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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:下記英文の解釈もついて質問です 12/19)

Do Artists Dream of a Magnum Opus?


  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

きちんと理解しておられると思います。一応、私ならこう訳すなぁというのも記しておきます。 > Many artists dream of a "magnum opus". Do you have a vision of what yours would sound like?  → 多くのアーティストは 「代表作」 というものを持つことに憧れるわけですが、あなたはご自分の代表作はこういうものになるだろうというビジョンをお持ちですか? > No. Honestly talking, I don’t have a vision of an opus magnum and I guess even if I did, I probably would not recognise when it happens. I try to do my work as good as I can, but with the knowledge that it reflects my personal development and the circumstances of a specific period of my life. These conditions change and the output will be different. This kind of evolution is interesting for me, but not a single peak.  → いや。正直なところ、代表作云々なんてことは考えない。ひょっとしたら出現するかもしれないにしろ、その時には分らないだろうな。出来るだけいい作品を作りたいと思ってるけど、ぼくの個人的な成長とか人生のある期間における状況だとか、そういうものを反映したものが作品になると思っている。で、その条件というのは一定しているものじゃないし、だから作品の内容も異なったものになる。この進化という考え方は面白くはあるけど、そこに1つの頂点というものがあるとは考えない。 > 変化という伸びていくものに対して、最高という天井は不必要。というとらえ方。  私は、少し違った受け止め方をしました。作品の内容はその時々で変化していくものだから、どこかに限定してその中での頂点というのを探すことは意味がない、と言っているように思います。変化していくこと自体に価値があるのだから、といったニュアンスかも。 > I try to do my work as good as I can, but with the knowledge that it reflects my personal development and the cirumstances of a specific period of my life.  but を外してみればスッキリするのではないでしょうか。つまり、  I try to do my work as good as I can with the knowledge that ... で、「・・・ というふうに考えて、出来るだけいい作品を仕上げるように努力している」 という文と見ることができそうに思います (・・・ は that 以下)。 it は "my work" のことだと思います。 with the knowledge は、「自分はこう考えているのだ」 という、その 「考え」 を後ろに導くための導入部分に当ると思います。


  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります

    The „resources and staff“ of the University were at your disposal. In which way were they helpful to you during the different stages of the project? Carrying heavy instruments around! (laughs) No, well, yeah ... They did help carry instruments ... But, I had a wonderful day of training from a woman at the university named Angie Atmadjaja who gave me a few short lessons on how to play some of these instruments in the "proper" way. As fun and enlightening as that was it made me realize that I wanted to keep my distance from the proper and traditional. Angie also made some recordings and I believe some of them appear on the album. It took a good solid day or two to get the whole studio wired the way I wanted it into my Kyma system and loopers. We had to create a system that allowed me remote control of the control room while I was in the recording room as well as some tricky monitoring situations. The tech and studio staff at the Music Research Center took care of most of that and after ironing out some bugs I had an amazing space in which I could work alone late into the night and control everything as I walked around the room. Q1 As fun and enlightening as that was it made me realize that I wanted to keep my distance from the proper and traditional. この文章の構造がわかりません。 it made me realize that I wanted to keep my distance from the proper and traditional. 訳せます。 「それは、私が正しいやり方や、伝統から距離を置いておきたいと願っていた事を気付かせてくれた」 Asからthatまでをitとしているのですよね?それと、As fun and enlightening as thatも何かの構文で、元々は違っているのでしょうか? Q2 It took a good solid day or two to get the whole studio wired the way I wanted it into my Kyma system and loopers. この文章がいまいち理解出来ません。後半のkyma system and loopersは彼の持つ音楽用のシステムの事です。 Q3 We had to create……からの日本語ですが、 私たちはレコーディングルームやtricky monitoring situationsにいる間、離れた場所からコントロールルームを制御するシステムを作らなくてはならなかった。 ミュージックリサーチセンターにいる技術者と、スタジオのスタッフはthatに注意を払っていた。いくつかのバグを解決した後に、私はその晩、一人で仕事が出来る素晴らしい空間を持つ事が出来た。 その部屋中を歩き回りながら全てをコントロールしたんだ。 どうもギクシャクしてしまっています・・・。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります 1

