• ベストアンサー


Dr.Green asked  whether they'd have enough time for that. they'dは、they had のことでしょうか?それともwouldでしょうか? 答えが、Dr.Green asked,"will we have enough time for that?" になっていて、willがあるから、wolud かなと思ったり、どうして、theyがwe に変わるかもわかりません。詳しく教えていただけませんでしょうか?


  • ベストアンサー

Dr.Green asked, "Will we have enough time for that?" を間接話法にする場合,will は時制の一致により would に変わります。 Dr.Green が自分も含め,仲間たちと合わせて we と言っている。 これが間接話法では,筆者からみて Dr.Green は三人称単数。 その仲間たちを合わせると三人称複数の they になります。 逆に,先に間接話法 Dr.Green asked whether they'd have enough time for that. があると,この they が Dr.Green を含めた仲間たちの可能性もあれば, Dr.Green から見ても第三者となる別の人たちなのかわかりません。 したがって, Dr.Green asked, "Will we have enough time for that?" Dr.Green asked, "Will they have enough time for that?" どちらの可能性もあります。 さらに,直接話法では asked の代わりに said にするのが普通です。 (asked でも間違いではありません) 書き換えは書き換えとして大切な部分もありますが, この問題についてはあいまいです。





その他の回答 (2)


>they'dは、they had のことでしょうか?それともwouldでしょうか? 次に「have」という原形がきている以上、助動詞would です。 次が過去分詞had、to不定詞、名詞 なら、過去完了形、have to の過去形、haveの過去形でhad でしょう。 >どうして、theyがweに変わるかもわかりません。 最初の間接話法の文の they が、Dr. Green (代名詞ならhe) を含む、彼らなのか、まったく別の彼らなのかは、文脈を考えるしかありませんが、単独の問題文で、出題者がこれで解ると思っているのであれば、まったく関係ない、話にも出てきてない人々がいきなり彼らとして登場する訳はありません。(実際の文で、前の文に、Dr.Green以外のグループの話が出てきてたりすれば、悩むケースはある)。Dr.Green(=he)と誰かで、they のはずです。 ""の中身は、Dr. Green の台詞ですから、この中では、Dr.Greenが、Dr.Greenのことをheというはずもなく、当然 I になる、で、heと誰かでthey だったところは、I と誰かだから、weになる、という仕組です。

  • lis385t
  • ベストアンサー率51% (219/429)

これはいい質問ですね。 Dr.Green asked, "will we have enough time for that?" というのは、グリーン博士の立場(目線)で、「それをこなすだけの十分な時間が私たちにはあるのだろうか?」と自分に問うているわけですね。 I ではなく、we となってます。 一方、 Dr.Green asked whether they'd have enough time for that. というのは、第三者の立場(目線)で、「Dr.Greenとその仲間たち」について述べているので、theyと表記しているようです。 なお、had か would についてですが、'd に続く単語が have ですから、この場合は明らかに would です。 asked の過去の時点での未来についての表現ですから would です。  






  • この間接話法を直接話法に言い換えるとどうなりますか

    Ms.Green asked  whether they'd have enough time for that. なるべく詳しく教えてください。

  • 文法問題

    ( )に入る番号を教えて下さい! (1)If I had had enough money then,I ( )the bag. (1)could buy (2)bought(3)could have bought (4)had bought (2)I ( )you if I had enough time. (1)can see (2)could see (3)cannot see (4)could have seen (3)( )I you,I wouldn't do such a shilly thing. (1)Am (2)Would (3)Were (4)If (4)He wishes he ( )a car;taxis are so expensive. (1)can drive (2)could drive (3)will drive (4)drives (5)If it ( )your advice,we would not be able to fish this task. (1)was not (2)had not for (3)were not (4)were not for (6)( ) (1)If it was nice tomorrow,we will go there. (2)If it had been nice tomorrow,we will go there. (3)If it is nice tomorrow,we will go there. (7)( ) (1)If I only could speak French! (2)Only if I could speak French! (3)If only I could speak French! (8)( ) (1)It's almost eleven. it's time you go to bed. (2)It's almost eleven. It's time you went to bed. (3)It's almost eleven. It's time you had gone to bed. (9)You( )have brought your umbrella. It didn't rain. (1)need not (2)should (3)must not (4)can

