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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳をお願いします)

Language and Legends: Unraveling the Mysteries


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1. 言語がどこで、あるいは、どの様に始まったのかを知ることは、不可能です。しかし、我々は、確かに、言語について多くのことを知っています。 2. 伝説によれば、ガリレオが宇宙の中心が動くはずのない地球であると断言する様に強制された時、「しかし、それ(地球)は動く! それは、それでもなお動く!」と、彼は、ささやいたそうです。 3. 彼が、そのガチョウについて色々考えるのも無理はありません、なぜならば、それは非常に奇妙でした 4. 彼にお金を求めるのは、あなたはオオカミが気前がよいと期待する様なものです。 5. 彼女は以前は女優でした、それで、彼女は多くの人々に見られることに慣れていました。 6. 以前退屈に思われた彼の本は、今では、彼には旧友のように思われます。 7. ほとんどの日本人は、お金を彼らの子供たちに渡すよりむしろ彼らの老後に使いたいと思っています。 8. 多くのことが非常に奇妙でした、それで、私は、それらについて説明したいと思います。


  • 和訳をお願いします。

    入院と自動車学校で勉強ができませんでした。 テストが間近です。手助けをお願いします。 Among the Arabs, too, Lawrence’s fame had spread.Now every time he rode into an Arab camp the Arabs would fire their rifles into the air and shout over and over,〝Aurens!Aurens!’’They could not say the name properly,but they all knew it was Lawrence they were cheering.The Turks,too,had heard of Lawrence by now,and they wanted him killed or captured.So what Lawrence said happened next might well be true.Lawrence decided to go on a spying trip.Everything went wrong and the Turks caught him. A short way along the Damascus-Medina railway there is a town called Deraa.In the First World War it was an important railway junction,a place where two main lines met.If Lawrence and the Arabs could blow up the track there,it would be a major setback for the Turks.But was this possible?There were a lot of Turkish soldiers in Deraa,and because it was the local capital the Bey(goverment) lived there too.The Bey of Deraa was a tall,heavy man with a thick black mustache.We know from a diary he kept during the war that he had heard of Lawrence and that he had heard of Lawrence and that he had made up his mind to try to capture him.Lawrence believed that the only way to learn for certain whether it was possible to attack Deraa was to go there on a spying mission and see for himself.So he dressed in ordinary Arab clothes and asked an old Arab to go with him.He hoped that the Turks would think that he and the old man were just a son and his father who had come to town to buy something.Forawhile everything went well.No one paid any attention to two Arabs,walking barefoot,their cheap clothes stained by the rain and mud.They went and looked at the railway station,pretending to check the trains.They walked outside the fence,but took careful note of its stores,barbed-wire defenses,and trenches. 入院していたころの範囲です。 ノートも次の授業の関係で借りることができませんでした・・・。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となりますので 抽象的だと思いますが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 In the old days the declination and longitude of every planet and star had to be calculated by hand. A terrible task, an awesome task, taking many hours to complete and the chart itself was drawn up by hand using mathematical instruments. When I began to study astrology I learned and used the old tables of houses and planets, the pen and compass and the old authentic methods. I wanted to know astrology thoroughly. To me it was like and old and neglected building, I wanted to restore it to its former glory. The chart was like deciphering an ancient book of signs and symbols and translating them for you into language you can understand. From these symbols I can draw up a distinct picture of the future love of your life.

  • 和訳

     和訳例をお願い致します。  Latin became an international language throughout the Roman Empire, but this was not because the Romans were more numerous than the people they conquered. They were simply more powerful. Later, when Roman military power declined, Latin remained for a millennium as the international language of education, (A) a different sort of powerーthe religious power of Roman Catholicism.  There is also the closest of links between language dominance and economic, technological, and cultural power. (B) a strong power-base, no language can make progress as an lnternational medium of communication. Language has no independent existence, living in some sort of mystical space apart from the people who speak it. When they succeed on the international stage, their language succeeds. When they fail, their language fails.  This point may seem obvious, but it need to be made, (C) over the years many popular and misleading beliefs have grown up about why a language should become internationally successful. It is quite common to hear people claim that an internationl language is an ideal model, on account of its literary qualities and clarity of expression. Hebrew, Greek,Latin, Arabic and French are among those which at various times have been praised in such terms, and English is no exception. It is often suggested, for example, that there must be something beautiful or logical about the structure of English itself, in order to explain why it is now so widely used. “It has less grammer than other languages,” some have suggested. This is intended to mean that the language is grammatically not so complicated compared with other languages, so it must be easier to learn.  Such arguments are wrong. Latin was once a major international language, (D) it seems grammatically much more complicated. A language does not become a global language because of its structural properties, or because of the size of its vocabulary, or because it was once associated with a great culture or religion. A language has traditionally become an international language for one chief reason: the power of its peopleーespecially their political and military power. 【設問】 (A) 1in spite of 2thanks to 3instead of 4at the expense of (B) 1With 2Without 3Because of 4As a result of (C),(D) 1so 2though 3because 4as a result スペルミス等があれば、ご指摘お願いします。