    What's on your schedule at the moment? Doing release-related work for lokai, like getting the website ready, spreading the word about the release, doing lots of finetuning with the live versions of the pieces. With this program, it is an even more refined and live process. Next to that, I am finishing my second KMET soloalbum, doing some live Shows in Spain with Fatima Spar & the freedomfries, and also working on the trio exklusiv album. With this program, it is an even more refined and live process. この部分の解釈ですが、with this programというのは、finetuning云々のことをさしているのですよね。 それと、live processがうまく解釈できません。 refined process and live processということでしょうか?このliveは品詞は形容詞ですか? というか、live processがなければかっちりはまるのですが・・・。 You could have just continued down with your solo efforts. What made you come together for a new Lokai album nonetheless? I like to work with Stefan a lot. For me it´s a very unique way of creating music. At the same time, we are both continuing with our solos. My second solo album is almost ready. I am looking for the right place to release it right now. It is called KMET and it´s an electronic Singer-Songwriter project. In the studio I write, record, play and sing it all. Also on stage, it works as a one man show with the support of a little live sampler. I think with "transition", lokai have found their very own sound and aesthetic. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. We have very different personalities (even though some people think we are brothers) and this can be quite fruitful. With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. Complete musical freedom and variety are aspects I can entertain as a solo artist. まずthe support of a little live samplerのa little live samplerですが、a は冠詞でlittleは小さい、つまり、ライブ用の小さいサンプラーというふうに解釈しているのですがどうでしょうか。 (サンプラーというのは、まぁともかくそういった”楽器”のようなものがあります)

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります。(2)

    What was recording at the University of York Music Research Centre like? After a day or so of getting the technical setup out of the way, the rest of the time was mostly smooth and really fun. I’d often spend the morning working, break for lunch with everyone, and then work until dinner, break for dinner, and then head back into the studio by myself after midnight and work for a couple more hours. Because I was concentrating on collecting source material for the album I didn’t feel an enormous pressure to get everything right. I recorded hours and hours of material but it didn’t matter if some of it wasn’t as good as others, as it was all material I could pick apart later. It didn’t have to be perfect which made the whole experience that much more relaxed and freed me up to try various things I wouldn’t have otherwise tried. Besides music, we took some time off to drive around the English countryside, ate a lot of amazing food and hit the pub every night, discovering a great German beer that no one else liked … except Theo! この文章のほぼ全ては理解できるのですが、少しわからないところがあります。 Q1  I recorded hours and hours of material but it didn’t matter if some of it wasn’t as good as others, as it was all material I could pick apart later. It didn’t have to be perfect which made the whole experience that much more relaxed and freed me up to try various things I wouldn’t have otherwise tried. 私は素材のレコーディングに何時間も何時間もかけた。しかし、仮にレコーディングした素材のいくつかが、他のものほど良くなくてもそれは問題ではなかった。 この次の、as it was all material I could pick apart later.ですが、 ここがよくわかりません。このasはなぜならばとして訳せばよいでしょうか? それと、it was all that material which I could pick apart later.が正式な文章ですよね? 次のセンテンスのitはレコーディングした素材のことで、レコーディングした素材が完璧である必要は無い。までで、やはり構造的にどうも理解できないです。 perfectを先行詞としたwhichの文章 experienceを先行詞としたthatの文章 そしてそれ以降があやふやです・・・。 長くなってしまいましたが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文の解釈で質問があります 1/26

    So when recording these loops, you didn't have an exact idea of what exactly you want to do with them? No … No idea whatsoever… The live aspect was just that - it was an improvisation with microphones running most of the time. I would move from instrument to instrument in the studio and play and record a layer of the loop. Once I got something that seemed “finished” to me I’d head into the control room. If I felt I could listen to this loop - usually about 12 seconds long or less - for 10, 15, 25 minutes and totally zone into it, then I knew it was a keeper, and I’d commit it to the hard drive and then erase and move onto another one. It’s a really subtle art of creating loops where nothing sticks out too much as to cause it to get obvious sounding, yet, at the same time the loops have to be repetitive and hypnotic. Q1 I would move from instrument to instrument in the studio and play and record a layer of the loop. スタジオの中で、楽器から楽器に移動して、プレイして、ループを重ねていったんだ。 ここでのwouldとはどういった解釈ですか? Q2 If I felt I could listen to this loop - usually about 12 seconds long or less - for 10, 15, 25 minutes and totally zone into it, then I knew it was a keeper, and I’d commit it to the hard drive and then erase and move onto another one. もし、このループ…大抵の場合は12秒かそれ以下くらいだけど、それを10分、15分、25分間と聴く事が出来で、そしてtotally zone into it,then I knew it was a keeper, そしてそのループ(it)をハードディスクに記録して、それから消したり動かしたりして別のループに作り替えていくんだ(ontoの解釈) 英語の部分がどうもわかりません。あとontoの解釈は上記でよいでしょうか? Q3 It’s a really subtle art of creating loops where nothing sticks out too much as to cause it to get obvious sounding, yet, at the same time the loops have to be repetitive and hypnotic. ループを生み出すというぼんやりとしたアートさ。where nothing sticks out too much as to cause it to get obvious sounding, けど、同時にループは反復的で、催眠作用があるものでなければならない。 ここも英語のままの部分がどうもわかりません・・・。

