• 締切済み



  • Yooskay
  • ベストアンサー率14% (35/240)

エキサイトの翻訳を利用すると下記のようになりました。 しかしながら、一般に、環境団体は環境を保護するための、より安全な方法を使用します。 いくつかのグループが、新聞、政府、および汚染会社への抗議の手紙を書くように支持者に頼みます、そして、他のものは環境面で破壊的な会社のボイコットを組織化するかもしれません。 いくつかのグループがビジネスがそれを破壊するのを妨げるために他で脅かされた土地を買います。


  • どなたか今日中にこの文を訳して頂けませんか(´・ω・`)?

    どなたか今日中にこの文を訳して頂けませんか(´・ω・`)? お願いします! (2) Fighting environmental problems can be controversial and sometimes dangerous. When people lose money or jobs because of environmental protection,they become upset and sometimes violent. Environmentalists trying to protect rain forests in South America have been killed by people who want to develop mines or continue deforesting natural areas. To protest environmentally destructive actions,members of environmental organizations sometimes do things that can be dangerous for themselves. Greenpeace members have sailed boats into nuclear testing sites to stop nuclear explosions.

  • 高校英語和訳お願いします><

    高校英語和訳 (1)A fer groups buy threatened land in order to keep businesses from destroying it. (2) Most environmental organizations obey laws, but sometimes members of environmental groups are arrested for civil disobedience. German police arrested protesters who sat on railroad tracks to prevent trains from transporting nuclear materials. In America, some environmentalists have destroyed tractors and other machines used to destroy nature. For these environment is more important than following laws.

  • どなたか今日中にこの文を訳して頂けませんか(´・ω・`)?

    どなたか今日中にこの文を訳して頂けませんか(´・ω・`)? お願いします! (4) Most environmental orgnizations obey laws,but sometimes members of environmental groups are arrested for civil disobedience. German police arrested protesters who sat on railroad tracks to prevent trains from transporting nuclear materials. In America,some environmentalists have destroyed tractors and other machines used to destroy nature. For these environmentalists,protecting the environment is more important than following laws.

  • 英文の和訳を至急お願いします。

    次の英文の和訳を至急お願いします>< In japan,businesses like to foster team spirit,so workers are encouraged to go out together to eat and drink.Students or groups of friend like to do things with large numbers of their friends not only because they find it more fun.It may seem curious to Americans,but we feel that there is a lot of freedom in groups.We can blow off steam,drink a little too much,and someone is there to take care of us.Plus,within groups,women and man are freer of social restrictions that would hinder them if they were alone. Japan is a small country with a large population.Our whole social mechanism is set up to swiftly and efficiently handle large groups.It works for us. 明日テストがあるので。。。 良い回答お待ちしております。

  • 【和訳】gone were って何でしょうか?

    次の文のand以下、gone were...の意味がわかりません。 The May Day demonstrations were significantly smaller than in previous years, and gone were calls for a nationwide boycott of businesses and work, as protest leaders had urged last year. どなたか教えていただけたらありがたいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語表現について

    英語の表現について教えてください。 CNN ENGLISH EXPRESSいう雑誌の中に以下の表現があります。 Starbucks and Keurig are just two of the companies who had to raise their price. このtwo of the companies を単純にtwo companies とするとどのどの様なニュアンスの違いがあるのでしょうか?単純に好みの問題でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Schumacher saw German unity as a precondition for the unification of Europe, and in the long run be was correct: the unification of Germany in 1990 became the basis for the ‘enlargement’ of the European Union towards the East that took place later in 2004-7. As long as Germany remained split, Europe was divided. The Minister of the Interior, Gustav Heinemann, resigned on account of the policy of German rearmament that actually meant the militarization of the Federal Republic. Heinemann considered peace in Europe to be threatened by this and saw a deepening in the division of Germany.

  • 英語訳

    おはようございます。 何度もすみません。 この解釈もわからないんです。 According to a 1997 study by the Conference Board and the Points of Light Foundation, 74% of businesses focus their volunteer programs on education as compared with 47% on health, 41%on the environment, and 41% on the homeless. 74% of businesses が主語 focus は動詞ですか?? どうすると後の文の解釈がわからないんです。 comparedが動詞ですか?? そうするとその前のas は何なんでしょうか。 訳ができません。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 以下の文章の意味が分かりません。

    以下の文章の意味が分かりません。 だれか教えてください。 A coalition of big businesses and advocates for the poor recently persuaded the city to add to the plan more emphasis on affordability.

  • 和訳

    It dares us to let go of a nostalgic desire for an environmentally pure past that probably never was and to take up a real and present challenge. の和訳お願いします