• ベストアンサー


Manning's article on Nicolas Nickeby is the most dependable account and shortest guide to this difficult novel.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

#1.です。タイトルを読み飛ばしていました。回答になっていませんね。失礼しました。申し訳ありません。誤りがあるとすると、 Manning's article on Nicolas Nickeby is the most dependable account [of] and [the] shortest guide to this difficult novel. の様に of と the が抜け落ちている事ではないかと思います。guide に対する前置詞は to だと思いますが、account 「説明」に対する前置詞は of だと思います。 訳に関しては、先の回答ぐらいではないかと思います。





その他の回答 (3)


>Manning's article on Nicolas Nickeby is the most dependable account and shortest guide to this difficult novel. Manning's article on Nicolad Nickbey is the shortest but the most credible/reliable guide to his difficult novel.




  • 97862
  • ベストアンサー率23% (4/17)

accountとshortest guideは文法上、おかしいですね。 それで、直すと以下のようになります。 Manning's article on Nicolas Nickeby is the most dependable and easiest guide to this difficult novel among others.

  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

<訳例> ニコラス・ニクビーに関するマニングの記事はこの難しい小説への最も信頼できる説明であり、最も手短な案内である。






  • 以下の英文を早急に訳していただきたいです。。。

    This permission is granted to apps building a Facebook-branded client on platforms where Facebook is not already available. For example, Android and iOS apps will not be approved for this permission. In addition, Web, Desktop, in-car and TV apps will not be granted this permission.

  • 以下の英文を訳してくださいませんか?

    以下の英文の訳をよろしくお願いします。 The speaker started to say '...is to take issues...', realised that this is an ambiguous phrase and then corrected him/herself by continuing 'it's taken...' (= it has taken)...'and 'it's used...' I see why you might think this is a passive - and if 'it's' = 'it is' you'd be right. But 'it's' can also mean 'it has'. Link to this forum: I don't undrestand the interview... Report message2 Message 3, in reply to message 1. Posted by Robert (U2283314) on Saturday, 9th April 2011 (6 Hours Ago) Well, I'm not an expert, but I see nothing here but present perfect tense. Maybe he/she is talking about a legislature or Parliament. "It's taken issues that apply to everybody (how about the 'federal funds rate' as set by the BoE) and it's used this convention to heighten those things."

  • この英文は通じますか?

    It was difficult for me to get a cheap ticket which is I always obtain it. But I got a chance and could feel the history of Canada. その日はいつも私が手に入れる安いチケットを手に入れることが難しかったです。 しかし私はチャンスを得てカナダの歴史を感じることができました。 I was able to walk on the magnificent ice field on the recommendation of the Canadian guide. 私はカナダ人ガイドの勧めで壮大な大氷原を歩くことができました。

  • 以下の英文を訳してください。困っています

    Sculpture begins as a three-dimensional art; that is the ’speciality’it shares with architecture, the art most nearly related to it. But sculpture is solid, whereas architecture is hollow. Architecture becomes more sculptural as it tends to neglect its inner spatial functions, as Greek and Egyption architecture did. Sculpture, on the other hand, is never in any true sense architectural. That is one of the misunderstandings which has led to its undoing. Architecture must have a base-a bed or plinth from which it rises, and to which it is inevitably bound.

  • 以下の英文を和訳していただきたいです。

    以下の英文を和訳していただきたいです。よろしくお願いします。 The most interesting is the story of Grecian mother who, with her infant, was on the roof, when in a moment of inattention, the child crept to the edge and was balanced on the very edge. To call it, to touch it would have insured its destruction; but the mother, without a second thought, bared her breast, and the child eagerly turning to it, was saved.

  • 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    For all its idiosycrasies , English is said to have fewer of the awkward constant clusters and singsong tonal variations that make other languages so difficult to master. その特異性にも関わらず、 までしか訳せません。

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    Among the many buzzwords we hear in Japan at the beginning of the 21st century, two of the most common are “freeter” and “NEET.” These terms refer to people who either work in temporary jobs (freeters) or those that have no employment, education or training (NEETs). Although freeters are working, most people have a negative impression when they hear these words. One of the images that many foreigners have of Japanese people is that they are diligent. How can it be then that this new breed of people, who appear to have a casual attitude towards work, or are even lazy, came to exist? The answer to this question is not as simple as it may seem.

  • 以下の英文を和訳しています。

    以下の英文を和訳しています。 国連で働いていた緒方貞子氏のことを記述しています。 「not content~」から うまく訳せません。 お手伝い下さい。 But one woman Ogata Sadako,sent most of the 1990s as UNHCR. It was a difficult job,but she brought a patient and hard-working spirit to the post. Not content to sit behind a desk,she is known for her belief in seeing a situation firsthand.

  • 英文の翻訳お願いします

    下のどれか一つでも良いので、日本語に訳して欲しいです。 お願いします。 (1) I'm glad to he here. (2) I'm happy to be with you. (3) I'm sorry to be late for class. (4) It has been raining since last night (5) It is fun to swim (6) It is important for us to learn English. (7) It is the best novel that I have ever read. (8) It is very difficult for you to answer this question? なるべく簡単に訳してもらえたら嬉しいです。 お願いします、、

  • 英文解釈についての質問。

    We recommend you use the intensity ratio which is most relevant to your organisation and will provide the most context to users of this information. という文について、 組織に最もよく合う(relative)なintensity ratioを用いることを推奨し、それはまた、この情報の利用者に対して、もっとも(most)(適した(意訳))状況を提供するだろう。 という訳をしました。 という文における and will the most context to user of this information という部分ですが、 この情報の利用者に対して、最も適した状況を提供するだろう、としてもいいのでしょうか。 most を、最も良いという風に訳すことに違和感があります。 どなたか、教えていただけますとうれしく思います。

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  • DVDレコーダの録画時に、SONY BDZ-E500とELD-STV 4TBがうまく接続できません。解決方法を教えてください。
  • ELD-STV 4TBをUSBでDVDレコーダに接続したが、HDDとの接続が認識されません。どうすれば接続できるようになるのでしょうか?