  • 下記の英文解釈について質問があります。12/11

    Do you see yourself as part of a certain tradition or as part of a movement? No, not really. I mean, when I started making music more seriously there was (and still is) a vivid electronica scene here in Vienna (Mego,Cheap, etc), which influenced me for sure. But the music I listen to is so diverse.... I am looking for general functions in pieces of other musicians and not so much for aesthetics. So the music or let’s say one aspect of a piece which has an influence on what I do, can come from nearly everywhere. Diversity is so important for me that I can hardly imagine to be part of a movement - at least not a strict one that has any kind of "rules". Q1 4行目の、I am looking for general functions in pieces of other musicians and not so much for aestheticsですが、and以降はどこからの続きになっているのでしょうか? それとここはどういった意味になるのでしょうか?それと最初の1行目で、no, not reallyと言っていますが、「いや、そうでもない」という意味ですが、つまり疑問文をorで区切るのではなく、答えを見てどちらかを削るのがわかりやすい流れでしょうかね? How would you describe your method of composing? あなたの曲作りの方法というものをどのように定義しますか? Usually i have an idea of the effect, which the piece should have. Then I try to build sounds and tonal relationships to establish that. But I don’t follow the tracks all the time – sometimes there happens an exciting fragment on the original way and I continue with that. Most of the time there is a small structure, a small texture by an acoustic instrument in the beginning and by the time I build more and more around it. When I have found the basic modules, then I think about the general structure and so on. It is a modular system, but not in a specific order - what I mean is that I don’t necessarily start with a theme or something. Q2  1行目ですが文法の構造としては、コンマの前の文自体が先行詞ですよね。つまり、強引に組み立てると The piece should have [I have an idea of the effect,]. こうなるのでしょうか? あと訳がいまいちわからないです。 大抵の場合、俺はアイデアを持っている。→効果についての。 →楽曲が・・・うーんいまいちわかりません。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文について質問があります。(1)

    How much did „your own thing“ benefit from your work as a session musician? セッションミュージシャンとしての仕事は、あなた自身の作品(own thing)に対してどのくらいの結果(benefit)をもたらしましたか? Well, I think it’s always great to collaborate with other artists, because it almost always pushes me to try something I haven’t tried before, or even thought of before. But when it comes to my own music and compositions, I’m not sure if I bring much of my session work into them. Then again, working as a session musician definitely helped me develop a little bit of confidence on some instruments. When you’re put on the spot like that, and you have to come up with something, it can be stressful ... And over time it slowly gets easier and easier, and depending on the instrument and the music, sometimes nowadays I might not even think about it at all. I just start playing. So for better or worse, I’m slowly learning to trust my own musicianship. 途中のwhen you’re put on the spot…辺りからどうも何を言いたいのかがわかりません。訳を教えてください。

