• ベストアンサー



  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 everything which they said = 彼らが言ったことすべて さてご質問ですが 1.>>次の英文でeverythingのあとになぜwhichがくるのかがわかりません。  everything が先行詞で、which の関係代名詞があとに続くからです。 2.>>あと、よかったら英文の訳も教えて下さい。 初めは彼らの言うことを私は信じなかった、しかし実際彼らがその事態について言ったことはすべて本当だった。





  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を予約していました。どうしても欲しくて11月から予約していたんですが今回買えませんでした。理由を相手に聞いたら返事が来たのですがすみませんが意味を教えて下さい。ほんとに悲しいです・・・ When you first asked everything was hold but I’m not 100% sure where it got miss communicated. I thought everything shipped with last shipment from here. But after receiving your email is the time I notice it didn’t shipped. I believe warehouse thought it was holding for long time and they released it.

  • 以下の英文を訳してください。

    All they learned(he said) was a vocabulary of okay words for essay-writing, which they strung together in arbitary order, relying on the fact that an examiner pressed for time would not actually read what they had written but would scan down the pages looking for these words. He didn't mean to be taken very seriously but it struck me that we could test this hypothesis in practice.

  • 英語問題

    1:Do customers () smoke in restaurants bother you? (1)who (2)when (3)to (4)like 2:There was something about his story () made me suspicious. (1)what (2)whatever (3)which (4)whichever 3:Ken didn't believe () Jane said. (1)however (2)some (3)that (4)everything 4:You are the only man in the world () I can call my friend. (1)whose (2)which (3)that (4)what 5:Towns () attract tourists are usually crowed. (1)where (2)which (3)to which (4)in which 解答と和訳をお願いします

  • 英文が正しいか教えてください。

    英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。 First, I talk about my friends. We can meet new person in school. And we can favor them. I didn’t know anybody when I went to high school at first time. I wanted to make friends. So I was speaking her who next to me sat down. Now we are friends. But we don’t always talk. Then I thought her who is very kind by external appearances. Of course, she is kind. But rather than she is very cheer up. I can’t know she is very cheer up only external appearances. I know that I talked to her a lot of things. Then I judge a person by external appearances. But, the fact, she is very cheer up. この初めの文のfirstは、firstよりもfirstlyの方がいいのでしょうか? 違いがあれば、教えてください。 あと、訂正などあれば教えてほしいです。

  • 英文の意味が分かりません

    次の英文の 「everything else had started and he knew there would be no stopping them.」 が具体的に何を意味しているのか、わかりません。 この英文の私の和訳は、次の通りです。 「他の全ての物事が始まった。そして彼は、それら(=everything else )を止めることができないと分かっていた。」 しかし、この英文が何のことを述べているのか、分からないのです。 下記に全文を載せました。どうぞ、よろしくお願いします。 He was on his bicycle suddenly, riding swiftly down the dark street, tears coming out of his eyes and his mouth whispering young and crazy curses. When he got back to the telegraph office the tears had stopped, but everything else had started and he knew there would be no stopping them. "Otherwise I'm just as good as dead myself," he said, as if someone were hearing whose hearing was not perfect.

  • 英文を御訳し願います。

    The question is how limited beings like ourselves can alter their conception of the world so that it is no longer just the view from where they are but in a sense a view from nowhere, which includes and comprehends the fact that the world contains beings which possess it, explains why the world appears to them as it does prior to the formation of that conception, and explains how they can arrive at the conception itself. 上記英文を御訳し願います。

  • 英文を見てください。

    英文を見てください。口語体で友達に話すときのような感じの表現が知りたいです。 「彼ともう1ヶ月くらい会ってないの・・・いや、実際はこの前偶然(道端で)会って、それはすごく嬉しかったけど、2人とも急いでてゆっくり話せなかったの。彼から早く電話が来るといいな」 I haven't seen him for about a month... well, that's not really true. I actually got to run into him the other day, which I was really glad (about?), but we were both in a hurry and didn't have much time to talk. I'm hoping he will call me soon. ※特にwhich....の挿入部分が自信ないです。 「その日まさか彼に会うなんて思わなかった。もっとかわいい格好してるときならよかったんだけどな。だって部屋着みたいなのでちょっと買い物に出かけてただけだったんだもん。」 I never thought I would run into him that day. I wish I had been wearing a cute outfit. I just went out to run some errands and what I was wearing was(or is?) nothing more than home wear. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の意味

    A third person sees two people acting as if everything is fine, so the third person is even less likely to be anxious. You believe the other people can tell you are really worried about the smoke, but they can't. 上記の You believe 以降がいまひとつわかりません。「三番目の人は二人が問題無さそうに振る舞っているのを見て、二人よりも不安になる可能性が低い」を受けて You believe が続くのですが。。。can tell は「言うことができる」ではなく「わかる」でしょうか。 お手数かけますが、You believe 以降の意味をご教示頂けますと幸いです。宜しくお願い致します。

  • 英文で意味の取れないところがあります。

    79% of Americans read no books, 83% not only read magazines but read them so faithfully that they pay in advance for them in order to receive them regularly. The total possible book-reading public was 30,000,000. The prepaid magazine-reading public was 125,000,000. It is very clear not only where most Americans get their ideas about politics, public events, geography, current history and current opinion, but also where they read whatever "literature" they read. 原文はもっと長いのですが、抜粋した上記の英文で、後段のIt is 以下の意味と文法的構成がよく分かりません。 Itはwhere 以下の先行形式主語なんでしょうか? whatever "literature"に関し、解説では「いわゆる"文学作品"で(彼らの読むだけのもの)」literatureとは雑誌にのった文学作品を指す。とあります。 whatever "literature"が何故そのような意味になるのかが分かりません。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • ピーターパンの英文を読んでちょっと訳せない部分があったので教えてくださ

    ピーターパンの英文を読んでちょっと訳せない部分があったので教えてください。 They were wriggle your shoulders this way ,'he said, "and let go". They were all on their beds, and gallant Michael let go first. He did not quite mean to let go, but he did it, and immediately he was borne across the room. という部分です。お願いします。