8 Examples of Sentence Corrections and Translations in English

  • Get help with sentence corrections and translations in English. Improve your grammar and language skills with these examples.
  • Learn how to correct and translate sentences in English with these helpful examples. Enhance your language proficiency now.
  • Discover 8 examples of sentence corrections and translations in English. Improve your understanding and fluency in the language.
  • ベストアンサー


1)My grandmother is still alive, but she (had been) in hospital for two years. 2)David (had been) natto before he came to Japan. 3)The police (has been chasing) the criminal for many years when they finally caught him. 4)Next month I (will have known) Alice for 20 years. 5)The plane had departed (before) we reached the airport. 6)"Where's Linda?" "(She's gone) to bed." 7)By next April Jane (will have been learning) the guitar for seven years. 8)My father (had given) up smoking three years ago. 9)Your Chinese is very good. How long (have you been learning) Chinese? 英文が多く申し訳ないです。 ()の中の穴埋めです。一通り考えてみましたがいまいちわかりません・・・ ()内の訂正と、英訳も加えてくださると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いします!

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー

1)My grandmother is still alive, but she (had been) in hospital for two years. →My grandmother is still alive, but she (has been) in hospital for two years. →もうひとつの動詞 is と、for two years がヒントになります。  現在形ということは「今までの2年間」なので、現在完了。 「私の祖母はまだ生きているが、2年間ずっと入院している。」 2)David (had been) natto before he came to Japan. →David (had eaten) natto before he came to Japan. →もうひとつの動詞 came と、接続詞 before がヒントになります。  「”過去形の文”よりも前に」なので、過去完了。 「デイビッドは日本に来る前に納豆を食べたことがあった。」 3)The police (has been chasing) the criminal for many years when they finally caught him. →The police (had been chasing) the criminal for many years when they finally caught him. →もうひとつの動詞 caught と、接続詞 when、それと for many years がヒント。  「”過去形の文”の時まで2時間」なので、過去完了(進行形) 「ついにその犯罪者を逮捕したとき、警察は(その前の)何年間も彼を追いかけていた。」 4)Next month I (will have known) Alice for 20 years. →正解だと思います。 「来月で、私がアリスと知り合って20年になる。」(意訳) 5)The plane had departed (before) we reached the airport. →正解だと思います。他に when でもいいと思います。 →「到着したときには出発してしまってた」という意味ですよね。 「その飛行機は、私達が空港に着く前に(着いた時には)出発してしまっていた。」 6)"Where's Linda?" "(She's gone) to bed." →正解だと思います。 →どこ?って聞いているということは、ここには居ないので、  「~してしまった」と、”完了”を表す現在完了ですよね。 「リンダはどこですか?」「彼女はもう寝ました。」 7)By next April Jane (will have been learning) the guitar for seven years. →正解だと思います。 →by next April と for seven years がヒントで未来完了ですよね。 「今度の(来年の)4月で、ジェインはギターを7年間習っていることになる。」 8)My father (had given) up smoking three years ago. →My father (gave) up smoking three years ago. →「3年前」とはっきり過去のある時点を指定しているので、過去形。 「私の父は、3年前にタバコをやめた。」 9)Your Chinese is very good. How long (have you been learning) Chinese? →正解だと思います。learning の代わりに studying でも。 →もうひとつの動詞 is と、how long がヒント。  現在までの、どれくらいの期間?なので、現在完了(進行形)ですよね。 「あなたは中国語がとても上手です。(今まで)どれくらい中国語の勉強を続けてきたんですか?」 ご参考まで。



丁寧な解説ありがとうございます! 参考にさせていただきます*


  • 並べ替え・穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)My parents got married twenty years ago. =My parents (have) (been) married (for) twenty years. =( ) is twenty years ( )my parents got married. 2)I finished my homework, and then I watched a baseball game on TV. =I (had) already (finished) my homework when I watched a baseball game on TV. 3)Fred started using the computer two hours ago. He is still using it. =Fred (has) (been) (using) the computer for two hours. 4)Nobuyuki (not/over/the flu/get/has) yet. He still feels pretty weak. →has not got over the flu 5)Emi (in/have/be/Australia/for/will) a year next month. →will have been in Australia for 1~3は穴埋め、4,5は()内の並べ替え(※動詞を変形)です。 書けていないところもあります。 添削・解説よろしくお願いします!

