
  • ベルギーへ来ていただけますか?
  • 12月が良いですか?
  • ベルギーの天候についても説明します。
  • ベストアンサー


和訳お願いします。 You can come to Belgium? I'm very happy to have you as my guest. It will be my pleasure the show you my country, I hope you won't be disappointed. But don't worry I will spoil and pamper you so you have a good holiday. And if that doesn't work ... we'll throw in a few chocolates and waffles :) As for the date ... December - March ... my first reaction would be ... what about the 1st of December? The sooner the better :) March next year I have a big deadline, also January next year we need to demo a new chip on CES in Las Vegas. Hmmm ... I think that indeed beginning of December would be good for me. But what about you? When is a good time for you? Isn't December a busy month for you? Also the weather might not be that good. Normally it's not that cold in Belgium but the coldest months are January / February. Normally in December / March it's not that cold. Yeah December might be nice with all the Christmas decoration etc ... But I still need to check with my boss if he thinks if it would be ok to take leave then. Please let me know what is good for you, ok? Oh yesterday I made a salad and I used your oil and pepper / salt. It was really nice. A little bit spicy but just nice. Thank you again! ... maybe I'll meet you in my dream :)

  • puumii
  • お礼率62% (154/245)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数3


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

ベルギーに来られるかな?お客さんに迎えることができたらとてもうれしい。僕の国を紹介できると嬉しいな。がっかりさせないから。 でも君を甘やかしたりしないから心配しないで、楽しい休暇を過ごせるから。(それがうまくいかなかったら…チョコレートとワッフルをおまけにつけよう) それで日取りのことだけど…12月ー3月…僕の直観だと…12月1日はどう?早ければ早い方がいい。 来年3月には僕は大切な締め切りがある、また1月にはラスベガスのCESで新しいチップのデモをしなくちゃならない。 うーん…実際12月の初めが僕には都合がいいと思うんだけど。 でも君はどうかな?いつが都合がいい?12月は忙しくないかな? それから天気はそれほど良くないかもしれない。普通はベルギーではそれほど寒くない、一番寒い月は1月、2月だから。普通12月や3月はそんなに寒くない。 そう12月はクリスマスの飾りつかや何やかやで素敵かもしれない。 でもその時期に休暇を取っていいかどうか僕はまだボスに確かめなくてはいけない。 君にとっていつがいいか教えてくれるよね、いい? あっ、昨日サラダを作って君のオイルと塩コショウを使った。おいしかった。少しスパイシーだったけどよかった。 再度感謝! (もしかして君に夢で会えるかも) ベルギーの人だったんですね。この間のメールの訳で、月へでも行くのあたりで「アメリカに来る」と訳した部分がありますが「アメリカに行く」に訂正します。なぜかメールのお相手がアメリカの方と思っていたものですから。



sayshe様 ありがとうございました! そうなんですベルギーの方です。 sayshe様の和訳はいつも堅くなく分かり易くて、自分が思っていた訳と違って助かります。

その他の回答 (1)

  • cincinnati
  • ベストアンサー率46% (606/1293)

概略のみですが、 ベルギーまで来られますか、そうであれば私は嬉しく思います。また私の国をお見せしたいです。失望はさせません。楽しい休日になるよう面倒を見ます。そうでなくてもチョコレートがあります。 日日に関して12月3月ということでいえば12月1日はどうでしょうか。早ければ早いほどよいというわけです。3月はラスベガスであるCESのため1月ごろに締め切りがあります。それで12月がやはりいいのかなと思います。あなたの都合はどうですが、12月は忙しいですか。 天候は少しなんなりですが、1月2月ほどは寒くありません。特にクリスマスがありますので、飾りつけなどがきれいです。しかしながらボスとこの時期に休みが取れるかどうか確認してみる必要があります。 いずれにせよあなたの都合を聞かせてください。 昨日サラダを作りまして、あなたから頂いたオイルとペパーを使いました。大変おいしかったです。少しばかりスパイシーででしたが、よかったです。 再度ありがとうございました。





  • 長文・和訳をお願いしたいです。

    長文なので大変だとは思いますが、和訳をお願いいたします。 また、この文体から察するに彼はどういった心境なのでしょうか?好意を抱いてくれてるのはわかるのですが、ど のくらいの好意でしょう?只のいい友達なのか、はたまた好きだけど恋人にはしたくない、という感じでしょうか? ↓ I really had a good time with you. You are a beautiful girl with a good heart. I could sense your good heart. I'm glad that you had a good time. I will be honest right now. I like you, but i have only been single since april. I must continue to be a single man. Since my ex girlfriend and i broke up, i have decided to devote myself to my music, and my career. My life has changed a lot recently, in good ways and bad ways, but i must continue focusing on myself. I gave much of myself to my ex girlfriend in the past and it was not good for me. Now i must do better myself and focus on my life.  I will always see you as a friend and someone in my heart. I'm sorry that i cannot commit to a relationship with anyone right now, but I do want to keep in touch with you and know that you are doing well. Email and message me whenever you would like. I am busy a lot but i do check my messages and email when possible. I do wish to hear from you. I also will never forget about you, I'm sure. And yes i did tell you, you are my angel. I felt a strong connection with you. Next time i come to japan, i look forward to spending more time with you and bonding with you. My flight to America is 4am on wednesday. Is there a way we could meet before i leave? I really am not sure. Please don't think that i will forget about you. I am an honest man and did feel strongly for you the time we spent together. I do travel and meet new people, but our memories will stay with me forever. I promise. Please feel good about the time we spent together, although it may be some time until we meet again.

