• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:下記英文の構造と解釈について質問があります。)

The Sample Materials: Opening the Door to Both


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> The sample materials that were yielded from the audiocassettes seemed to open the door to both: we found lots and lots of self-help and self-hypnosis, meditation and yoga recordings that we could bend and edit into the extended narratives we were looking for and we ended up with quite a collection of 1970's fast musical riffs and synth-samples that we otherwise would have been reluctant to use were it not for their large number and the vast choices they presented. 私流に訳すと、たとえば  「そのオーディオ・カセットに入ってた音源に影響されて、2つのドアを開けたような気がする。そのテープには自己啓発やら自己催眠やらのための夥しい音源が入ってた。瞑想とかヨガのための音楽だな。そいつに手を加えたり編集したりして、それまでのものでは物足りなかった表現の幅を広げた結果は、70年代風の、コードをすばやく転換しては繰り返すといった一連の曲や、あれほど大量に幅広い趣味の音源がなかったとしたら採用するのを躊躇したかもしれないが、シンセサイザーを使った曲になった」 > another activity that took up a lot of the 'interbellum' between 'Lost and Safe' and 'The Way Out'. interbellum は2つの大戦の間の期間。アメリカでは Lost generation の世代が出現。新しいアメリカの文化を生んだ。Lost and Safe' というタイトルが Lost generation という言葉と響きあっていることからそう言ってるのかもしれない。その2つの作品が彼らにとってはエポック・メーキングだったという意識があるのかも。あるいはまた、Lost という語は楽園からの追放を暗示するものだし、The Way Out というアルバムのカバーには、イラスト版の聖書の表紙の模様が組み込まれていて、それを知ってる人には分るようになっているようだ。  「Lost and Safe と The Way Out という2つのアルバムの間の時期は、多くの時間をそういった活動に費やした」 > which give an interesting reflection of the history of fringe recording over roughly the period of 1970-1995, fringe recording は、音楽として聞くことを目的とする演奏を録音したものが正統派で主流だとすれば、それとは目的がずれるが一応音楽には違いない、本来的なものでない録音。  「大雑把に言って1970年から1995年にかけての、その頃の周辺音楽のことをいろいろと考えさせてくれた」 ベトナム戦争は1970年まで続いたし、その後は新しい価値観を求めるアメリカ人の、迷える時代だったのかもしれません。



アドバイスありがとうございます。非常に深い洞察で為になりました。 ここまで背景を考えないと本人の主張というのは見えてこないですね・・・。 さらに自分なりに考えてみます。 ありがとうございました。


  • 下記英文について質問があります

    昔の作曲家からアイデアを拝借したりしますか? 昨夜のライブは少しの間ワグナーっぽい部分もありましたが。 ピタ:ああ、昨晩はまさにそうさ。(Q1)Ramon and me were playing at the Holland festival in Amsterdam and the brief there was that we were given a five cd box of the whole Holland festival and it's 50 years of classical and contemporary music and the second set we used samples from that piece. So that was like... バウアー:……たまたまだ(笑)。 ピタ:ああ、たまたまではあるけど、やらなくちゃいけない使命でもあった。だからサンプルをアサインしまくったのさ。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 例えばAubeというアーティストは自分の周りにある全てをサウンドと結びつけます。音楽という言葉は、彼の中では存在していないのです。だから、(Q2)he puts together music the same way he does when he's working with industrial design... そういうのともちょっと違いますか。 フェネス:そういう事ではないな。 バウアー:音楽は音楽って認めているわけだし。 フェネス:ああ、(Q3)and it's also a result of many different interests in music and a mixture of those maybe. ピタ:俺達のパワーブックにはたくさんの種類のサンプルが詰まっていてね。その時の場所と、その時の自分の感情次第で鳴らすことが出来るんだ。そう、クラシックなサンプルだって飛び出してくるさ。(Q4)but if we get a bit... could be a banging stomping techno sample, that's the beauty of it all. We're free to really improvise with sound. Q1~Q4の英文を教えて下さい。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文について質問があります