  • 英語問題

    1:Saki, why don't you take some time off? You ( ) too hard lately. (1)would work (2)had worked (3)should have worked (4)have been working 2:Have you ever seen that movie ? Yes. Actually I( )it yesterday. (1)saw (2)have seen (3)had seen (4)was seen 3:We ( ) Italy four times during the 1980s. (1)used to visit (2)would visit (3)visited (4)have visited

  • 英語ができる方、問題をお願いします。

    英文中の空所に入る適切な語、または語句を選択肢から選びなさい。またその英文を訳しなさい。 1. It's started raining. If it ( ) raining, we could go on a picnic. (1)is (2)isn't (3)was (4)weren't 2. If the weather were too hot or too cold, plants ( ) grow. (1)could (2)would not (3)had to (4)won't 3. We would have gone to see the movie last night of we ( ) it was so funny. (1)know (2)would know (3)had known (4)could know 4. If I had known about the good news earlier, I ( ) to congratulate you. (1)would call (2)must have called (3)would have called (4)should call 5. If my son had taken my advice, he ( ) successful now. (1)is (2)was (3)would be (4)would have been 6. I wish I ( ) back the clock and do it all over again. (1)can turn (2)could tuen (3)had turned (4)have turned 7. I wish ( ) much more when I was young. (1)study (2)studied (3)have studied (4)had studied 8. If ( ) he had told her the truth. (1)timely (2)only (3)plainry (4)suddenly 9. It's time Bill ( ) home. (1)go (2)will go (3)goes (4)went 10. ( ) his idleness, he would be a nice fellow. (1)If he would be (2)If he were not (3)If it were not for (4)If it was 11. ( ) for the examination, I could have gone shopping with my friends. (1)Without (2)If (3)But (4)With 12. ( ) for your support, we wouldn't be here. (1)Not were it (2)It were not (3)Were not it (4)Were it not 13. ( ) I known more about the man, I would have gone shopping with my friends. (1)If (2)As (3)Were (4)Had 14. ( ) anything happen to you, you can always call me on my mobile phone. (1)If (2)Should (3)Unless (4)Would 15. ( ) your help, we would have failed. (1)Were it not been for (2)Had it not been for (3)If it had been for (4)Without being 同じ意味になるように空所に適切な語を入れなさい。また、(a)の文を訳しなさい。 1. (a) Because of the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. (b) If ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) for the storm, I couldn't arrive earlier. 2. (a) If he had helped us, we could have succeeded. (b) ( ) his help, we could have succeeded. 3. (a) If you heard him talk, you would think that he was a new student. (b) ( ) ( ) him talk, you would think that he was a new student. 4. (a) If he the university students had not started at once, they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. (b) The university students started at once; ( ) they would have missed the train bound for Tokyo. 以上です。 お手数をおかけしますが、どうかよろしくお願いいたします。 ミスなどがありましたらお知らせください。

  • 仮定法主節、従属節の補文での過去完了形と過去形

    If you asked your friends whether they'd adopted 'electricity life style', they would think that you were insane. まず、なぜwhether節内で過去完了なのでしょうか?現在完了の方が意味的に自然な気がするのですが。そして、that節内、なぜ過去形なのですか?現在形で問題なさそうですが。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 日本文に合うように( )内の語句を並び変えなさい。 1、その少年はとても利口だったので簡単にその謎を解きました。 (clever, was, the boy, so, that) he solved the mystery easily. 2、とても天気のよい日だったので、私は庭いじりした。 It was (that, nice, such, day, a) I did the gardening. 3、私は彼女が通れるようにドアを開けました。 I opened the door ( she, so, could, that, pass) 4、この本はたいへんやさしい英語で書いてあるので、誰にでも読める。 This book is written ( such, English, easy, that, in) anyone can read it. 5、問題は彼女がこの案を支持してくれるかどうかだ。 The ( she, support, problem, whether, is, will ) this idea. 6、花が枯れないように忘れずに水をやりなさい。 Remember to water the flowers ( so, die, they, that, won't) 各文の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1,Not only Kazuo but I am her fan. I ( )( )( ) Kazuo ( ) her fan. 2,As soon as she arrived, we headed for home. ( )( ) she arrived, we headed for home. She had ( )( ) arrived ( ) we headed for home. 3,They will get married soon. It won't ( )( )( ) they get married. ( )内にはいる最も適当な語を選びなさい。 1,The reason why he was absent is ( ) he was ill. a,as b,since c,that d,for 2,( ) he says "no'' he will never change his mind. a,Though b,Once c,Whether d, For 3,The project has not started yet, as ( ) as I know. a,far b,long c,good d,sure 4,The laundry won't dry quickly ( ) it's sunny. a,if b,whether c,unless d, since