  • 添削お願いします。

    こんばんは。 よろしくお願いいたします。 文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )に適語を入れなさい。 (1)My father began to repair the roof at nine in the morning, and finished it at eight at night. My father (had ) (been ) (repairing ) the roof for eleven hours. この問題とても迷います・・ 修理をしていたけど今はやっていない・・ 文の( )の語を適当な形に直しなさい。 (1)The forest fire (burn) for five days when I arrived there. → had been burning (2)The concert (start) an hour ago. →has started (3)He ( take) violin lessons for fifteen years next May. →will has been taking よろしくお願いします。 みなさんのおかげでだんだん英語力がついてきたような気がいたします。感謝しております。

  • 時制と完了形について

    My sister ( 2 ) a nursery school teacher for three years next month. 1 will be 2 will have been 3 is 4 has been I'll help you when I ( 3 ) this work. 1 will finish 2 will have finished 3 have finished 4 finished I noticed that my mother ( 4 ) home five minutes before. 1 comes 2 has come 3 come 4 had come He ( 4 ) three cups of coffee today if he drinks another cup. 1 drinks 2 will drink 3 has drunk 4 will have drunk この問題で、私は(   )の数字だと思うのですが、合っていますか? 苦手な分野なので心配です。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします

    1)This is the (much) best book I've ever read. 2)Successful candidates will be appointed initially on (a three-years) contract. 3)(This my old camera) was a present from my father. 4)We have (another ten miles) to walk before sunset. 5)"You seem to have had that car for years." "Yes,I should sell it (while) it still runs." 6)Of their five children,one is in Tokyo and (the others) are in Fukuoka. 7)I think you need to be careful of Mr.Honda. He (is a clever liar). 8)I saw Jim talking with two women. I didn't know (either) of them. 間違えて質問を削除してしまったのでもう一度投稿します。 英文が多くてすみません。 ()内の添削をお願いします。 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 添削してもらえませんか?

    解答はあるのですが、自分の答案とは違うので添削していただけるとうれしいです。 1.20年ぶりに帰郷してみると、全てが変わってしまっているのがわかった。 When I returned home for the first time in 20 years, I found that everything had changed. 2.「いまお着きになったところですか。」「はい、午前中に着くはずだったのですが、飛行機が遅れました。」 "Have you just arrived?" "Yes, I have. I was scheduled to arrive during this morning, but the airplane had been late." 3.私はこの7月でスペイン語を2年間学んでいることになりますが、さっぱり進歩したとは感じられません。 By this July I will have been studying Spanish for two years, but I don't feel it progress at all. 4.彼は日本に12年も住んでいるので、玄関で靴を脱ぐ習慣を珍しいとは思わない。 Because he has lived in Japan for 12 years, he doesn't think the custom of taking off his shoes at the door is rare. 5.虹は自然における最も美しい光景の一つである。人間は長い間どうして虹が生じるのか不思議に思っていた。 A rainbow is one of the most beautiful scenes in nature. People had wondered why it occurs for long. 6.私のいとこは高校を卒業して、今アメリカの大学で勉強しています。今年の10月で3年アメリカにいることになります。 After my cousin graduated from his high school, my cousin is studying at an American university now. By this October he will have been in America for 3 years. 問題の解答を求めるのはマナー違反ですが(課題とかではないです)、 教えていただける場所がここくらいしかないのでお願いします。

  • [英語]()に入るものを教えて下さい><

    1. Two years () since George came to Japan. (1) pass (2) are passed (3) have passed (4) are passing 2. I have no idea when she () next time. (1) had come (2) has come (3) came (4) will come 3. My grandfather () for three years. (1) was dead (2) has died (3) has been died (4) has been dead 4. I () waiting for him for thirty minutes when he appeared. (1) am (2) was (3) have been (4) had been 5. Don't call me at nine tonight, please. I () at that time. (1) was studying (2) studied (3) had studied (4) will be studying 6. Next time I () to the library, I'll get that book for you. (1) go (2) will go (3) had gone (4) will have gone 7. We'll be leaving as soon as everyone (). (1) had arrived (2) arrived (3) has arrived (4) will have arrived 8. My mother () at the hospital when she was young. (1) worked (2) has worked (3) has been working (4) is working

  • 完了形の受動態の文について

    完了形の受動態でちょっとした英文を作ったのですが合ってるかわからないのでどなたかちゃんとあっているか確認をお願いいたします 現在 The church has been visited by many people since last year. 過去 The church had been visited by many people for ten years. 未来 The will have been visited by many people till next year.

  • 未来完了

    will have+過去分詞 状態動詞 will have been ing 動作動詞 と考えているのですが、 NEXT month I will have been a president for twn years. や THEY will have been married for fifteen years next month. になるのでしょうか。 動詞の後はingではないのでしょうか。 教えてください。

  • 英訳

    英訳お願いします! (1)They had known each other for ten years when they got married. (2)I will have seen the musical three times if Isee it again. (3)Next month we will have been married for twenty years.

  • 穴埋めの添削をお願いします

    1)The manager told us he would (raise) the price next week. 2)The sound of his footsteps behind me in the dark made me (walking) faster. 3)Over three thousand people(gathered) the concert. 4)Water (boils) at a temperature of 100 degrees centigrade. 5)I (had done) all my homework and now I am completely free until Monday. 6)Ten years from now you will (be forgotten) all about me. 8)You will find the word "psychology" (listed)under "P" in your dictionary. 9)(If you happened to see him),please give him my best regards. 10)The river is dangerous to (swim in) in July. 11)Linda did nothing but (to read) the book on weekends. 12)May I read over your lecture notes (the classes I missed for)? 13)Even (if) we can finish all this work by seven o'clock,I still don't think we will be able to get to the party on time. 英文が多くてすみません。 ()内の添削をお願いします。 また、解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。