    すいません質問があります。 One thing worth noting is that the digital and the vinyl have had separate masters produced optimally for each version. We had both pushed a lot of crazy low end into our mixes that if left as they were would have flung the needle out of the groove on the vinyl version. James managed to sculpt and tame those frequencies without loosing any of the 'sound' we were going for. 特筆すべき点は、デジタルとレコードで、それぞれに適したミックスがされたという事だ。 We had both pushed a lot of crazy low end into our mixes that if left as they were would have flung the needle out of the groove on the vinyl version. ジェイムズはなんとかして整えて、そして僕たちが求めていたサウンドのポイントを失うことなく音域を捉えたよ。 この英文のところがわかりません。low endは低域です。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文で質問があります

    http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/02/15/italy.party/index.html?iref=NS1 CNNの記事です。 "Yes. A couple of times. I think I called him as well to let him know how the things were going and obviously he was quite worried as well because, I mean, we were young girls in the questura so I called him to let him know that everything was OK. That we were OK, that the girl was OK and how things were going." この文章がどうも読み下せません。意味を教えてください。 "He sings. He tells stories, any type of stories, I mean even personal stories, of his experience of politics, humorous stories, that is a little bit of how the evenings were," she said. "I mean, nothing lurid in any way." この文章の、a little bit of how the evening wereがよくわかりません。ここを教えてください。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文について質問があります。

    すいません質問があります。 英文のまま残っている部分の解釈がわかりません。 During the mid 90´s-00´s there were lots of new things happening, I was part of a group of people organising performances and concerts and during those years mostly at one particular venue called Fylkingen. There was lots of new music around and we felt we were in the middle of it all. Inspiring times meeting a lot of musicians and artists. All of this was possible because we had some funding to invite people. 90年代から00年代にかけては、たくさんの新たな動きがあった。私もパフォーマンス、コンサートをやる側としてそのムーブメントの一端を担っていた。Fylkingenという場所がその時期のほとんどだった。未知の音楽との出会いが多くあり、私達はまさに渦中にいるのだなと感じたよ。Inspiring times meeting a lot of musicians and artists. All of this was possible because we had some funding to invite people. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What causes this simultaneous fascination and uneasy feeling with regards to cities? 町という存在に魅力を感じながらも不安感も持つ。同時に存在する2つの感情が引き起こすものは何でしょうか? Since I was raised in the countryside, the city was always something that was charged with a lot of exciting energy. I always had a longing for the big city, but it´s a place that can be both dangerous and beautiful. I also like the meditational qualities that the city can provide with its endless drone of activity. 田舎で育った私にとって、町という存在は常にエネルギーに満ちあふれた場所でありずっと憧れを抱いていた。しかし、町とは危険な場所にも、美しい場所にもなり得る。I also like the meditational qualities that the city can provide with its endless drone of activity. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Are cities by default unnatural organisms? そもそも、町とは自然に反した有機体という事でしょうか? I think most of this impression is caused by what one could call side effects. Most cities are places that slowly, gradually get out of hand. We don't mean to fuck it up but we do one way or the other. Today the awareness about how sound affects humans is much bigger amongst designers and architects, but still we are fed constantly with sounds and music blasting out of stores and restaurants. Most of it could be taken care of instantly, while other sources are so integrated into society that it´s impossible to change them. I think that cities are as natural as we make them. 副作用。思わぬ結果。町に対する印象の大半はそこからきていると思う。ほとんどの町は、ゆっくりとではあるが徐々に手がつけられない状態になっている。私達が町をめちゃくちゃにしているとは言わないが、何にせよやっている事はそうだ。今日、サウンドがいかに人間に影響を及ぼすか? そこへの認識がデザイナーや建築家の間で非常に大きいものになっている。しかし、店やレストランから吐き出されてくるサウンドや音楽には相変わらずうんざりさせられる。Most of it could be taken care of instantly, while other sources are so integrated into society that it´s impossible to change them. I think that cities are as natural as we make them. 以上の3つとなります。よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります

    The „resources and staff“ of the University were at your disposal. In which way were they helpful to you during the different stages of the project? Carrying heavy instruments around! (laughs) No, well, yeah ... They did help carry instruments ... But, I had a wonderful day of training from a woman at the university named Angie Atmadjaja who gave me a few short lessons on how to play some of these instruments in the "proper" way. As fun and enlightening as that was it made me realize that I wanted to keep my distance from the proper and traditional. Angie also made some recordings and I believe some of them appear on the album. It took a good solid day or two to get the whole studio wired the way I wanted it into my Kyma system and loopers. We had to create a system that allowed me remote control of the control room while I was in the recording room as well as some tricky monitoring situations. The tech and studio staff at the Music Research Center took care of most of that and after ironing out some bugs I had an amazing space in which I could work alone late into the night and control everything as I walked around the room. Q1 As fun and enlightening as that was it made me realize that I wanted to keep my distance from the proper and traditional. この文章の構造がわかりません。 it made me realize that I wanted to keep my distance from the proper and traditional. 訳せます。 「それは、私が正しいやり方や、伝統から距離を置いておきたいと願っていた事を気付かせてくれた」 Asからthatまでをitとしているのですよね?それと、As fun and enlightening as thatも何かの構文で、元々は違っているのでしょうか? Q2 It took a good solid day or two to get the whole studio wired the way I wanted it into my Kyma system and loopers. この文章がいまいち理解出来ません。後半のkyma system and loopersは彼の持つ音楽用のシステムの事です。 Q3 We had to create……からの日本語ですが、 私たちはレコーディングルームやtricky monitoring situationsにいる間、離れた場所からコントロールルームを制御するシステムを作らなくてはならなかった。 ミュージックリサーチセンターにいる技術者と、スタジオのスタッフはthatに注意を払っていた。いくつかのバグを解決した後に、私はその晩、一人で仕事が出来る素晴らしい空間を持つ事が出来た。 その部屋中を歩き回りながら全てをコントロールしたんだ。 どうもギクシャクしてしまっています・・・。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります 1

    What's on your schedule at the moment? Doing release-related work for lokai, like getting the website ready, spreading the word about the release, doing lots of finetuning with the live versions of the pieces. With this program, it is an even more refined and live process. Next to that, I am finishing my second KMET soloalbum, doing some live Shows in Spain with Fatima Spar & the freedomfries, and also working on the trio exklusiv album. With this program, it is an even more refined and live process. この部分の解釈ですが、with this programというのは、finetuning云々のことをさしているのですよね。 それと、live processがうまく解釈できません。 refined process and live processということでしょうか?このliveは品詞は形容詞ですか? というか、live processがなければかっちりはまるのですが・・・。 You could have just continued down with your solo efforts. What made you come together for a new Lokai album nonetheless? I like to work with Stefan a lot. For me it´s a very unique way of creating music. At the same time, we are both continuing with our solos. My second solo album is almost ready. I am looking for the right place to release it right now. It is called KMET and it´s an electronic Singer-Songwriter project. In the studio I write, record, play and sing it all. Also on stage, it works as a one man show with the support of a little live sampler. I think with "transition", lokai have found their very own sound and aesthetic. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. We have very different personalities (even though some people think we are brothers) and this can be quite fruitful. With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. Complete musical freedom and variety are aspects I can entertain as a solo artist. まずthe support of a little live samplerのa little live samplerですが、a は冠詞でlittleは小さい、つまり、ライブ用の小さいサンプラーというふうに解釈しているのですがどうでしょうか。 (サンプラーというのは、まぁともかくそういった”楽器”のようなものがあります)

  • 下記の英文を訳してください。

    ネットショップからいただいたメールです。どなたか翻訳お願いいたします。 Thank you for your order, We received about your request and the free print(A2 size) would add in your package, would you mind to take the font view of the damage one? We are sorry about for the happen but hope you could understand that the delivery is depends of the post office and postman, if you have any question that please feel free for contact us firstly, we would trying to help you solve it. Thank you and looking for your reply

