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Gorbachev's Failed Reforms: The Coup Attempt within the Soviet Communist Party








  • 英文解釈

    下記の英文をどう解釈すれば良いのかわかりません。わかる方がいらっしゃいましたら解説お願いします。 "What he attempted to do is, he analyzed where Russia was going and attempted to ride a horse - instead, he was on the back of a bucking elephant.” --補足-- 【前後の分】 For the next six years, Gorbachev embarked on a series of domestic reforms that radically changed the Soviet Union. Former U.S. Ambassador to Moscow Thomas Pickering said, "What he attempted to do is, he analyzed where Russia was going and attempted to ride a horse - instead, he was on the back of a bucking elephant.” Gorbachev’s reforms touched all segments of society. It included freeing press restrictions and releasing political prisoners and dissidents from jail and internal exile. 【出展】 VOA:http://www.voanews.com/english/news/europe/Gorbachevs-Domestic-Reforms-Led-to-End-of-Soviet-Union-135190548.html

  • that of とwithin which to

    以下の文中のthat of とwithin which toについてです Where the study of the history of women is seen today as having celebratory content---its effort is to find our lost ancestors and restore them to a place in our memories---that of gender offers an analytic framework within which to analyze social and political structures. that ofは何かを比べた際に既に述べられた名詞の代用として使われることはよくみかけますがここでは比較でもないようなのですが、どういった用法のthat ofなのでしょうか? またwithin which toは関係代名詞でwithin frameworkで、toは~ための、の目的を意味するtoであっているでしょうか。 ところでここのtodayは位置的に問題ないんでしょうか?副詞ってこんなに自由にどこでも置けましたっけ?大体時間的なものは文末だと思ったのですが。

  • strangely its opposite

    アイルランドの田舎の光景の描写ですが、意味が解からない部分がありま す。 for some of the curves of the road round the little hills, and up long slopes to where views broke suddenly wide upon wanderers; and some of its windings by streams, as though for a while it had found a beautiful mate, strangely its opposite ; and its journey straight and far over bogs of heather,to which heaven appeared to have delegated its beauty; and many a twist and turn where it seemed to hurry, and many a lazy land where it seemed to rest; and stretches rarely met, where it appeared to attain to the dignity of a highway. some of its windings by streams は道が小川にそってくねって延びていることでしょうか? as though for a while it had found a beautiful mate, strangely its opposite これがどういう比喩なのか解かりません and stretches rarely met, where it appeared to attain to the dignity of a highway. 主要道路の威厳を保つために細い帯のような道(?)が滅多に会わない・・とはどういくことでしょうか? ヒントだけでもアドバイスいただければ幸いです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 和訳:itsの意味が解りません。

    問題文は以下です。 What the world needs is a return to sweetness and decency in the souls of its young men and..... 訳文:今日の世の中が必要としているのは、優しさと品格を若者の心に取り戻すことで..... 日本語訳は上記のように有るのですが、"its"の役割、必要な理由が解りません。 私が“訳文”を英訳したら、 What the world needs is a return of sweetness and decency to the souls of young men.になりそうですが、これですと"a return"は場違いとも思うし、意味も違うように思えます。 とは言え、落ち着かない気持ちで困っています。助けてくだい。 宜しく、

  • Soviet deficiencies

    下記の文章中のSoviet deficiencies はどういう意味ですか? To some observers, it was, instead, a reaction to the increasing burden of Soviet deficiencies. --補足-- 【前後の文】 "The process of negotiations was an indication that people were realizing how important this [treaty] was," said Oliker. "And it was something that, both in the Soviet Union and the United States, people wanted. Everyone had realized that the arms race had gotten out of control." To some observers, it was, instead, a reaction to the increasing burden of Soviet deficiencies. Former U.S. national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. "They had no alternative," said Brzezinski. "They increasingly realized that in a situation in which the United States and the Soviet Union were to compete in arming themselves, the advantage economically and technologically was increasingly with the United States." 【出展】VOA http://www.voanews.com/english/news/europe/START-Treaty-Ushered-in-New-Nuclear-Era---135742513.html

