどの仮想アシスタントが、どのように新しいショッピング体験の中で使用できるか、というプログラムを進めている。」 英語→「They have been promoting the program about how to use the virtual assistant such as Amazon’s Alexa and Google Assistant in a new shopping experience.」 こちらの英文を日本語から英語に直したのであっているか見て欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語

    And they must have wondered how such a delicate-looking woman could work with naked, dead bodies. Her voice is beautiful. →beautiful her voice is. →How beautiful her voice is.(感嘆文) such a delicate-looking woman could work with naked, dead bodies →〃 →how such a delicate-looking woman could work with naked, dead bodies(感嘆文) こういう解釈ですか?

  • 和訳お願いします

    Then there is Kismet. It has eyes, lips, and ears that move in different ways to show surprise, happiness, anger, and other emotions. Robots like Kismet could show us how they "feel" about learning new things.

  • 英語の文法チェックしてください

    Even after I came back to Japan from Australia. I still wanted to go study abroad again, so I was going to the American university after working for a yen in Japan. I had been fighting with homework everyday, I had sometimes regretted about coming to the USA, but I believed that everything is going to wonderful experience in my life in the future. so I did not lose my hope. From my experience both American life and Australia, I would like to know more about people all over the world. Everyone has different characteristics, and all of them are brilliant. so my dream is to be a businessman who works all over the world. That is why I would like to study an international Business. I am not a talented person, however, I can say one thing from bottom of my heart that I always do my best for achieving my goal. 英語の文法ミスおしえていただけないですか?

  • すみませんが和訳のチェックをお願いいたします。

    Learning about landmarks begins very early in life. 目印について学ぶことは、人生においてとても早い時期に始まる。 Before children can walk, they move through evironments in parents' arms, in strollers, and in automobiles. 子どもたちが歩けるようになる前に、彼らは両親の腕の中や、乳母車の中や、自動車の中などの環境下で動き回る。 Even when they are still, infants see people and objects move in their environments. 幼児はじっとしているときでさえ、彼らを取り巻く世界の中で、人やものが動いているのを見る。 すみませんが、和訳で間違っている部分のご指導をお願いいたします。