  • 和訳してください。

    1:The day has now come-or will come this year-when in addition to listening at a turn of the switch to music and speech it willbe possible for many to see as well as to hear from their firesides what is happening at some distant point. 2:What glorious view we might obtain could we but rise above the earth as aviators do. お願いします。

  • 英語の和訳についてです

    What does it mean to us when a language disappears? は、「言語が消滅する時それは私たちに何を意味しますか?」で良いと思いますか。 また、この場合 it は language disappears を指しているととって良いでしょうか。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください。よろしくお願いします

    ・Japan is steadily moving towards becoming a multilingual society. ・Japan does not have that many doctors who can speak a foreign language to treat foreigners. ・Pang was satisfied with Doctor Sakamoto because she was used to his American style of treatment. ・The multilingual medical interpreting software is now widely used at hospitals throughout Japan. ・In general, Japanese doctors should improve their communication skills with their patients.

  • 和訳を願いたいです

    It was during our second year on the Kalahari that I first met Bones. One afternoon, across the open plain, I happened to see him. He was standing over the body of an African deer that seemed to have been killed months before. He was trying to eat the old, hard skin of the dead animal. He probably had not eaten for a long time. I could clearly see his ribs under his loose, hanging skin. As my truck slowly approached, he started to walk away. Every few steps he fell to the ground and then struggled to get on his feet again. Finally, he fell hard to the ground and didn’t get up. He didn’t move at all. It was clear that he was dying. Now I was faced with a dilemma. I debated whether I should try to save his life or not. I said to myself that I was on the Kalahari to study the animals, not to interfere with them in any way. But I also felt I might later regret not having tried to help him. After thinking it over for a while, I finally decided to save him if I could. (1)What was the lion trying to eat when Mark first saw him? (2)Why didn’t Mark try to help Bones at first? (3)Did Mark finally decide to help Bones? 和訳と(1)(2)(3)の問題に英語で答えてもらえるとうれしいです。

  • 和訳してくださいm(_ _)m4

    Realizing the situation was getting worse, Roberto made up his mind tocarry those things to Managua himself. Many of his friends were against it. It was New Year's Eve, and they told Roberto that it was dangerous to Managua now. The only plane available was a very old one. Roberto, however, did not hesitate to take the risk. It was necessary for him to go. "Those people are my friends. What I can do is to be with them tonight," said Roberto. "And Julio is waiting for me to come. I need to see if is all right. Beside, many babies are dying over there; they need these supplies." A little after 9 p.m., the plane carrying Roberto and four other men took off Managua. Shortly after takeoff, the plane crashed into the Atlantic. There were no survivors. Roberto's body was never found.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    和訳をよろしくお願いします! The voyage was hard. He had many windless days when his boat did not move at all. Sometimes he fell ill and was filled with worries. He was all alone on the ocean. There was no one to tell him what to do. But he got over the difficulties and, 94 days later, he arrived in San Francisco.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     In many part of South Asia, arranged ,arranged marriages have been modernized to suit the needs of a changing Westernized generation. When I asked him why, one young Indian-American man said, "My parents are the two people in the world who know me best, both my strength and my weaknesses. Why wouldn't I want their input in the most important decision of my life?" After a moment, he added, "The alternative doesn't seem to work that well, does it?"  He had a point. There are fewer divorces in arranged marriages, although I wonder if he realized that many complicated social factors- from the presence of extensive family support and counseling to the ostracism a divorced woman would encounter - account for this.