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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英語論文の添削)



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こんにちは。IBLは最初に略さず、正式名称を書いて、続いて(IBL)として、その後、IBLと表記します。 Applying the [IBLの正式名称] (IBL) players to flame works of the past sports labor migration studies, all of them can be considered as “Pioneers” because of contribution for diffusion of baseball to Israel as baseball barren (Maguire: 1996). However, the players who had professional experiences joined this league should be regarded as “up-ward transaction players” because they were fired from another league, then hired from the IBL that paid less to them (Chiba and Ebihara, 1999). The majority players who only had amateur experiences can be categorized as “up-ward transaction players” (Chiba and Ebihara, 1999) or “Mercenaries” (Maguire: 1996) because all the players spent two months training camp life in principle during the season and went back to their home countries soon after the tournament. Based on these past studies, this paper classifies the IBL players into four types; “prospect”, a type as object for development of players, “baseball labor”, a type as a necessary worker for that players in development countries from developing countries, “vacation” type and “ego-seeking” type of players who participated for self-actualization from developed countries. Then this article illustrates that transformation about flame work of sports labor migration was found in the IBL by verifying several examples. →someは避けて、他の言い方にする。





  • 英語論文の添削をお願いしたいのですが・・・

    以下の文がアカデミックライティングに即して正しいかどなたか添削してください。つたない英文すみません。  The past sports labor migration studies put the cases of international movements of the athletes of various sports aiming at wealth like salaries or scholarships (Bale and Maguire ed., 1994). Expansion of sports from the advanced countries as “core” to the developing countries as “periphery” related to capital and the movement of athletes to the opposite direction comes to the surface here (Magee and Sugden, 2002). In this context, the key factor of sport labor migration often assumed to be the economical one (Maguire and Stead, 1998; Chiba, 2004).  In the Migration Studies, however, it is already said that it isn’t enough understanding that international movements of labors arise from simple factor such as acquisition of wealth. The reasons of international flow of people are mixed factors which economic, historic and cultural ties and transformations of social structures of both sending countries and accepting countries were cross-wired (Sassen,1988; Castles and Miller,1993). Sport Labor Migration is transforming its figure in accelerated progress of globalization. The past studies of sport labor migration about soccer (Maguire and Pearton, 2000), rugby football (Chiba and Jackson, 2006) or baseball (Takahashi and Horne, 2006) points out their various factors. Maguire (1996) analyzes movement of ice hockey players and categorizes the sport labor migration into four types; “Pioneers” whose main purpose is the mission of the sport, “Mercenaries” who assume to get money, “Settlers” who settle down in the destination country after retirement, “Nomadic Cosmopolitans” who cross the border with their sport skills, and “Returnees” who identifies their born places as the results of their movements.

  • 英語論文の添削をお願いしたいのですが2

    先ほどの続きです。英文の書き方のコツなども合わせてご指摘くださるとありがたいです。 Based this categorizing, Chiba and Ebihara (1999) insist that international movement of athletes need to be analyzed from two aspects; short-term transfer and naturalization in destination countries and re-categorized the former to ten types and the latter to five types. Magee and Sugden (2002) revise Maguire’s categorizing to propose “Ambitonist”, “Exile” and “Expelled” instead of “Pioneers” and “Returnees” from the analyses of international movement of soccer players. And Agergaard (2008) represents billionaire top players who move from the world highest level European soccer leagues to the lower level North American professional soccer league like David Beckham as “Celebrity Superstar” and assert salary isn’t the only factor to migrate for top athletes.

  • 次の英語が論文として正しいか添削してください。

    Eight players moved to other professional leagues from the IBL after 2007 season. The two of these players who challenged the MLB's minor league spring training couldn't make proper contracts with the MLB teams. However, J・D, who had been released from the MLB’s minor league spring traning, contracted to independent continental league team and spent whole season for that team in 2008 season. Another three players had contracted to the MLB as minor league players. However, one of them was released before the opening of regular season. Five players contracted to other professional baseball teams and had played to end at 2008 season. Three Dominicans played for organized minor league team, Mexican professional team and Japanese professional team each. And three Americans, include J・D, contracted to North American independent league teams. One example of “prospect type” is indicated below. Maximo Nelson is Dominican pitcher. He contracted to New York Yankees in 2000 when he was 18 years old and started his professional carrier at baseball academy in domestic. He had played in rookie class Dominican Summer League from 2001 to 2003 then moved to U.S. At this time, his monthly salary of 700 U.S.$ month in the Dominican Republic has doubled. He compiled a good record of 6-5 with an ERA of 2.63 in 12 games with rookie class Gulf Coast Yankees in 2004 season. He was expected further promotion in next season, however, his baseball carrier was dropped to abyss due to a certain scandal.

  • 英語が堪能な方

    自然な訳をお願いできますか? I do think it's creepy, and because thereis a connection to these characters that are fallible, and i think that is the main draw over and above the horror. I think the great connectedness is that they contradict themselves, they're full of contradictions. As we discussed earlier, no one is who they seem to be and that is kind of who we are.

