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  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Nevertheless, middle age is not free of crises. Physiological and psychological crises occur, and must be met in a satisfactory way if stagnation is to be avoided. We begin with a physiological crisis that confronts middle-aged woman, the menopause. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいますか?

    The average college graduate enters the work force later, at 22 to 25, and consequently works fewer total hours, but the lifetime earnings are greater than the average worker’s, totaling about $550,000 (Miernyk, 1975). College graduates are also likely to be more satisfied with their job, although in a recent survey 90 percent of all workers reported satisfaction with their job (but more whites than nonwhites were satisfied) (Troll, 1975). お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    But, why should they use their memory to perform such tasks? In the real world, if a person needs to remember a list of words-a list of items to be purchased, for example-the usual technique is to write out the list and consult it when recall is required-at the grocery store or wherever. Psychologists have conducted hundreds-perhaps thousands-of studies of short-term memory, but apparently they have never allowed subjects to do what most of us do in the real world-make a list of the items to be remembered and read them off when recall is required. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Adulthood Developmental psychologists have disagreed about the age range that should define the stage of young adulthood. The word adult is derived from the past participle of the Latin verb adolescere, to grow up. Thus, by derivation an adolescent is one who is growing up, an adult is a “grown-up”. The problem of definition is that the adult is supposed to be grown up not only with respect to physical characteristics, but also with respect to psychological characteristics. He or she is supposed to be mature physically and psychologically. Physical maturity is difficult to measure, and psychological maturity is difficult even to define, especially because some psychological processes continue to improve until very old age. Because of the difficulty of measuring physical and psychological maturity, many developmentalist have by-passed the problem, and adopted a definition based only on age level. お願いします。

  • すいませんが下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか

    ネィティブが書いた英文ではないため少し読みづらいとは思いますが よろしくお願いします。ちなみに文中に出てくる「Yemen」は国名で「Sanaa」はその首都です。 文中で今年の三月からイエメンは治安が悪くて100ドルのお金を貸して欲しいと書いてあるのは 何となく判るのですが・・・。 ↓ I wish if the situation in Yemen to be good the youth revolution in March 2011 and the situation got worst and not safe for tourists and not safe even for me and my family l would like to inform you the life its heard in Sanaa this time and every things is getting expansive and many people the leave sanaa and some shops the closes l was look for job l can not find this time l just want to ask you if you can lend me 100$ and transfer it to me by western union l will be so glad if you can and if you can send it by my name mohmmed almarwiny and when l will have it and work l will send it to you if you can l really dont want to ask you but is very bad time now in Yemen and when l work l will transfer the money to you im sorry but l think you feel what l feel if you can pleas let me know if you can not its ok l just ask you because you are my friend

  • 下記の英文の訳し方がわかりません。

    Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. この英文は長文問題集の本文の下線部訳の部分を抜き出しました。最後に全文を掲載しました。(12個の文があり、番号を付けました) 疑問が2つあり、また自作の和訳も書いてみました。長くなりますが、よろしくお願いします。 1)「but one which takes for granted」の「one」が何を指しているのか、わかりません。 2)「take for granted」が4回繰り返される英文の訳し方(意味の取り方)を教えて下さい。 [自作の和訳] 「あるいは、彼はその表面上は洗練された講義をするかもしれない。 しかし、その講師が当然だと思っている全てをそのクラスの学生も当然だと思っていることを、その講師も当然だと思っているとone も当然だと思っている。」 (1)In passing from school to college the student must prepare himself for the fact that he may be going to a place in which he will receive the best education in the world by the world’s worst teacher. (2)His teachers at school had been trained to teach. (3)At the university hardly any of those who teach will have been trained to teach. (4)Their major concern will be about the advancement of knowledge. (5)They may indeed like lecturing, just because they are bursting to express their new ideas. (6)But they may lecture in a way which has no relation to well-prepared lessons which students have been accustomed to receive. (7)The university teacher may turn his back on the class and excitedly write formulas on the blackboard, all the time delivering his statements very fast which are intended to give the class some clue to what he is so excited about. (8)Or he may give what on face of it is a polished lecture, but one which takes for granted that the lecturer can take for granted that the class takes for granted all that he takes for granted. (9)To be taught by such teachers is one of the greatest educational privileges in the world. (10)But in the odd forms of communication that occur in the lecture rooms of universities, the chief responsibility is at the receiving end. (11)That is why, rather paradoxically, university education is the most advanced form of self-education. (12)The student has to find out for himself the best way of listening to lectures.

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Loss of a spouse through death is relatively uncommon before middle age, but becomes increasingly more common after old age begins. An old person without a mate is much more likely to be a woman than to be a man. This fact has several important implications for old people, but before commenting on these implications, we might mention some of the causes of the sex difference. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    The same is true of studies of long-term rote memory, even though this type of memory is probably almost never required once a person has finished school. Once the years of formal schooling are over, test-taking days are largely past. An occasional test will need to be taken, for driver’s license renewal, for example, but by and large the need for long-term rote memory is reduced to zero in day-to-day adult life. People do not get much practice, if any, with the memory skills of bygone school years, and by the time they are old they can expect to be unable to use the old skills efficiently, and may be unable to use them at all. お願いします。

  • 下記の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    In the examples I'm thinking of the person continues to behave in what most people would agree is a normal manner, but one so remote from his old self that he appears, to those who know him, to be someone else entirely.

  • 英文を読んで答える問題を教えてください。

    At the age of sixteen, Charles made up his mind to find work and live by himself. He thought that the best way to get a job in the world was to study stenography. Stenography is much harder than ordinary reading and writing. He did not have a teacher, but he learned and became a prefect stenographer, 本文に内容が合うように、空所に入れる適当な語をかいてください。 (1)When he was sixteen, Charles decided to be more active than ( ). これをといてみると、 (1)everになりました。 しかし、以前に違うと指摘されたので他にいい回答がありませんか。