• 締切済み


Purely by accident, he found that ezposing thickly wrapped photographic plates to a certain uranium compound caused them to darken, even without the stimulation of cathode rays. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数2
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  • 次の英文を和訳してほしいです。

    This highly energetic radiation penetrated matter, darkened covered photographic plates, and caused a variety of substances to fluoresce. この英文を和訳してほしいです。

  • 次の英文の和訳をお願いしたいです。

    Not too long ago, most people thought that contracting HIV was a certain and swiftt death sentence. After several decades of experience with this deadly disease, however, medical scientists have found drugs and treatment strategies that now allow HIV patients to live years or even decades with the disease. It is essential for those who have contracted HIV to be diagnosed early so that monitoring and treatment can begin as soon as possible. The scientific community has accepted that the cause of AIDS is HIV. Once an individual has been infected with HIV, the virus quickly attacks the infection-fighting soldiers in our immune system, called T-cells. Damage to these cells slowly destroys the body's ability to fight disease. After infection with HIV, a person may be symptom-free for years, but eventually the number of HIV viruses in the body(his/her "vital load") will increase, while the number of his/her T-cells will decrease, weakening the person's ability to fight disease. Advanced HIV infections (OIs), which are serious infections from bacteria, viruses, or fungi that our body would normally be able to fend off. Through research and experience, scientists have learned the importance of tracking the viral load of HIV in the body as well as the patient's T-cell count. It is essential to suppress the viral load early in the disease cycle while maintaining and boosting the level of T-cells, allowing patients to fight off OIs. There are powerful drugs and drug mixtures now available that are doing this with increasing effectiveness. With this therapy, many patients with HIV have been able to live long periods of time without developing ALDS. Some of the drugs that have been effective in fighting AIDS are: zidovudine(AZT), nevirapine, and a class of drugs known as HIV protease inhibitors. Although these new drug therapies can delay the advance of HIV in the body, the virus will eventually overcome the immune system and the patient will develop AIDS and die. Today's science can only slow the progression of the disease. However, with each new day, new discoveries are made and patients are living longer and longer. Doctors are hopeful that in the near future HIV-infected people will be able to live a totally normal lifespan.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    " Thus it is that philosophy can supply no demonstrative refutation of idealism, even of the most extravagant form. Common sense, however, universally feels that analogy is here a safer guide to truth than the sceptical demand for impossible evidence; so that if the objective existence of other organisms and their activities is granted — without which postulate comparative psychology, like all the other sciences, would be an unsubstantial dream— common sense will always and without question conclude that the activities of organisms other than our own, when analogous to those activities of our own which we know to be accompanied by certain mental states, are in them accompanied by analogous mental states."

  • 和訳お願いします

    Shocked to hear that his friend was waiting for a heart transplant,Robert Test decided to become an organ donor. This is what he wrote about his decision. At a certain moment,a doctor will decide that my brain has stopped functioning. When that happens, do not attempt to revive my body by the use of a machine. Give my eyes to a man who has never seen a sunrise,a baby's face, or love in the eyes of a woman. Give my heart to a person whose own heart has caused him nothing but days of endless pain. Give my blood to a teenager who was seriously injured in a traffic accident,so that he or she might live and see his or her grandchildren playing.

  • 英文解釈お願いします

    When these damaged molecules happen to be proteins, enzymes, or, worst of all, the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) molecules inthe genes, the cell suffers. happen toはどの様に訳せばいいのですか? This means that as life goes on, damage to the cell does take place and it does accumulate. doesは強調のdoとして考えたのですが正しいですか?その場合どのように訳出すればいいのですか? There are some scientists who think it is this accumulating damage that causes old age and makes it certain we all die in the end, even in the absence of infection or accident. 「病気にかかったり事故にあったりしなくても、老化の原因になることや我々が最終的にはみんな死ぬということを確かにすることがこの損害の積み上げによるものだと考える科学者もいる」と和訳したのですが正しいですか?英文の構造がいまいち分からないのでどの様な構造になってるのかもおしえてください。 よろしくお願いします。。