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    The British and the Americans opposed the Soviet territorial claims against Turkey. As the Cold War began, the American government saw the claims as part of an "expansionist drive by a Communist empire" and viewed them as reminiscent of Nazi irredentist designs over the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia. The State Department was concerned about the strategic military significance of the Kars plateau to the Soviets. They concluded that their earlier support for Armenia since President Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) had expired since the loss of Armenian independence. The USSR also requested a revision of the Montreux Convention and a military base on the Turkish Straits. The State Department advised US President Harry S. Truman to support Turkey and oppose the Soviet demands, which he did. Turkey joined the anti-Soviet NATO military alliance in 1952. Following the death of Stalin in 1953, the Soviet government renounced its territorial claims on Turkey as part of an effort to promote friendly relations with the Middle Eastern country and its alliance partner, the United States. The USSR continued to honor the terms of the Kars treaty until its dissolution in 1991. However, according to Christopher J. Walker, Moscow revisited the treaty in 1968, when it attempted to negotiate a border adjustment with Turkey in which the ruins of Ani would be transferred to Soviet Armenia in exchange for two Azerbaijani villages in the area of Mount Akbaba. However, according to Walker, nothing resulted from these talks. Position of the Republic of Armenia After the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the post-Soviet governments of Russia, Georgia, and Azerbaijan accepted the Treaty of Kars. Armenia's position is different, due to the absence of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Armenia. In December 2006, Yerevan's then-Foreign Minister Vartan Oskanian said that Armenia accepts the Kars treaty as the legal successor to the Armenian SSR, but noted that Turkey was not adhering to the terms of the treaty. Specifically, Article XVII of the treaty called for the "free transit of persons and commodities without any hindrance" among the signatories and that the parties would take "all the measures necessary to maintain and develop as quickly as possible railway, telegraphic, and other communications." However, due to tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh, Turkey closed its land border with Armenia and severed diplomatic ties with it, thus violating this article. Oskanian stated that by this action, Turkey was putting the validity of the treaty into doubt.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The Provisional Government chafed at not having absolute control over all aspects of government, and tried many times to convince the Soviet to join it.[citation needed] Instead, it grudgingly cooperated with the Soviet from February to April. This arrangement became known as the "Dual Authority" or "Dual Power". However, the de facto supremacy of the Soviet was asserted as early as 14 March [O.S. 1 March] (before the creation of the Provisional Government), when the Soviet issued Order No. 1: The orders of the Military Commission of the State Duma [part of the organisation which became the Provisional Government] shall be executed only in such cases as do not conflict with the orders and resolution of the Soviet of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies. — Point 4 of Order No. 1, 1 March 1917. Order No. 1 thus ensured that the Dual Authority developed on the Soviet's conditions.

  • They think its population

    They think its population grew rapidly and then remained more or less stable until the arrival of the Europeans, who introduced deadly diseases to which islanders had no immunity. to which~がよくわかりません。解説お願い致します。

  • 和訳していただきたいです

    どなたかこの文章を和訳していただきたいです。 The disintegration of the Soviet Union began in 1987 in the Baltic region, where Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia demanded autonomy and won independence from the Soviet Union. “Pandora’s box” was opened. Secession movements spread throughout the Soviet Union: Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus, and the Central Asian republics. The weakening Central Government could no longer control those movements. In August, 1991, a group of anti-Gorbachev hard-line Communists organized a coup d’etat, kidnapping Gorbachev and announcing Gorbachev’s downfall. However, this coup attempt failed due to the citizens’ massive protests led by Russian SFSR President Boris Yeltsin in Moscow. In December, 1991, Gorbachev stepped down, and then the Soviet Union finally broke up.

  • 英検4級のニートです。英字新聞を読むのでタスケテ!

    バカです、今日から英字新聞を読もうと思って、 英字新聞の記事を読んだのですが、よくわからないところがあったのでおしえてください。 よろしくお願いします。 Leaders announced the change at the close of a key Communist Party meeting focused on financial reforms and growth. 幹部らはその変更について、財政改革と成長に焦点を合わせた重要な共産党会合の終了時に発表しました。 という文章があったのですが、 Leaders  【S】 announced 【V】 the change at the close of a key communist Party meeting focused on financial reforms and growth. the change 【O】 ? そうすると上記の和訳にならないのですが、どうしたらいいのでしょうか? 変更 財政改革と発展に焦点をあてた共産党の重大な会議、終了 幹部は変更を発表した。