• ベストアンサー


普段、英語で数字を書く時、数字(8 等)を書くのとスペル(eight 等)を書くのとどちらが多いですか? いろいろ組み立ててみたのですが、少し難しいです。ご助力お願いします。 (自分で作成してみたもの) In case Writing numbers, Which is often written numbers or spell?

  • uh---
  • お礼率17% (19/106)
  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

When you write down a number, do you spell it out, or do you use Arabic numerals? Arabic numeral というのは、1, 2, 3, 9 のような「アラビア数字」のことです。  ついでにこの質問に対する僕なりの答えは、文の中では、2011とか、日本の来年度予算のような、大きな数字は別ですが、あまり長くならない數なら one, two, と書くのが普通です。すうしきや、化学方程式などでアラビア数字が使われるのは勿論です。

その他の回答 (2)


About numbers, do you prefer to spell them out? (※スペルアウトにはある程度ルールがあります。それはまた別の機会で)

  • mabomk
  • ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)

On writing down a number (or, figure), do you spell it out, or do you write it in Arabic numerals? 下記は参考です。 大原則は、、、1から9まではスペルアウト、10以上はアラビア数字、その他の原則例外は下記の通り、、、 Writing Numbers Rule 1. Spell out single-digit whole numbers. Use numerals for numbers greater than nine. Correct Examples: I want five copies. I want 10 copies. Rule 2. Be consistent within a category. For example, if you choose numerals because one of the numbers is greater than nine, use numerals for all numbers in that category. If you choose to spell out numbers because one of the numbers is a single digit, spell out all numbers in that category. If you have numbers in different categories, use numerals for one category and spell out the other. Correct Examples: My 10 cats fought with their 2 cats. My ten cats fought with their two cats. Given the budget constraints, if all 30 history students attend the four plays, then the 7 math students will be able to attend only two plays. (Students are represented with figures; plays are represented with words.) Incorrect Example: I asked for five pencils, not 50. Rule 3. Always spell out simple fractions and use hyphens with them. Examples: One-half of the pies have been eaten. A two-thirds majority is required for that bill to pass in Congress. その他は、こちらを参照ください。 http://www.grammarbook.com/numbers/numbers.asp


  • この英訳どこが違います???

    This talk is the tale of an occurrence which occurred in a short time of 1 hour of Mrs.mallard. However, it is deep from the life in which she has lived in this short time numbers of times. この話はマラーズさんが1時間という短い間に起きた出来事の物語である。しかし、この短い間で彼女が生きていた人生よりも何倍も濃いものとなっている。 お願いします(>_<)

  • 英訳が合っているか見てください。

    ①「提出して頂いた住民票に記載されている方全員の市民税所得割額の合計が56万を超える場合」 In the case of that the total amount of money ,which of graded dependent on income of each municipal tax of each person written in the Resident Record that you submit, is more than 560,000yen

  • 漠然とした表現ですがそれっぽく英訳して欲しいです。

    英文の続きを英訳していただきたいのですが、古い詩的な文章なので イメージ的に伝わるような文章で大丈夫です。宜しくお願いします。 Some words of Emperor Jinmu which is written in "Nihonshoki (Chronicles of Japan)" which is the oldest history book in Japan is carved on the surface of the knife. ------------------(以下の文章になります)----------------------------------------- 「天地を結ぶ8本の綱(8つの方位)が一つ屋根の下にまとまること」という 意味があり、日本の刃物は神道の思想と深い関わりがあります。

  • 選択&和訳

    (1)Random access memory, or RAM(1:under 2:for 3:in 4:at)short, is often used as a temporary money which can be read from and (5:write to 6:wrote into 7:written into 8:you write). (2)Oil is often used as a (1:detergent 2:solvent 3:lubricant 4:neutralizer)for reducing friction inside a machine.

  • 構文分析よろしくお願い致します

    It is probable that we have all at some time or other had the experience of chancing upon a passage puoted without indication of authorship , and exclaiming ―“ So-and-so must have written that.” In such a case, it is often not the thought that strikes us as familiar so much as the way in which the thought is expressed. 構文分析よろしくお願い致しますm(_ _)m できるだけ丁寧に解説して頂けると嬉しいです。

  • 英訳をお願いします

    This was not described in the original listing, which I have double checked before writing the review. In case you think my review does not reflect the reality, please let me know.

  • 英訳(専門書)

    Girolamo Cardano's Ars Magna, which appeared in 1545, is conventionally taken to be the birth certificate of complex numbers. Yet in that work Cardano introduced such numbers only to immediately dismiss them as "subtle as they are useless". という英文なんです。Girolamo Cardanoは人名、complex number は複素数です。   質問 (1)Ars Magnaとはなんですか? (2)is taken to be the birth とはどう言う意味ですか? (3)ここでのYetはどう言う意味ですか? よろしくお願いします!

  • 英訳おねがいします

    dustributor agrees that it shall not distribute,deliver or sell any goods or products provided by any supplier other than and A company without the express written consent of A given in writing in advance. 代理店はまえもってA社の書面なしにA社いがいの他のサプライヤー によってあたえられた商品製品を販売してはいけないということに同意 します。とかいてありましたので、A社以外のサプライヤーとは取引 してはいけないのかなと思って尋ねましたら、 only to putin other trade marks which you carry together with A company.と返事がききましたので、A社指定の商表登録以外はつかわない でくださいとのことかなとおもいますが上記の英文でわかりますか goods productsを商品製品とやくさないで、いわゆるグッズ(宣伝用の) とやくせばいいのですか

  • 英訳してください

    下の文章を英訳してください。お願いします! English is often called the world’s lingua franca. About this, there is little dispute. However, what about the term lingua franca? It means the “Frankish language,” but how did it come to be known so well as an expression in English? The language is full of interesting idioms and expressions and idioms often have fascinating stories behind them. “Pidgin English” is one such expression. If you ask a native English speaker what this means, he or she will likely explain the meaning correctly: broken, or badly spoken, English. If you ask why people use this expression, they might explain it in this way: “Pigeons are not very clever birds, so it means someone whose English is not beyond the level of a simple bird.” However, this is not correct at all. During the period of the Opium Wars,1839-60, Portuguese, British, and Dutch traders went to China in large numbers to do business. They created a simplified from of English that could be used to do business. “Business English” often sounded like “pidgin English” when spoken with an accent, so this name stuck. “Flea market” is another interesting expression. Most people think that this word comes from the old goods that are often sold at such markets. Because they are old and possibly dirty, they might be full of fleas. Fleas are associated with dirty things. People used to think that those selling goods at such markets looked dirty, too. They might have been carrying fleas, which could have been a cause for the name.

  • lifeの意味

    Letters in themselves are not language, but merely symbols which are used for the sounds of which language is composed. There is no life or meaning in written symbols in themselves; but they must be translated, as it were, into the sounds for which they stand before they become language or have any meaning. 2文目のlifeなんですが、どう訳したらいいんでしょか。書かれた記号そのものにはlifeあるいは意味がない・・・ このlifeは・・・