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The point is that, notwithstanding special difficulties in assigning this or that being to one or the other class, the psychological classification which I advocate resembles the zoological classification which I have cited ; it is a valid classification, inasmuch as it recognizes a distinction where there is certainly something to distinguish. For even if we take the most mechanical view of mental processes that is possible, and suppose that conscious intelligence plays no part whatever in determining action, there still remains the fact that such conscious intelligence exists, and that prior to certain actions it is always affected in certain ways. Therefore, even if we suppose that the state of things is, so to speak, accidental, and that the actions in question would always he performed in precisely the same way whether or not they were thus connected with consciousness, it would still remain desirable, for scientific purposes, that a marked distinction should be drawn between cases of activity that proceed without, and those that proceed with this remarkable association with consciousness. As the phenomena of subjectivity are facts at any rate no less real than those of objectivity, if it is found that some of the latter are invariably and faithfully mirrored in those of the former, such pheno mena, for this reason alone, deserve to be placed in a distinct scientific category, even though it were proved that the mirror of subjectivity might be removed without affecting any of the phenomena of objectivity.

  • 和訳お願い致します。

    The host of reflex actions is arrayed against the proposition, and, in view of such non-mental, though apparently intentional adjustments, we find the necessity for some test of the choice- element as real or fictitious. The only test we have is to ask whether the adjustments displayed are invariably the same under the same circumstances of stimulation. The only distinction between adjustive movements due to reflex action, and adjustive movements accompanied by mental perception, consists in the former depending on inherited mechanisms within the nervous system being so constructed as to effect particular adjustive movements in responso to particular stimulations, while the latter are independent of any such inherited adjustment of special mechanisms to the exigencies of special circumstances. Reflex actions, under the influence of their appropriate stimuli, may be compared to the actions of a machine under the manipulations of an operator : when certain springs of action are touched by certain stimuli, the whole machine is thrown into appropriate action ; there is no room for choice, there is no room for uncertainty ; but, as surely as any of these inherited mechanisms is affected by the stimulus with reference to which it has been constructed to act, so surely will it act in precisely the same, way as it always has acted. But the case with conscious mental adjust ment is quite different. For, without going into the question concerning the relation of Body and Mind, or waiting to ask whether cases of mental adjustment are not really quite as mechanical in the sense of being the necessary result or correlative of a chain of psychical sequences due to a physical stimulation, it is enough to point to the variable and incalcu lable character of mental adjustments as distinguished from the constant and foreseeable character of reflex adjustments.All in fact, that in an objective sense we can mean by a mental adjustment, is an adjustment of a kind that has not been definitely fixed by heredity as the only adjustment possible in the given circumstances of stimulation. For, were there no alternative of adjustment, the case, in an animal at least, would be indistinguishable from one of reflex action.