  • 和訳お願いします

    恐縮ですが翻訳機なしでお願いしますm(_ _)m Ah great! Waitress job looks hard and tiring, however I think it's a nice job. =) Because the cafe is fashionable, it would be even more nice to work there! hehe I'm happy that you got healed by my mails. Making you glad is the most important for me and I want to make my best for that. *(^_^)* I had my math test today. Wow it was difficult... x'( But your encouragement and kindness gave me some power. ^^ Thank you so much! (Why do you dislike math? Math are so good!... or not! haha) Love you! <3

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    I didn't run for a very long time because of the cold weather ... so it was very tough, but I'm so happy I ran 10km. Hahaha ... I'm glad your father likes the chocolates. And your mother? Maybe she likes the pancakes more? 1 week ago we had to say goodbye ... it was a very sad moment and made me realize that you mean so much for me. And in house everywhere I look I need to think back when you were here. But in 2 weeks we will be together again and this time for longer time. It will be so nice to see your beautiful smile again ... your beautiful eyes ... it will be so nice to be with you. Thank you for suggesting such a good location. I didn't realize it was so convenient for me. Are you sure it's not too far for you? 1 hour seems to be a long time. I feel a little bit guilty because you will be working and I will be on holiday. I wish I could help you ...

  • 和訳してください!

    昔の友人?恋人のような男性から2年ぶりに連絡が来ましたがあまりにも自分が英語を忘れすぎて彼のメッセージが正確に理解できません。。。なんとなくはわかるのですが正確に知りたいので分かる方、和訳お願いいたします。 自分の名前はAとしています。 I am glad that u are fine...i am good too ... i wanna say a couple of things to you! Back there, when we were at LA, i thing that didn't treated you the way that you deserve, and i wanna say really sorry aboute that A...you deserve to know that i have a lot of good memories about you and the good times that we had in LA I know that all this things happened a long time ago, but i want to say sorry to you anyway... U always were so nice to me, and back there i was to young and too immature to know that... So, this is your Brazilian friend saying sorry to you about something that happened almost 2 years ago, but still care about that...i know that we live really far way, but anyway, i wanna be ok with you Miss you A

  • 和訳お願いいたします

    Hmmm you like this hotel? I think you know how to appreciate nice things. ・You know that it's only 1 more week before I get on the plane ... I really can't wait to be with you again. ・And it's going to be really nice to see you in your own country and in Tokyo! . ・And of course I choose only the best things for you.

  • 和訳お願いします。

    和訳お願いします。 Thank you for all the nice emails you've been sending me. Not only do your emails make me happy, they also give me a very good feeling. But I'm afraid that you are too kind to me. Your company has a mountain trekking event? Wow that sounds nice. I hope that you have nice weather. Is that why you joined a gym? So you will be super fit for the event? I can imagine that you want to go to the gym ... in summer Japan is just too hot to stay in shape.

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    和訳お願いいたします! How are you this morning? I guess you're quite happy ... maybe you don't need to work today. Listen ... I've been thinking about your trip ... and I feel a little bit bad. When I was in Japan, you traveled all the way to Osaka, only be there a couple of hours and then go back. Now you're going to come all the way to Belgium and stay here a 2,5 days. I feel this is wrong I should be the one making all this effort. But since it might be interesting for you to come to Europe ... hmmm ... I guess it's ok for you to come. And I will be very happy to be your guide in Belgium :) But the least that I can do is to arrange your ticket. Please consider giving me your passport details and when you would like to return. I'll propose a few options and I'll book the one you want. Last time you payed for the shinkansen to come to Osaka please let me arrange your travel to Belgium. Now smile and be a good girl, don't be stubborn and say ... "hai" ... Now that I have this of my chest ... I can go bed and sleep with a clear conscience :)

  • 和訳お願いします。

    today I have heard about the tragic news about Japan. Hopefully you and your family/friends are doing fine? I am very sorry for my late reply, but I was attempt to have less contact with you, because I thought it would be better for both of us to keep going with our normal life. The farewell of the last time that I saw you was very hard, I did not want to let you cry and have heartbreak.  Do not see me wrong, because I had a great time with you. We both started to have a strong feelings for eachother, but we both also now that this could not work out. That was very hard for both of us and I want you to live a great life without missing our  time too much. Well, hopefully my thing did work out and you are doing fine, you will always have that special place in my heart. Maybe the future will bring us back together... If I have any chance to go to Japan again I will definitly contact you and be with you, only if your situation allows that, maybe in that time you will have a lovely family. Please give other men a chance if they want to be a part of your life. I will be very happy for you..

  • 和訳をお願いします

    いつもお世話にないます。この文の正しい訳をおしえてください。 ()部分は私が相手にふざけてビルに向かって指を指していた写真に「あれ買って~あの建物買える?」とセリフをつけて送ったことです。 2行目~は「まさしくあの写真のようで。私は言うつもりだったけどあなたがどれがほしいと言わなかった」と訳しましたが。1行目の文が少し意味がわかりません。それによって全部の意味の解釈が変わるようなきがしたので 全部の訳を教えてください。 People are mean and they play with your emotions and thats not good my friend did that to me and I got hurt emotionally it is wrong to do theses things but people will do it. As for me I care dearly for the one in my life and I will do anything to me you happy. Just like the picture that you sent ( I want that,Can you buy that building ) I will but you did not tell me which building you wanted there are a lots of building in the picture.

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    Any place were we can be together is a good place for me! I just wanted to make sure it's also convenient for you. See now I will be on holiday and I have enough time. I'll try to look for a hotel this afternoon. I was wondering do you still have your boarding passes? I think it's good if you would apply for a Air France frequent flyers card ... maybe you will fly to France a lot in the future ... I hope so :) When I'm in Tokyo I will arrange it for you ... it will be my pleasure to help you with this.