  • この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。

    この英語の問題の解答を教えてください。 日本文に合うように( )内の語句を並び変えなさい。 1、その少年はとても利口だったので簡単にその謎を解きました。 (clever, was, the boy, so, that) he solved the mystery easily. 2、とても天気のよい日だったので、私は庭いじりした。 It was (that, nice, such, day, a) I did the gardening. 3、私は彼女が通れるようにドアを開けました。 I opened the door ( she, so, could, that, pass) 4、この本はたいへんやさしい英語で書いてあるので、誰にでも読める。 This book is written ( such, English, easy, that, in) anyone can read it. 5、問題は彼女がこの案を支持してくれるかどうかだ。 The ( she, support, problem, whether, is, will ) this idea. 6、花が枯れないように忘れずに水をやりなさい。 Remember to water the flowers ( so, die, they, that, won't) 各文の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1,Not only Kazuo but I am her fan. I ( )( )( ) Kazuo ( ) her fan. 2,As soon as she arrived, we headed for home. ( )( ) she arrived, we headed for home. She had ( )( ) arrived ( ) we headed for home. 3,They will get married soon. It won't ( )( )( ) they get married. ( )内にはいる最も適当な語を選びなさい。 1,The reason why he was absent is ( ) he was ill. a,as b,since c,that d,for 2,( ) he says "no'' he will never change his mind. a,Though b,Once c,Whether d, For 3,The project has not started yet, as ( ) as I know. a,far b,long c,good d,sure 4,The laundry won't dry quickly ( ) it's sunny. a,if b,whether c,unless d, since

  • 仮定法の問題で教えてください

    問題文が If that baseball player had made a hit in the second inning, my favorite team ( ) the game. ( )に入るのは (1)   will win (2)  would win (3)  had won (4)  would have won の中では、(4)would have won が正解でしょうか? どなたか教えてください!

  • 仮定法の問題なんですがhadが付く時と付かない時の差がわかりません。

    仮定法の問題なんですがhadが付く時と付かない時の差がわかりません。 1.If he were ready, we would go. 2.If I had enough time and money, I would travel around the world. 1の時にはhadがないのにどうして2の時にはhadがあるんでしょうか?

  • 大学受験問題

    (1)City people appear always to be ( ) where they are going. ( )に当てはまるように {hurry, to, get} を使って答えなさい。 to は使わなくても良い。動詞の変形可。   (2)Treat people well and they will treat you ( ). 1. as so 2. similar way 3. so that 4. the same 5. too (3)We'll never know how great he might have been ( ) he lived. 1. could 2. had 3. has 4. so 5. whether という問題なのですが、できたら解説も一緒にお願いします(^_^)

  • 特定の電気用品と特定の電気用品以外の2つのカットアウトがありますが、その違いは何でしょうか?ヒューズの有無が関係しているのでしょうか?
  • 電気用品のカットアウトには、特定の電気用品とそれ以外の2つのパターンがあります。これらの違いは、ヒューズの有無に関係しているのでしょうか?
  • 電気用品のカットアウトには、特定の電気用品とそれ以外の2つの場所で発生します。これらの違いは一体何でしょうか?ヒューズの詳細について教えてください。