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります 2

    You could have just continued down with your solo efforts. What made you come together for a new Lokai album nonetheless? I like to work with Stefan a lot. For me it´s a very unique way of creating music. At the same time, we are both continuing with our solos. My second solo album is almost ready. I am looking for the right place to release it right now. It is called KMET and it´s an electronic Singer-Songwriter project. In the studio I write, record, play and sing it all. Also on stage, it works as a one man show with the support of a little live sampler. I think with "transition", lokai have found their very own sound and aesthetic. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. We have very different personalities (even though some people think we are brothers) and this can be quite fruitful. With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. Complete musical freedom and variety are aspects I can entertain as a solo artist. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. この一文は倒置?でしょうか? もともとはどうなるのでしょうか? With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. 結構この人の文章では、with~, というのがありますが、これは上記の場合Lokaiでは、という風に訳せばよいでしょうか? その次のit's の it はthat以降ですよね。That certain sounds or structures will not fit is clear.その次の文章がわかりません。soは後のthatと因果関係があるのでしょうか? それと、上記とは別に This second album was really a lot about getting our own "lokai sound". この文章ですが、 シンプルな構造にすると this second album was getting our own lokai soundということでしょうか? そうすると、aboutがうまく解釈できないのですが・・・。 以上となります。長いですがよろしくお願いいたします…。

  • 構造がよく分からない英文

    エジプト歴史の本を読んでいてよくわからない部分が2つほどあります。 教えて下さい。 1.The battle that he fought at Megiddo against local rebellious Canaanite chiefs during the campaign is the first battle that we know of whose details were written down and made accesible for the edification of those who were not present. that we...... whose details.... down の部分   made accesible....... not present の部分です。 2. The textual evidence has added to the details already known from excavations and has allowed archaeologists to reconstruct the world of Bronze Age Greece, just as their colleagues working at sites in Egypt and the Near East have been able to do in those countries, as a consequence of translating texts written in Egyptian, Hittite, and Ahhadian.   just as thier colleagues...., as a consequence ... Ahhadian. の部分で   as...., as がどのような構造になっているのでしょう。   よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈について質問があります

    were you working on a lot of ideas at the same time or were you systematically progressing track by track? It was both... somehow. We started with 2, 3 tracks which we already played for the live-shows and where we felt that it could be a good starting point for the new record. From that moment on it was more a progression from one track to the next one. At least up to a certain level, where the basic idea of a piece was clear. When we were about to finish the album we had most of the tracks in a rough version. This means in the last two months we had to work on several pieces at the same time. たくさんの曲を同時進行で作っていたのですか?それとも、1曲1曲ずつ順序立てて薦めていったのでしょうか? (質問の意図は簡単に言えば、曲作りを何曲かを同時進行で進めたのか、もしくは1曲1曲進めたのか?ですよね) それに対する答えは、 どちらのやり方もだね。なぜかはわからないけど…。すでにライブで演奏した事がある曲が2,3あってね。それらの曲からレコーディングし始めたんだけど、それって(2,3曲同時に進める事)レコーディングのよい出発点になるんじゃないかなって感じたんだ。 この場合のwhereはどういう役割でしょうか? From that moment on it was more a progression from one track to the next one. このmoreは副詞のmore? なぜ、a more progressionとはならないのか。このitは何なのか? この文の構造と意味も知りたいです。 At least up to a certain level, where the basic idea of a piece was clear. 少なくともあるレベルまではね。(そのあるレベルがどこかというと楽曲の基本的なアイデアが明確だったレベル) これで解釈はあってますよね? When we were about to finish the album we had most of the tracks in a rough version. This means in the last two months we had to work on several pieces at the same time. 俺たちがまさにアルバムを仕上げようとしていた時、楽曲の大部分のラフバージョンは持っていたよ。つまり、最後の2か月は何曲か同時に作業を進めなければならなかった事を意味する。 これらを踏まえるとどうも全体の意味がギクシャクしてしまいます。 自分の解釈としては、最初に両方のやり方を採用したと言っているので、 We started with 2, 3 tracks から、At least up to a certain level, where the basic idea of a piece was clear. ここまでで、「最初は1曲1曲進めていた」という流れで、 At least up to a certain level, where the basic idea of a piece was clear. When we were about to finish the album we had most of the tracks in a rough version. This means in the last two months we had to work on several pieces at the same time. 後半のこちらが、最後はすべて同時に進めないといけなかった。 という流れだと思うのですが・・・。どうも難しい。 今回もよろしくお願いいたします。