• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文問題について教えてください!!)



  • ベストアンサー

if で繋げられるペアを探せ、とのことですが、 おそらく"例"も含めて、だと思います。 ex) If you lose your credit card, you have to ring the bank. クレジットカードをなくしたら、銀行に連絡しなくてはいけない。 1 If you get promoted, your salary goes up. 昇進したら、給料が上がる。 2 If I drink coffee late at night, I can't sleep. 夜遅くにコーヒーを飲むと、私は眠れない。 3 If you don't pay the bill, you get a warning latter. 支払いをしないと、督促状がくる。 4 If I try to run fast, I get out of breath. 速く走ろうとすると、息があがる。 5 If some one enters the building, the alarm goes off. 誰かがビルに侵入すると、アラームが鳴り出す。 これで合ってるはず☆ ご参考まで。



なるほど!!! やっぱり、2番目間違ってました((+_+)) 分かりやすい回答ありがとうございました☆


  • Ifを使った書きかえ問題なんですが

    Ifを使った書きかえ問題なのですが、 2つの答えを思いついてしまいまして、 どちらが良い答えなのか分からず困っています。 どちらが良い答えなのか、 或いは、さらに良い答えがあるのでしたら 教えて頂ければ幸いです。 Speak a little more slowly, or I can't follow you.  If you speak a little more slowly, I can follow you.  If you don't speak a little more slowly, I can't follow you. Keep your promise, or you'll lose your friends.  If you keep your promise, you'll not lose your friends.  If you don't keep your promise, you'll lose your friends. In an emergency, don't panic, or you may get into bigger trouble.  If you panic in an emergency, you may get into bigger trouble.  If you don't panic in an emergency, you may not get into bigger trouble.

  • 英文を訳してくだいさ。

    I have refunded your Visa $16.50 for the wrong yardage - you may keep the other fabric we sent for free. Shipping costs to Japan went up to $16.95 for the International Flat rate envelope in January - so now all shipping is $16.95 for up to 11 yards - the new Legal sized envelope can hold 11 yards I have not shipped the fabric - I have refunded your credit card for the 2 yards of Fabriquilt So your credit card is refunded $16.50 この文章を訳して下さい。 お願いします。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    I saw you and i will always do if you open your heart for me and for get about the other guy, i want you to see the meaning of true love and i will treat you the way you. 特に、この部分が知りたいです。 (if you open your heart for me and for get about the other guy, i want) 私に心を開いて他の男性の話をして欲しいと言うことでしょうか?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入予定です。ですがなぜかログインできません。その事について相手に連絡をしていました。スミマセンが意味を教えて下さい。 Thanks for your patience I am not sure it is not working, either way I have asked them to send you the replacement password to your email address. If it still does not work I will get a generic one for you so you can place your order. I am totally confused to why it is not working, I am so sorry about this! If you wish to change your password, select the link below or copy and paste it in your browser address bar.

  • わからない英文があります

    "And you, sweetheart, you either get your head into this game or I'm gonna have a senior moment all over your keister." ここの"I'm gonna have a senior moment all over your keister."とはどういう意味でしょうか?

  • この英文

    All I know Is that you want to break it I just want to say Is that your feeling? You know what you are? Tell me why Did you turn your back right no me You drive me crazy!! We just carry on our relation that we can't keep any more But we have to make it for us 'cuz I'm never gonna make it If I see your mind without the wall of emotion that I tore I could get everything back It's back to me just like that! (全体に公開) 英語に詳しいかた この英文の日本語訳を教えて下さい。

  • 英文の添削をお願いします!

    1)If I (were) not ill, I (would) go fishing with my younger brother. 2)She loves him (as if) he (were) her own son. 3)If I (had known) it, I (can) have told you. 4)I (wish) you (had not) told the plan to your father. 5)You can listen to the music (as far as) you like. 6)(If) you like it (may) not, you have to decide what to do. 7)I studied hard in my high school days; (unless) I would have failed the examination. 8)No (sooner had) he gone to bed than he fell asleep. 9)I'll lend you the money (for) the condition that you return it within six months. 10)It's about time you (have seen) a Shakespearian play. ()内でおかしいところがあったら添削をお願いしたいです。 よかったら解説も加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • この英文を訳してもらえませんか?

    この英文を訳してもらえませんか? Hello dear new friend, how are you today i hope that every things is ok with you as is my pleassure to contact you after viewing your profile which really interest me in having communication with you if you will have the desire with me so that we can get to know each other better and see what happened in future. i will be very happy if you can write me through my email for easiest communication and to know all about each other,here is my email (****@yahoo.com) i will be waiting to hear from you as i wish you all the best for your day. yours new friend linda

  • 和訳お願いします。

    イギリスのサイトからネットショッピングしたのですが、間違った商品が届いたので返品しました。 以下のメールが届きました。 I will be more than happy to offer this as a credit and free shipping for your next order. Unless of course you want a full refund including your return postage to us. If you prefer the credit note, when ordering your next order please write it down the following: Credit Note and free shipping due to the item from this order. If you rather have a full refund, I need to get your credit card details from you as we don't keep them on file once an order is processed. You also have the option to place a new order in the website for a T-shirt ( don't worry you will not be charged for the T-shirt) and write in the space for the Notes REFUND so I can get your credit card details safely.

  • 英文メール

    こんにちは。海外ホテルの空き状況をメールで確認したところ、以下の返信がありました。 Thank you for choosing Vagabond, yes we have availability , to book it we need to know your arrival time, normally needs to be before 10pm , plus credit card details to reserve your first night ( can cancel up to 10pm the night before ). If you prefer you can phone your credit card details to us on +64-3-3799677. Or book via bbh.co.nz. おそらく要約すると、 (1)「到着時間を教えてくれ」、「普通は22:00前にチェックインする必要がある」 (2)カード番号を電話で教えてください でしょうか。 メールには、到着時刻をAM1100と記入したのですが、また聞かれるのはなぜでしょうか…。 あと、上記の要約で合っているか確認お願いします。 宜しくお願いします。