  • この英文訳せる方、お願いします。

    長い英文ですが、いまいちよくわからなかったのでお願いします。   All through history,and all over the world,it seems that women have been willing to suffer pain,and even risk an early death,in order to make themselves appear more beautiful.For many centuries women in both East and West applied thick masks of white paint to their faces.Though most often lead-based ,this paint was also sometimes made from mercury.It had the effect of slowly poisoning the women who put it on their faces everyday.The minerals passed into the body,where they damaged the internal organs,caused tooth decay and bad breath,and most ironically of all,destroyed the skin,it gray and scarring it with deep marks.Women with this skin condition would in turn apply even thicker layers of white paint to their faces.In Europe in the eighteenth century,when white faces were the height of fashion among the rich,many young women died as a result of their makeup.  What is surprising about this practice is yhat it began in accident times and continued for some 2000 years.In Babylon and Assyria lead face-paint was in common use as a beautifying cosmetic.The ancient Greek doctor,Galen,was already warning several centuries before Christ that some makeup was poisonous,and doctors continued to do so far centuries afterwards―without any success.Goverments tried to ban it,but women continued to use it and continued to die.In Japan and China the same practice lasted,as it did in the West,untill the early part of the twentieth century.In America,for example,lead-based face products were still on sale in the shops in 1911.This means that there are women alive now whose mother used lead on the skins.  Despite the damage to their health,why have women so universally sought to attain a certain standard of‘beauty’?When one realizes that things such as this have gone on for thousands of years,it becomes hard to brame fashion magazines or television.Perhaps it has something to do with the setting of impossible ideals,the desire to possess the parfect beauty of the gods.And Perhaps some women―and some men,at certain times in history,and in certain cultures―have always been willing to die in exchange for a brief moment of apparently immortal beauty. 以上ですが、本当に長くてすいません。時制や重要そうな熟語などを注意して訳していただきたいです。そしてあまり極端な意訳などはしないで、そのままの意味(意訳しないと意味が通らない文は別ですが)でとらえてほしいです。もしスペル間違いがあったらすいません。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    下記の英文はどういう意味でしょうか。全然わからないので、わかる方がいらっしゃいました教えて下さい。 Even the date of the accident April 26, 1986 has been entered: Makarevych, Yevhen - present. よろしくお願いします。 --補足-- 【前後の文】 Ivanna searches for her birth records in Pripyat’s Maternity Ward without success.. But her brother Yevhen finds his teacher’s grade book in the building where he went to school. "Here I am, here I am ! Makarevych: 3, 3, 3, 5," he said. Even the date of the accident April 26, 1986 has been entered: Makarevych, Yevhen - present. At the end of the day, these Pripyat evacuees stand alone among the abandoned buildings of a ghost town. They came here with the intention of leaving behind their fears. But it appears they only re-opened old wounds that have held them captive for a quarter of a century. 【出展】 http://www.voanews.com/english/news/europe/Chernobyl-Evacuees-Re-Visit-Former-Home-120549549.html

  • この英文の和訳が合っているのか不安です。。。

    (1) A ruler, or someone endowed with executive power, must be very careful not to show hatred or take vengeance against anyone who offends him personally. For the use of the public arm against private offenses will subject him to heavy censure. Let him be patient and mark time. Inevitably he will have an opportunity to achieve the same effect justly and without a note of rancor. 人民の統治者、つまり行政長官は加えられた侮辱に対して憎悪を示したり、復讐したりしないよう注意しておかなければならない。 というのは、個人的な侮辱に対して公共の武器を使うことは、彼に大きな非難を与えることになるからだ。 我慢して時機を待て。 必ず正当に、少しも怨根の印象を与えずに同じ結果に達する機会がしばしば現れるだろう。 (2) Pray to god that you are always on the winning side, for you will get credit even for things in which you had no part. If, on the contrary, you are a loser, you will be blamed for an infinite number of things of which you are entirely innocent. 常に勝者の側にいるように神に祈りなさい、というのは、あなたがたとえ何も役割を果たしていなくても、称讃が与えられるだろうからだ。 反対にもしあなたが敗者の側にいたら、同じようにあなたが全く関係のない無数のことについてその責任を負わされることになる。 (3) Because men are so foolish in Florence, it happens all too frequently that no attempt is made to punish those who have caused upheavals. Instead, every effort is made to grant them impunity, so long as they put down their arms and desist. This sort of thing hardly serves to repress the insolent; on the contrary, it turns lambs into lions. フィレンツェ人はとても愚かだったので、暴力に訴えて社会的な騒ぎを引き起こしたものを罰すべき処置がとられず、その者が武器を捨てこれ以上騒ぎを起こさなければ、ほとんど常にその罪をできるだけ赦そうとする。 これは不穏な者を抑えておく方法ではなく、反対に羊をライオンに変えることだ。 (4) Industries and trades are at their best before many people recognized how profitable they are. As soon as that happens, they decline, for strong competition makes them less profitable. Thus, in all matters, it is wise to get up very early. 産業や儲け仕事は一般によく知られていないときが最もよい。 それが起きるとすぐにそれらは下り坂にある、というのは、それに飛びつくものも多くなって競争が起こり、もはや利に合わなくなるからだ。 従って非常に早くにことを起こすのが、全てのことにおいて賢明なこととなる。