• 締切済み

英文 使役?

They hired Chinese rocket experts to travel with their armies. という文があって、訳が 「彼らは中国人のロケット専門家を雇用して軍隊と一緒に移動させた」 とあるのですが、この文のどこに使役の意味を持っている部分があるのでしょうか? 解説お願いします。


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英文内には特に使役を意味する単語はありません。が日本語としてはこのto travelを「移動する為に」とするよりは「移動させた」のほうが自然であり、かつhiredの目的を密かに含有させる目的もあるのでしょう。



  • beforeの用法

    ある長文の中に There are legends about a 16th century Chinese official who tried to ride a rocket-powered flying chair and a 17th century Turkish military officer who flew above the Earth in a winged rocket before landing safety. という文があり、訳には 「ロケット推進の空飛ぶ椅子に乗ろうとした16世紀の中国の役人や、翼のあるロケットに乗って地上を飛んで安全に着陸した17世紀のトルコの将校についての言い伝えが残っている」 とあるのですが、この文におけるbeforeの用法が理解できません。 分かりやすく解説をお願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The women, who were hired by Bernays, had lighted cigarettes, or "torches of freedom," in their hands and were demanding equality with their male-smoker counterparts. It was all an act, but it was one that many people saw and read about. この1文をどうかよろしくお願いします。

  • withについて

    They brought their large flags with them. と言う文の with them は何であるんですか?

  • 英文の添削お願いします。

    課題文:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Young people should start to live on their own and become indepentent of their parents as early as possible.Give reasons to support your opinion. 解答: (1)I think young people should start to live on their own and become independent of their parents as early as possible. (2)I think so because,when they start working they will have to do everything by theirselves.Their parents won't help them any more.If they are not independent of their parents,they cannot work. (3)Second, if they start to live on their own,they will know that doing houseworks such as making meals,cleaning rooms is hard work. (4)And the most important reason is that,when they have their children,they have to teach their children a lot of things by them selves.If they are not indepentent of their parents,they can't raise their children properly. (5)I have friends who live on their own.They are doing everything by theirselves,so they look confident. (6)With above reasons I think young peole should start to live on their own and becomeindependent of their parents.約150words,30分 TOEFL対策の問題です。 後々読み直してみると、 firstがないのにsecondを使ったり、 一番大事な理由を述べているパラグラフの位置が中途半端だったり、 無駄にパラグラフを多くしてしまった点がよくなかったように思います。 文章構成・表現・文法なんでも稚拙な部分が多くあると思うので直したほうがよい所やアドバイスがあったらぜひ教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を訳してください。

    1. The house where the poet was born is preserved as it was. 2. Their efforts were rewarded with success. 3. The dead leaves gave off a sweet smell as they burned. この3つの英訳をお願いします。 それぞれの単語の意味はだいたい分かるのですが、どういう文の組み合わせにしたらいいのか 分かりません。 出来るだけ早めに解答お願いします。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    In most instances the speech of the first settlers lives on when they come in substantial numbers and people the land with their descendants. この文の中のpeopleは動詞だそうですが、ネイティブでない受験生にとってはパッと気づくものだとは思えません。 そこで、このpeopleが動詞だと判断するまでに、どのような文法的な思考過程を踏めばよいのでしょうか? 詳説をよろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の文構造について

    Just imagine animals stuck with needles and given some substance, the stuff nobody can distinguish whether they're poison or medicine. この英文の文構造を教えて下さい。訳よりも文法の解説をお願いいたします。

  • (258)The farther……この英文はどう訳せばよいでしょうか

    QA258 The father will not agree with his children, nor the children with their father, nor guest with his host, nor comrade with comrade; nor will brother be dear to brother as aforetime. Men will dishonour their parents as they grow quickly old, and will carp at them, chiding them with bitter words, hard-hearted they, not knowing the fear of the gods. They will not repay their aged parents the cost their nurture, for might shall be their right: and one man will sack another's city. 父(ゼウス)は彼の子供たちと折り合わないだろうし、 もしくは、子供たちは父と、あるいは客人は主人と、 仲間は仲間と折り合わないだろうし、 兄弟は以前のように兄弟と親愛ではないだろう。 人々は彼らが急速に年をとるにつれて、  彼らの親を侮辱し、彼らに筋違いの文句を言い、 carp at them 厳しい言葉で彼らに小言をいい 神の怖さを知らずに、彼らは邪険になる。 hard hearted they 彼らは彼らの養育費を老いた両親に返そうとしない。 というのも、力は彼らの正義となることもあるからで、 for might shall be their right ある者は他の都市を略奪する気だ。and one man will sack another's city. 質問 (1)carp at themについて 「言いがかりをつける」「筋違いなことをいう」どちらでしょうか (2)hard hearted theyについて 倒置(前だし)は明らかですが、they are hard heartedでしょうか。 (3)for might shall be their rightについて    厳密に訳せば、「力は正義となるかも知れないからで」となるでしょうか。 mightを強勢とすれば、「力は正義となることもあるからで」と訳せるでしょ うか (4)続きの文; and one man will sack another's cityについて       forは前半に掛かると考えた。       「……からで、ある者は他の都市を略奪するだろう」 *質問者は英語を学ぼうとして質問しています。     特に、基本的な語彙、構文の理解を重視していただきたい。

  • 主語の入れ替わり

    ある文章から抜粋です。 初めのtheyはtreesを意味します。 Not only have they provided people with one of their most valuable construction materials; but by their strength, beauty and stillness they have soothed their spirit and have been constant pleasure to their eyes. stillnessの前後でtheyの内容が入れ替わっているのだとは思いますが、このような書き方をすることは許されるのでしょうか。(確かに、their eyesというあたりを読めば、最後の一文のtheyがtreesを意味しているわけではないのはわかりますが)

  • 日本語訳を教えてください(かなり長文です)(3)

    Why Chinese Mothers Are Superiorという記事です。日本語訳を教えてください。お願いします。 My friend Susan, the host, tried to rehabilitate me with the remaining guests. The fact is that Chinese parents can do things that would seem unimaginable—even legally actionable—to Westerners. Chinese mothers can say to their daughters, "Hey fatty—lose some weight." By contrast, Western parents have to tiptoe around the issue, talking in terms of "health" and never ever mentioning the f-word, and their kids still end up in therapy for eating disorders and negative self-image. (I also once heard a Western father toast his adult daughter by calling her "beautiful and incredibly competent." She later told me that made her feel like garbage.) Chinese parents can order their kids to get straight As. Western parents can only ask their kids to try their best. Chinese parents can say, "You're lazy. All your classmates are getting ahead of you." By contrast, Western parents have to struggle with their own conflicted feelings about achievement, and try to persuade themselves that they're not disappointed about how their kids turned out. I've thought long and hard about how Chinese parents can get away with what they do. I think there are three big differences between the Chinese and Western parental mind-sets. First, I've noticed that Western parents are extremely anxious about their children's self-esteem. They worry about how their children will feel if they fail at something, and they constantly try to reassure their children about how good they are notwithstanding a mediocre performance on a test or at a recital. In other words, Western parents are concerned about their children's psyches. Chinese parents aren't. They assume strength, not fragility, and as a result they behave very differently. For example, if a child comes home with an A-minus on a test, a Western parent will most likely praise the child. The Chinese mother will gasp in horror and ask what went wrong.

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