  • 下記英文の解釈について質問があります 2

    You could have just continued down with your solo efforts. What made you come together for a new Lokai album nonetheless? I like to work with Stefan a lot. For me it´s a very unique way of creating music. At the same time, we are both continuing with our solos. My second solo album is almost ready. I am looking for the right place to release it right now. It is called KMET and it´s an electronic Singer-Songwriter project. In the studio I write, record, play and sing it all. Also on stage, it works as a one man show with the support of a little live sampler. I think with "transition", lokai have found their very own sound and aesthetic. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. We have very different personalities (even though some people think we are brothers) and this can be quite fruitful. With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. Complete musical freedom and variety are aspects I can entertain as a solo artist. So that alone offers to me something no other project can. この一文は倒置?でしょうか? もともとはどうなるのでしょうか? With lokai, it´s is clear that certain sounds or structures will not fit. So it is a restriction that makes the world a little smaller and for me that is a great way to work. 結構この人の文章では、with~, というのがありますが、これは上記の場合Lokaiでは、という風に訳せばよいでしょうか? その次のit's の it はthat以降ですよね。That certain sounds or structures will not fit is clear.その次の文章がわかりません。soは後のthatと因果関係があるのでしょうか? それと、上記とは別に This second album was really a lot about getting our own "lokai sound". この文章ですが、 シンプルな構造にすると this second album was getting our own lokai soundということでしょうか? そうすると、aboutがうまく解釈できないのですが・・・。 以上となります。長いですがよろしくお願いいたします…。

  • 下記英文の解釈で質問があります。

    How is all the creative process of making a original soundtrack for a movie? 映画のサントラ制作の作業工程はどんな感じでした? I did that several times, mainly for the movies by french director Sébastien Betbeder. It's a difficult process. But when you like the film, like it happened every time with Sébastien's movies, it's also very inspiring. サントラ制作は何度かやっていてね。おもにフランスの映画監督Sébastien Betbederの映画で手がけていたんだ。困難な作業だよ。けど、映画が好きで、毎回彼の映画で起きる何かが好きでさ、それがもの凄く刺激を与えてくれる。 Q1 But when you like the film, like it happened every time with Sébastien's movies, it's also very inspiring. この文章ですが、けど、「映画が好きで、毎回彼の映画で起きる何かが好きでさ、それがもの凄く刺激を与えてくれる。」この解釈であってますか? こうだと意味は通りますが、英文法とか構造的にどうなんだ?と・・・。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― You play several instruments. Do you define yourself as a one-man band?  あなたはいくつかの楽器を演奏しますね。自分は「ワンマンバンド」だと思いますか? I would not define myself as an instrument player. I am a kind of "music maker". I use instruments when I need them, usually the piano, the guitar (in the past), and now more and more the voice. But I'm not a performer. I don't really practice and try to learn any instrument. I just play with them, make very simple things. Q2 I just play with them, make very simple things.この文章の解釈についてです。 「,」が単にandを指している。つまり、I just play with them. And I just make very simple things. 単に演奏するってだけさ。そしてただ単にシンプルな何か(メロディー)を作るんだ。 →真意は「シンプルなメロディーを思い浮かんだときは、それらの楽器を演奏する。けど、複雑すぎて演奏できないときは他の人に演奏してもらう」 こういう解釈でいいでしょうか? http://okwave.jp/qa/q6419708.html この質問で補足をさせて頂きました。マルテンの勘違いというやつです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 下記英文の解釈で質問があります。

    http://c.oshiete.goo.ne.jp/oshiete_category.php3?c=385 シルヴァン・シャボーというミュージシャンのインタビューです。 "Touching Down Lightly" is your new album with only one track of 47 minutes. I consider that musicians that create long music's are the ones who really know how to make music. Do you share my thought? That's an interesting point of view, I clearly get what you mean. I used to consider that when a musician composed a very long work, he couldn't do it without a lot of heart and conviction...................................略 It's not a matter of knowing how to make music. It's more about the need: the need to make a piece that can last and to feel powerful enough to do that while you're performing. And this recording was made with heart and conviction. 2段落目の It's more about the need: the need to make a piece that can last and to feel powerful enough to do that while you're performing. この文がいまいちわかりません。 構造は、 the need に対してto makeで修飾していて、 pieceを関係代名詞でthat以下で修飾、ですね。 a piece can last そして、次のto feelですが、ここがいまいちわかりません。 それとこの文章の意味を教えてください。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― あと、単語帳のDuoにあった文章ですが、 A woman passed by me giving off a subtle scent of perfume. この文章ですが、givingの前にwasが入らないのでしょうか? A woman passed by me was giving off a subtle scent of perfume. なら納得がいくのですが・・・。 それともこれは文章ではなく、句なのでしょうか?

  • どなたか下記の英文を訳して頂けないでしょうか

    宜しくお願いいたします。 What kind of job do you have Keiko? I am very friendly but I am difficult to travel with because I have a sick heart which makes travel very complicated. I am in Greece for 2 weeks and already I have been in hospital for 2 days. Would it be helpful, if my health allows it, to go to Japan and give you English practice for a few weeks?