• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:整序問題の解答と解説をお願いします(高校受験))



  • ベストアンサー
  • MXT500
  • ベストアンサー率67% (101/149)

(1) I didn’t notice the loss of my purse until I got home. (2) The dictionary I am using now is the one given by my father to me for my birthday. (3) 自信なし You [only] have to read this book to see how to grow herbs. (4) Bill spent [most] of his early life in different countries far away from England. (5) He was in [such] a hurry that he put on his sweater inside out. 適宜、追加します。



分かりやすい解説ありがとうございました。 先月の塾の昇降テストで上がれませんでしたが、 never give up また、教えて下さい。 ありがとうございます。


  • 同意文作成問題の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)Will you wait here for me?  Will you wait here (     )I come back? (2)He went up to Tokyo at the age of twenty.  He went up to Tokyo (     )he (     )twenty. (3)I am tired because I worked hard.  I am tired (     )(     )hard work. (4)While he was staying in Paris,he visited his old friend.  (     )his(     )in Paris,he visited his old friend. (5)When I was going to station,I saw a friend of mine.  I saw a friend of mine (     )my(     )to station. (6)Look at the girl who has a beautiful lily in her hand.  Look at the girl (     )a beautiful lily in her hand.

  • 整序問題等の解答を教えて下さい(高校入試)

    (1)子供たちがその川で泳いで渡るのは難しいと思う。 difficult /to /children/ across/ think/ for /the river/ swim /I/ it (2)この時計はいくらだったか覚えていない。(1語不足) don’t /much /this /how /I/ I/ watch /remember /paid (3)山の頂上から見た日の出はすばらしいものだった。 The sun/ the/ was /the/ from /of/ wonderful /seen /top /rising /mountain (4)あなたは彼が一昨日どこへ行ったと思いますか。 do/ went/ you/ where/ yesterday/ before /day/ the /the /think? (5)あの青い制服の少年たちは、自分たちの学校をとても誇りに思ってます。 those/ are /of /very/ blue /school /are/ uniform/ boys/ proud /their (6)This is the first time for me to visit Europe. I’ve(    )(    )to Europe before. (7)She tried to go home as soon as possible. She tried to go home as soon as (    )(    ). (8)How well your parents cook! What (    )(    )your parents are! (9)He left the room. He didn’t say good night. He left the room(    )(    )good night. (10)My sister has never been abroad. I haven’t ,either. (    )my sister(    )I have ever been abroad.

  • 前置詞の模範解答と解説をお願いします(高校受験)

    (   )に前置詞を入れなさい。 (1)I bought this watch (    )two thousand yen. (2)He is my senior(    ) two years. (3)A taxi was hired (    )the hour. (4)He lay(    )his back,looking up at the blue sky. (5)I was forced to drink(    ) my will. (6)How much money did you spend (    )those books? (    )の前置詞を訂正しなさい。 (7)He divided the money( between )his three children. (8)I called (on) his house (in) the evening in question. (9)(By )this reason I like baseball better than basketball. (10)I was kept waiting( by )half past five.                よろしくお願いします。

  • 同意文問題の解答を教えて下さい(高校受験)

    (1)He usually goes to his office by car.  He usually(     )(     )his office. (2)Cheese is made from milk.   They (     )milk (     )cheese. (3)I like the pictures which were drawn by him. I like the pictures(     )(     ). (4)He did not go to school yesterday. He(     )(     )(     )school yesterday. (5)I received a letter from her yesterday. I(     )(     )her yesterday. (6)Mary hasn’t written to me since 1987. I haven’t (     )(     )Mary since 1987. (7)She said to us ,”Please don’t be noisy.” She (     )us (     )(     )be noisy. (8)Some of my friends didn’t attend the meeting. Some of my friends were (     )(     )the meeting. (9)She smiled and said ,”How are you?” She said (     ) a (     ),”How are you?” (10)Can you see a small lake in front of that mountain? Can you see a small lake (     )that mountain?

  • 英語の整序問題

    整序問題で、分からなかった問題6問です。難しく思いました。解答解説等、教えて頂けると助かります。お願い致します。 1 I remember that once in a cottage hospital in England a man died while we were at tea,and though there were only six of us in the ward the nurses managed things so adoritly that the man was dead and his body removed (hearing/it/our/without/till/about) tea was over. 2 A defence of television history necessarily involves a (of/as/imagery/the power/in/belief) a behicle for understanding. 3 (was/Arthur/that/when/was/it/eight) his parents moved to Nottingham, where his Uncle George had a lace warehouse. 4 The past two centuries (in/seen/immense/have/an/increase) the range of garden plants. 5 In the history of skirts, the more voluminous they became, (to/the/it/more/was/difficult/wear) fitted mantles or jackets with them. 6 The best way for a collector to ensure he can find what he wants is to develop an interest in something machine-made. Mass production has democratised (within/collecting/and/it/brought/reach) of ordinary people.