  • 一文の翻訳をお願いします。(英語)

    読解問題からの抜粋です。以下(1)の1文を訳していただけませんか。 (1)Nine Children in ten could succeed in learning a musical instrument, and some of those who give up learning instruments are just as musical as those who carry on, say Atrah and Douglas. ちなみにこの後には、以下の文が続いています。(これは問題なく理解できました。) (2)They fail not because of lack of ability but because they are playing the wrong instrument. 特に(1)の文中「just as musical as those who carry on」がよくわかりません。この箇所の文法説明もしていただけたら大変助かります。 すみませんが、どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。

  • スピーチの添削お願いいたします。

    こんばんは。 あなたが小さいときになりたかった職業について英語でスピーチすることになりました。理由の3つを添削お願いいたします。 I want to be flightattendant. There were three reasons for this. 私は英語が好きでたくさんの人々と意思疎通を取りたかったからです。 First, because I like English, and I wanted to regard mutual understanding as a lot of people. そして世界各国をとびいろいろな環境を知りたいと思いました。 And I flew in the various countries in the world and wanted to know various environment. そのなかでいろいろな国の人たちとの出会いがあればよいなと思いました。 I thorough hope 最後がうまくできません・・ アドバイスお願いいたします。

  • 英語論文翻訳お願いします。

    Results Results of the recruitment process The study group were drawn from a population that consisted of 200 predominantly male subjects residing at the ZVAMC NHCU from October 1989 to October 1990. The recruitment period extended from October 1989 to June 100 and the exercise program was conducted from January to October of 1990. The inclusion and exclusion criteria shown in Table 1 were applied to the study population. Independent ambulation, requiring no supervision with or without an assistive device, was a prerequisite for study consideration. Because of this criterion, 112 of the NHCU residents were excluded from the study. Another 60 residents were omitted because of significant illness, dementia, leg amputation or dependence on an assistive device for ambulation. Of the remaining 28 subjects, 5were excluded because they scored above the predetermined cut off point on the Tinetti mobility assessment scale; it was felt these individuals were too functional to derive significant benefit from the intervention program. Of the 23 remaining subjects, 15 provided informed consent. Because of resource and supervisory limitation only three to four individuals could reasonably participate in the exercise sessions at any one time. Consequently, only 12 of the potential 15 subjects were actually able to participate in the study. Six subjects joined the exercise group and six the control group. After completion of the control protocol, four of the control subjects then participated in and completed the exercise protocol. Of the original subjects in the exercise group two were forced to total of eight subjects in the exercise group protocol. Selected characteristics of the subjects are described in Table 2. No significant differences were noted between the initial profiles of the exercise and control groups, although weight, length of stay and number of major diagnoses demonstrated more variability than age, height and number of scheduled medications. Baseline Testing of the Exercise and Control Subhects Baseline data for the participants who completed the study indicated that their initial scores for strength, work capacity and gait were substantially lower than age-specific nomal values recorded in the literature30 31 33.the participants demonstrated deficiencies of 21% for tinetti mobility skills, 62% for gait velocity and 56% for stride length. The exercise and the control groups were not significantly different with regard to their profile of baseline deficiencies in these functional capacities. タイプミスあったらすみません。 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1466871

  • 英語 和訳

    (1)Such a shock occurred in the 1970s when oil supplies from the Middle East were disrupted,and when as a result the price of oil around the world rocketed. (2)Many countries learned lessons from the 1970s oil shock:they learned to be more energy efficient and they also became more keen to look for alternative forms of energy,for example,nuclear power and solar power. 上の2つの英文の和訳お願いします。

  • 英語→和訳してください

    直訳でお願いします (1)There is almost no child who never watches TV . Since the programs are well made , children are deeply attracted by the programs . (2)When he phoned the police , they said they had found an injured and exhausted collie in the park . (3)Brazil has won three World Cups and produced many great players, such as Pele and Zico . All alomg its beaches, people of all ages spend their time kicking ball around . (4)Children under five years of age will be provided with a main dish, side dish and snack . Five years' children and older will be given a side dish and snack . A main dish must be brought from home . (5)For example, they do not have to go to a stadium to see the World Series or the Super Bowl because the can enjoy watching the games in their own living rooms .

  • 日本語訳していただけませんか?

    友達に日本語訳頼まれて引き受けたんですが、量が多くて間に合いません。 手伝っていただけるとありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 The underlying factors compelling labor migration need to be considered at their core. Countries usually view the system as a short-term fix for economic problems, hoping that as the domestic economy improves, workers will return home. Yet without concerted government and industry efforts to develop the local economy, countries tend to remain in poverty. Some nations also experience a ″brain drain″ through which their best-educated citizens go abroad. A study by the Scalabrini Migration Center interviewed a group of Filipina women who had traveled overseas to work. Some 50 Percent were college-educated, yet they had left their country to work as maids or perform other non-skilled tasks.