• 締切済み


単語ごとに理解できても文になると分からなくなってしまいます・・ What kind of studies are you make in this moment? 前後の文はないです。 私が英語の勉強は中学でしかしてないと送った後の返信です。 よろしくお願いします!!


  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

 「今何の勉強をしていますか」という意味でしょう。ふつうは   What kind of studies are you making in this moment? と言います。多分英語の他に何を勉強していますか、という問いでしょう。



  • 和訳と 文法的解説

    In your life, you will move from triumph to heartbreak to boredom and back again, sometimes in the space of a single day. What are you to make of so many emotions, so many events? この文のWhat are you to make of so many emotions, so many events?の和訳と、 文法的解説をお願いします。よろしくお願いします。

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします!

    私は、もうすぐ受験をひかえている中学3年生です。 志望校に毎年出題されている英作文で分からない問題があり、苦戦しています。 〔〕内を並べ替えて正しい文にしなさいという問題なのですが、 〔 tree you are what kind planting of 〕 (1)What kind of tree are you planting? (2)Are you planting what kind of tree? のどちらの答え方がいいのでしょうか。 また両方とも違いますか??(汗) 受験までもう時間がないので、添削していただけるとすごく助かります。 厳しく添削!をお願いします。 また回答例も教えていただけるとなお嬉しいです! お手数お掛けしますが宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英語では何と言うのですか?

    「貴方はどのような人生を送りたいのですか?」という文を英語では何と言うのでしょうか? ・ What kind of life do you want to lead? ・ How do you want to lead your life? ・ What do you want to do in your life? この様な文を思いつきましたが、如何でしょうか? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳お願いします…

    (1)What are some characteristics of your personality? (2)In what way has your personality changed? Why has it changed? (3)what personality traits do you consider important in a good friend? why? (4)what makes you happy?why?

  • 主語と動詞

    (1)What do you think are four of the most important inventions in history? という文は (2)What do you think four of the most important inventions in history are ? では間違いなのでしょうか? (3)what do you think this is? の語順と同様に考えると、正しい文のような気がします。 文法的に、 (2)の文だと What(C) (do you think) four of the most important inventions in history(S) are(V) ? 歴史上最も重要な4つの発明は何ですか? (3)の文だと What(C) (do you think) this(S) is(V) ? となり、合っていると思うのですが・・ よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Many years later and thousands of miles away - in 1990 in California - he received a standing ovation from 7,000 people after this speech.  What did Victor Frankl do that most people with problems don't do? He vividly imagined a future in which his problems were resolved and then worked backward to the present to determine what he would need to do in order to make that future a reality. If you are stuck with a problem, just turning your gaze from the past to a future in which the problem is no longer with you is a major change in the way of viewing the problem. Then, of course, you would have to work backward to the present to figure out what you could do to make that future a reality, rather than just an appealing fantasy.

  • 英語の対話文

    次の対話文の空所に入れる文として適当なものはどれですか? (in a bookstore) A: I’m looking for an English dictionary.There are a lot of dictionaries here. I can’t choose. B: ( ) A: Yes,I do. I have one for beginners. B: Then, how about this one? (1) Are you a beginner of English? (2)What kind of dictionary do you want? (3)Do you learn another language? (4)Do you already have any English dictionaries?

  • 英語の和訳

    お時間ある時でかまいませんので、以下の英文の和訳を教えていただけませんか? How come then that in this noble age, in this matchless period no authors of their caliber are found and no writers to equal those learned men are observed? How come that at the time of Selim, and during his own time of power and kingdom, up to this moment, no other author and creator of marvels has made his appearance but the men of high qualities EbusSud of time? SelimとEbusSudは人名で、Selimは国王でEbusSudは学者です。 ちなみにこの文の前の文脈は、 「今の知識人は堕落しているけれど、昔は偉大な知識人がたくさんいたんだ」 というかんじです。 authorsやwritersも多分知識人を指しています。 よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     Paradoxically, it is the first factor - marring someone you do not love yet (but are attracted to ) that leads to the second one. In arranged marriages, the wedding is seen not as the concluding point, but only the beginning of a relationship that is marked more by hope than by expectation. Where couples in a "romantic" marriage might find the reality of everyday life a comedown after the excitement of the courtship period, the courtship dance in arranged marriages begins only after the wedding ceremony. As many South Asians with experience in this matter will enthusiastically tell you, this leads to the couple falling in love.    Are all arranged marriages successful? No more than all romantic marriages are. But, ultimately, what makes a marriage work is not how it began but what makes a marriage work is not how it began but what you do with it. Mutual respect, realistic expectations and a willingness to compromise may, in the long run, be more important than all the undying promises made in moments of passion. Marriage is a long race; it is learning the other's gait as you go. What matters is whether you are able to find a common rhythm.

  • 英語の和訳です。お願いします!!

     There are days when everything seems to go wrong. You do not hear your alarm, so you are late to crass. You get caught in the rain. Your computer breaks down before you make a backup copy. At this point, you are ready to cream. The only solution is to take a deep breath and count to ten.    There are also days when everything you do is wrong. You cannot get along with your exclaim, "I feel like a failure!"  When things go wrong, many people tend to isolate themselves. By being alone, they think that they are protecting themselves. Unfortunately, this reaction does not help them deal with their disappointments, because they are focusing only on themselves. Thinking about what went wrong strength their sense of failure.

  • 大人になってからも、傘を持っていない状況で雨に降られることはあります。
  • そのような時には、どこかで雨宿りをすることがあります。
  • 外出時には傘を持っていくことが大切ですが、万が一忘れてしまった場合でも、近くの建物や駅の待合室などで雨宿りをすることができます。