  • 使役・知覚動詞の解答・解説お願いします(高校受験)

    (1)彼は息子に一人でその仕事をさせました。 He(    ) his son (    )the work alone. (2)私は昨日彼にくつを修理させました。 I (    )him(    ) my shoes yesterday. (3)私は昨日くつを修理してもらった。 I (    )my shoe(    )s yesterday. (4)あなたの電話番号を教えてください。 Please (    )me (    )your phone number. (5)姉は私に部屋の掃除をさせた。 My sister(    ) me(    ) her room. (6)私は彼女が人前で泣くのを見たことが無い。 I’ve (    )(    )her (    )in public. (7)春には木で鳥が鳴くのを聞くことができる。 In spring we can(    ) birds(    ) in the tree. (8)私は木から木へ猿が跳んでいるのを見てみたい。 I want to(    ) a monkey(    )(    ) tree(    ) tree. (9)彼女は自分自身が引き裂かれるように感じた。 She(    ) herself (    )apart. (10)私は自分のコンピューターを彼に使わせたい。 I would like to him (    )my computer.   お願いします。

  • この問題の解答を教えてください

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 次の対話文を読んで、問いに答えなさい。 Roy:Hurry up! Eat your soup,Jim. We'll be late for the bus. Jim:I can't hurry,Roy. 1,(This soup is very hot so i can't eat it. ( 2 ), I can't eat hot things. Roy:Oh, you can't. Why don't you put some ice in it? Jim:Ice? I don't want ice in my soup! Oh,Ok..... Roy:There! 3,(Is it cool enough for you to eat now ?) Jim:Yes, but it tastes bad! 1、1とほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 This soup is ( ) hot ( ) me ( ) ( ). 2、( 2 )に「実を言うと」という表現を4語で入れなさい。 3、( 3 )を日本語に訳しなさい。 各文の意味がほぼ同じになるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1、He was kind enough to give me a ride. It was kind ( ) him ( )( ) me a ride. 2,It is comfortable to live in this house. This house is ( )( )( )( ). 3、They say that she made a large profit. She is said ( )( )( ) a large profit. 4、He spoke so fast that I couldn't understand him. He spoke ( ) fast ( ) me ( ) understand. 5,It happened that I ran into my former teacher. I ( )( ) ( ) into my former teacher.

  • 難関高校問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)After a long discussion,he finally changed his(    ). Would you(    ) opening the window? (2)Athletes should have the spirits of fair(    ). He will(    ) an important part in the next movie. (3)I (    )my favorite umbrella on the train. You can see our school on your(    ). (4)She washes her(    ) before she has breakfast. We(    ) a lot of problems in our lives. (5)He used to have a house in the country ,but now he(    ) in Tokyo. Ten(    ) were lost in the car accident. (6)In the United States,the school year begins in the(    ). Be careful not to(    ) asleep in class. (7)May I(    ) this shirt on? I’m going to(    ) to solve this problem. (8)I asked the policeman for advice about where to (    )my car in this area. That(    ) is famous for its cherry blossoms and is also popular with touriats. (9)Are you (    )their plan or against it? I bought this book(    ) five hundred yen. (10)Five gives (    )and heat. The girl came in with a(    ) step.

  • 文法的な解説をお願いします。

    At last I decided to go over to England, but I hardly knew a word of English, and no more of England than did any tolerably educated man in my country. I had an admiration for her traditions and social achievements, but no acquaintance with particular qualities I witnessed later. この英文のno more of England than did any tolerably educated man in my countryの個所がよくわかりません。

  • 整序作文等7問の解答を教えて下さい(高校入試)

    共通語空所補充問題 (1)The hungry boys didn’t (     )anything on their plates.   Don’t (     )the door open when you go out. (2)It is your(     ) to drive next.  You must (     )more of your attention to your work.. (3)Because of the traffic accident,she went(     ).   The people were (     )to the danger of war. (4)I can't believe you. You must be(     ). He was fond of on(     ) the grass on fine days. 整序作文 (5)私は、びっくりして、ほとんど何もいえなかった。  could /hardly /I/ I /so /surprised /that /was (6)ドアに指を挟んでけがをするとは、そそっかしいな。  careless/ how/ in/ of /to/ you/ the door /your finger! (7)下宿の主人は親切にもこの部屋を月5万円で貸してくれた。  The landlord (enough /kind /me/ to/ to/ at /was/ this room )fifty thousand yen a   month.