• ベストアンサー




2 について。 remain to be 過去分詞で「これから~されるべく残っている」 というイメージで考えてください。





  • わからない英文があります

    "The same year, fed up with the LA dating scene (what that says for the rest of the pool can't be good), she decided she didn't want to wait any longer to become a mother and filed for single-parent adoption." この英文の意味を教えてください m(__)m

  • 間違いを教えてください

    ( )の語が間違っているんです、何がはいりますか? 1 Because Tom thought that she was sleeping , he didn't phone her.   → Thinking that she was sleeping , (he) didn't phone her. 2 As I had never seen such a good movie , I was much moved. → (Having never ) seen such a good movie , I was much moved. 3 Getting out of office , not a man was to be seen on the street.  どこかが間違っています 4 (    ),we started to discuss the detail of the plan. (This agreed , Being agreed with this , This was agrreed)のどれですか? 和訳も教えてください よろしくお願いします

  • 次の英文の間違い箇所が分かりません。

    次の英文の間違い箇所を正しく直しなさい。 The school co-op have a lot of good stationery. 英語にお詳しい方是非ご回答をお待ちしています。

  • この表現は文法に間違いはないでしょうか

    「その国で見られるもの全てをぜひ見たいと思っています」と言いたいので、 I am anxious to see what is to be seen there of the country. と考えましたが、この文に文法上の間違いはあるでしょうか。この文が正しい英文として使えるのか知りたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文間違いあるでしょうか?

    この英文間違いあるでしょうか? 友達に送る文です。 最後のへんあたりは違う文ですが・・・・ 1)The economy of Japan doesn't see ahead. How much is the cost of living of the average though I think about the migration in Hong Kong? As for work, it thinks about an architectural relation. 2)However, it is not easy so much. Mainland China is impossible in various respects. Still, the medical issue is large. The foreigner's migration is not admitted. Hong Kong was expected to be an admission on the Web site. The wall where either is big the word ‥ Your support is also necessary. 3)After that, where can you support it for me?Is it a connection only on the site? It doesn't demand ..impossibility... However, I want only to hear it. 。 Hong Kong?Is does it live in the bay district and [masuka]?Detailed address? Are you scary? Japan wants to present you the present. How should I go from HONG KONG INT'L AIRPORT to your house? Is there a hotel to be near? The text is requested from the translation agency this time. The purpose is to prevent the misunderstanding from occurring.

  • 間違いではありませんか?

    下記の英文は、間違いではありませんか?  The hotel clerk requested that the traveler pay of money in advance. 正しくは、 The hotel clerk requested the traveler to pay of money in advance. ではありませんか?

  • 英文の間違い探しです。お願いします。

    英文の間違い探しです。お願いします。 In my opinion I think that English should be taught at a elementary school. The first reason is that it is easier to have a beautiful pronounce when they are young. The second reason is that young children are good at memorizing foreign words. The last reason is,we can get a broader view of world. 5箇所誤りがあるそうなんですが、どこだか分かりません。読み返しても意味が通るような気がして・・・; 分かる方教えてください。お願いします。

  • 英文の訳を教えてください。

    下の英文の訳を教えていただきたいです。自分でも調べながら訳してみたものの英語が苦手でうまく繋がりませんでした。 For all the things i didn't do and all the love that haven't got to you わかる方がいましたら教えていただけると助かります。

  • 英文についての質問

    What does it mean to say the U.S. doesn't have separation of powers, but separated institutions sharing powers? とこのような質問があります。 長いので必要なければ全文読んでいただかなくて大丈夫です。 **以降の文章を参考にしました。 The powers of the three branches are not, however, entirely separate. The President plays a role in the legislative process, authorized to propose legislation, and given the veto. The President appoints ambassadors, judges, and executive branch officials, and negotiates treaties with other countries, but the Senate has the final say on all that. ** The great presidential scholar Richard Neustadt went so far as to say that the Constitution didn’t really have separation of powers at all, but “separated institutions sharing powers.” 回答は It means that the Constitution didn't really have separation of powers at all. 「それは憲法が本当に権力を分離していたわけではないという意味だ」 でいいでしょうか? (that以下をそのまま引用しました) もし質問に対して的外れな回答だったり、回答の英文がおかしかったら指摘していただければと思います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の説明

    次の英文でeverythingのあとになぜwhichがくるのかがわかりません。 詳しく説明していただきたいです。 あと、よかったら英文の訳も教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いします。 I didn't believe them at first but in fact everything which they said about the situation was true.